viernes, 31 de mayo de 2019

17 Father’s Day Gifts I’m Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

My dad and I are buds. We’ve been close my whole life, but especially since high school, when he started doing the raising-two-kids thing on his own. We talk every week and go on a couple trips together each year. You might think, if I know my dad this well, I’d slay the Father’s Day gift-giving thing every year—but I don’t. I never do. I’m historically a pretty atrocious gift-giver, and that’s usually because I get so bogged down with other stuff that every holiday just sneaks up on me.

But I have vowed to become better at this. I’m an adult for Pete’s sake. I know my dad too well to get him something last-minute and mediocre. So I carved out a couple hours to scour Amazon and just figure this out. While I’m still not entirely positive what I’m getting my dad for Father’s Day, it’s definitely going to be something (or a few things!) from this list.

Hopefully seeing the mental half of my gift-giving process laid out like this will guide you on your gift-giving journey, too.

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

1. Fancy tea (and a box to hold it)

My dad and I are both tea people. OK, I’m a coffee and tea person (my need for caffeine doesn’t discriminate), but he’s been a tea guy for as long as I’ve known him (25 years!!).

Right now, he has four massive containers of a few kinds of tea. But I know he’s down to try other stuff. To encourage him to keep his palette experimental, I’d buy him this starter pack of teas he doesn’t usually drink ($26.59, Amazon)—and I’d get him a box to put them in ($11.88, Amazon); the man loves organization, and the huge containers he currently has are simply too large to accommodate such small portions.

What’s nice? If he finds a new favorite, he can stock up on it in bulk—just as he has with his other go-tos.

(I’d also probably snag these adorable tongs ($5.34, Amazon) that squeeze your tea bags so you don’t have to. Who knew that was even an option??)

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

2. Or—if I want to go full trendy—blooming tea (and a pot to hold it)

I’ve had my eye on the ever-Instagrammable blooming tea trend for a couple years now, and I still haven’t tried it. (For those who’ve never heard the words “blooming tea”: Blooming tea is a variety of tea that literally sprouts blooms when you put it in hot water. No idea if it tastes as good as it looks, but it looks like it’s worth a try—and a photograph.)

Since tea is a shared interest between us, I’d buy this pack of blooming teas ($10.44, Amazon) for my dad and I to experiment with together. Because an Instagram trend is best enjoyed in all its photogenic glory, I’d also grab this teapot ($14.99, Amazon) that’s specifically crafted to show off the blooming part of the blooming tea.

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

3. An Air Fryer

The last time I was home, one of my dad’s best friends went on and on (and on) about his new Air Fryer ($21.34, Amazon). He loves it. It’s great. He uses it all the time. By the end of that conversation, my dad decided he needed one of his own. I’m 95 percent sure he hasn’t yet bought one, so—Father’s Day, let’s go.

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

4. A really fun tie

My dad is pretty sartorially savvy, so I’m mostly avoiding clothing-based gifts. That said, this sleek tie ($69.49, Amazon) is crafted from high-quality silk, and its appearance is inspired by what HSV-2 looks like under a microscope. I know, I know—isn’t it weird for me to get my dad a tie inspired by herpes? Maybe. Except that I’m pretty confident he’s going to love wearing this statement-maker everywhere he goes. And that he’s going to love making jokes about it being herpes-inspired, too. (As if that weren’t enough, he’s also really into science. So he’s bound to enjoy the backstory this accessory has to offer.)

This tie is basically fashion’s equivalent of the dad joke, and I’m here for it.

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

5. Whiskey ice that doesn’t melt

My dad is a whiskey man. He’s so much of a whiskey man that he’s planning to open up his own distillery later this year. These whiskey ice cubes ($22.99, Amazon) have been on my list of things to buy him for a couple years now—I just keep getting distracted by other gift options. Maybe 2019 will be the year in which these cubes go from wishlist to cart.

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

6. A miniature whiskey barrel

You know how I just said my dad loves whiskey so much he wants to open up his own distillery? I scoured the internet to find him a whiskey barrel-shaped paperweight, or bauble, or something that he could keep in his home to stay focused on his entrepreneurial ambitions. Instead, I stumbled upon this veritable treasure ($33.98, Amazon). My boyfriend is trying to convince me to take it off my list because it’s “a bit too cheesy in his opinion.” But I think it’s cute. And sweet. And kitschy—but in a fun way.

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

7. A whiskey book (or two)

While we’re on the topic of my dad’s entrepreneurial ambitions, it’s worth mentioning that a whiskey book would basically be a no-fail gift. He loves to read, he loves to drink whiskey and he’s already binge-listened to at least one podcast series entirely dedicated to distilling the spirit. A few coffee table books would be great to have around. I’m specifically eyeing A Field Guide to Whisky ($17.95, Amazon)The World Atlas of Whisky ($29.32, Amazon) and A Short History of Drunkenness ($12.23, Amazon). (That last one isn’t whiskey-specific, but it’s still fun.)

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

8. An entrepreneurship book (or two)

I’d be remiss to not include a couple entrepreneurship books in my gift haul, too. Entrepreneurship is something my dad and I have both become pretty passionate about, so one of my favorite things to do is buy him books we can read and discuss together. Right now, I’m thinking The 4-Hour Workweek ($16.32, Amazon) (I’ve been trying to get my dad to pick up Tim Ferriss’ podcast for what now seems like forever) and The Effective Executive ($12.23, Amazon).

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

9. A mandle (“man candle”)

I’m really pleased to announce that within the last two years, I’ve managed to get my dad into candles. This sleek black treasure ($38, Apotheke) has been sitting atop my wishlist for a while, and I bet my dad would enjoy it, too.

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

10. An essential oil diffuser

Another great way to elevate my dad’s scent situation would be to hook him up with an essential oil diffuser ($24.99, Amazon). My dad is definitely the kind of person who could get really into essential oils, and I’m sure he’ll be into the idea of having less fire around. (He has two cats, and them + open flames is definitely a bad combo.)

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

11. Sleek coasters

So. I tried to buy my dad sleek coasters for Christmas. He recently finished renovating a new condo, and since so much of his social life revolves around drinking—you guessed it—whiskey, coasters that fit his new decor aesthetic were a must. My boyfriend and I thought black leather coasters would be a cool idea. And my dad did, too—until he started using them. He quickly realized the condensation from a cold drink caused the glass to stick to the coaster every time he went to take a sip. Oops.

Naturally, these **absorbent** felt coasters ($14.95, Amazon) seem like a better option. Just as cute. Far more practical.

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

12. Some bartending necessities

As my dad moves further into the whiskey distilling phase of his life, he’s begun embracing other spirits, too. (Whiskey takes a long time to age, so it makes sense to have a couple other liquors—namely, gin—in your repertoire to rely on in the meantime.) We’ve talked about playing around with cocktail combinations—even crafting our own simple syrups.

So I’m eyeing a few bartending necessities that could really elevate his hosting set-up. First, a bartending mat ($13.97, Amazon). My dad keeps a clean house, and mixing drinks can get sticky. Not only will a bartending mat keep all the mess where it should be, but it’ll also look pretty badass every time you pull it out. I mean, you have to take your at-home bartending pretty seriously to casually whip out a bartending mat.

Next, simple syrup nozzles ($8.99, Amazon). When I first looked into this gift option, I searched for “simply syrup bottles,” and I didn’t find anything I loved. These nozzles are cool, because you can stick them in bottles you already have around. (The less clutter, the better.)

Finally, some mixology dice ($24, Amazon). My family is more of the “throw in a dash of this and see what happens” type than the “follow the recipe to a tee” type. Given this, mixology dice—which loosely suggest an outline for a cocktail—are way more our speed than, say, a cocktail book that lays out very specific recipes. Plus, mixology dice offer a more social way to build cocktails; everyone can get in on the process, which is fun—even if it goes awry.

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

13. Whatever this table/cooler combo is

Look, I have no clue what to call this ($59.99, Amazon). But when I saw it—and noticed the very affordable price—I knew my dad needed it. As I’m sure you’ve surmised, he’s hoping to host a lot of parties at his new condo, and the backyard is ready for this thing.

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

14. A really badass kitchen knife

My boyfriend swears by fancy kitchen knives, and his zeal is definitely starting to rub off on me. When my dad moved, he upgraded a lot of his kitchen necessities (pots, pans, etc.), but I’m fairly certain he didn’t touch his knives. Perfect opportunity to introduce this blade ($65, Misen) (which my boyfriend specifically recommended) into the mix.

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

15. An Amazon Echo

My dad is super obsessed with Amazon. He buys everything there. I have no idea why he doesn’t already own one of these ($49.99, Amazon).

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

16. An ice tray that makes super clear ice

Hear me out on this one. Apparently, when you go to a cocktail bar, the ice they serve you is super clear. Like, stunningly clear. This isn’t a thing I’ve ever noticed. But it’s a thing my boyfriend has noticed, and a thing my dad has noticed. And they spent at least an hour theorizing about the chemistry behind getting such clear ice the last time they were together. Do you boil it first? Do you freeze one small container inside another container? I have no idea. But apparently this tray makes clear ice ($20, Rabbit Wine), and I’m sure they’d both find it delightful.

STYLECASTER | 17 Father's Day Gifts I'm Actually Considering Buying My Dad This Year

17. A bottle of Pappy Van Winkle

I’m not even going to pretend I have the money to buy one of these ($1,899.99, Woods Wholesale Wine). But if I wanted to be daughter of the year, spending a small fortune on this precise bottle of whiskey is exactly what I’d do.


Our mission at STYLECASTER is to bring style to the people, and we only feature products we think you’ll love as much as we do. Please note that if you purchase something by clicking on a link within this story, we may receive a small commission of the sale. 

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Everything I Learned From Renovating a House With My S.O.

There comes a moment in most relationships when it’s time to take the next step—it’s time to move in together. Maybe you’ve been paying separate rents for too long, and you can no longer tolerate the waste of money. Maybe you’ve been functionally living together already, and it’s time to get rid of that extraneous other apartment. Or maybe you’ve been dating for so long that you’re honestly kind of shocked you haven’t moved in together already.

For me, this moment came at the beginning of 2018. Andrew, my boyfriend of two years, and I decided to move in together. And after eight months of that, we decided to take the next next step—one inarguably more challenging than living together. We decided it was time for us to buy and renovate a house together. (When you know, you know—right?)

This wasn’t a last-minute decision—quite the contrary. We’d been talking about purchasing a home for a while. Still, the opportunity fell into our laps a lot sooner than we anticipated. We had the chance to snag a 1958 fixer-upper in our neighborhood of choice. And we took it.

Though the house was built 60 years ago, it was in pretty good shape. The original owner was the only owner, which meant it hadn’t encountered too much wear and tear. That said, it had basically become an old woman’s paradise. We’re talking walls covered in layer after layer of floral wallpaper (that had clearly been caked on over the years)—and doors that had clearly been treated like scratching posts by the previous owner’s cats.

The house needed an aesthetic tune-up and a structural update. But we were up to the challenge.

The only issue? My boyfriend and I rarely fight. In fact, over the course of our nearly three-year relationship, we’ve really only bickered here and there. Moving in together had gone smoothly, but I worried tackling a challenge like this would upend our harmonious dynamic. Thankfully, it didn’t really—and I attribute our success to a few tips and tricks I picked up along the way.

1. Make it clear what responsibilities belong to whom.

I’m a total Type A gal, so I tried to keep the entire renovation process as organized as possible—hoping this would keep the miscommunication to a minimum. I started by creating a note on my cell phone that basically functioned like a to-do list. I shared the note with Andrew and made it collaborative so we could both edit and update it at any time.

I wasn’t the only one writing out the to-do list, either. In fact, Andrew and I carved out a night to sit down together and run through everything that needed to get done. Because we were doing all the work ourselves, we clearly designated the responsibilities in the note so that he and I would both know exactly what was expected of each of us.

2. Invest in things that can help keep the peace in the long run.

After we divided up the major responsibilities, we took note of the smaller things we’d need to do to. This meant touching up paint, dusting and—unfortunately—vacuum. Neither of us were particularly into the idea of vacuuming, so we did ourselves a favor and bought a Roomba we could unleash in our new home once we were finished with the overhauls.

This was, of course, an investment—especially because we were already spending so much money on the major renovations. But it was totally worth it. After getting our beloved Roomba, we never fought about things being dusty, cluttered, dirty, anything.

3. Know you’re going to have to compromise.

No matter how many times your partner assures you that they don’t care how you decorate the house, they do. They’ll be living there, too. So as much as I wanted to paint our walls pastel colors and hang framed inspirational quotes all over the place, I kept reminding myself this wasn’t just my home—it was our home.

Not only did I keep my Pinterest instincts in check, but I also asked Andrew what he thought abut something before I bought it. (And he was honest with me about whether something was too pink or too girly when necessary.) Of course, compromise is key. So sometimes we bought art I really loved that he wasn’t super into, and other times, we bought art he really loved that I wasn’t super into. The result is a place that feels like ours. Not too much Kristen. Not too much Andrew. Both of us.

Kellie Sirna, principal and co-founder at Studio 11 Design Firm, also offered some valuable advice on compromising when it comes to aesthetic. “When moving in with a partner, it is important to understand which design preferences to give on, and which accents or elements are essential to creating your ideal space,” she notes. “When approaching co-designing with another, both people should identify their design wants and needs [on the front end].” Then, she recommends clearly prioritizing stuff on that list. So if something is really important to you, make that clear. If you’d be down to compromise on something, make that clear. “[This] will lay a good foundation for an enjoyable and stress-free experience,” she says.

4. Have a third eye when you need one.

Even when you’re doing great at the whole compromising thing, sometimes, things will come up that you just cannot agree on. For us, it was the grout we should use for our kitchen backsplash. I know, I know—who cares about grout? It’s just a few small lines in between some tiles. But I was absolutely convinced it would make a big difference in the overall look and feel of the kitchen.

I wanted to keep things ultra-simple with white grout, while Andrew thought white would look too plain—he preferred gray, instead. Naturally, we went back and forth presenting our cases as seriously as we might if we were trying someone for murder. I did research. I showed examples of how absolutely wonderful white grout could look. And Andrew did the same.

After spending way too much time discussing the merits of various shades of grout, we decided to get a third opinion. Andrew’s brother, who helped us a ton with the remodel, served as our dealbreaker, and we decided to go with gray. (He brought up some great points!) Whether it’s from a friend, family member or even a professional, sometimes an unbiased opinion (or even a new point of view) can get you from Point A to Point B a lot faster than you can get there yourselves.

Minor quarrels aside, I’m here to let you know that renovating a home with your significant other can be and incredible and deeply fulfilling experience.

Just remember, nothing good comes easy. You’re going to have to work at it—just like you have to work at your actual relationship—but keep in mind, you just bought a house! That’s a huge accomplishment, and renovating it is a huge one, too.

When things get tough, take a breather and reflect on the amazing things you have done and will continue to do with your partner by your side. No matter how important an argument about grout may seem, the life you’re building together is even more important. Keep your eye on the prize: a stunning house you and your partner will undoubtedly fill with memories.

from StyleCaster

I Found a Way to Recreate My Favorite Discontinued Makeup and the Accuracy is Unreal

We all have that one makeup staple that we won’t part ways with, no matter how old or how out of date it actually is. That can’t-part-ways-with-kind-of product for this beauty writer happens to be a rose pink lipstick and shimmery golden gloss that has probably seen better days. But, no matter how old (and probably germ-ridden!) these products probably are, I can’t seem to part ways with them. And thanks to Giella Cosmetics, I kind of don’t have to (more on this in a sec).

Of course, keeping these products too long definitely comes with the reality that they are practically on the verge of being tossed out, especially since the sponge applicator for my golden gloss can’t barely get any more product out of the tube. Sigh. However, I was so very desperate (and perhaps in denial) that I’d be able to use both of these products until they were completely finished, I practically put off any chance to actually throw them out. But sadly, the ‘empties’ concept doesn’t always apply to makeup products, as you’ll definitely want to change products that you use on your eyes, face, and mouth every so few months.

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

With that said, since summer is coming (and I hate melting makeup more than anything btw), I decided it was time to see if any makeup companies were using the power of the internet to solve a beauty woe like this. I mean, it’s not 2005 anymore, where you literally had to bring everything to a mall makeup counter hoping you’d get something close to your desired shade. Plus, ordering makeup in your pajama pants is so much easier, am I right?

So, taking my beauty probs to Google, I stumbled upon Giella Cosmetics, a cosmetics company that not only makes its own products, but allows beauty junkies (like yours truly!) to mail in their old products for a chance to find and receive the closest match possible. How does this work exactly? Giella Cosmetics founder Giella Pobłocki says that the company matches the color by a trained eye, not a computer. This guarantees an exact match to your product, she explains.

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

“We first look at the texture (is it matte, cream, satin, sheer or a stain?), then we look at the color, then the shimmer, and finally the aroma,” Poblocki told me. “By carefully adding each pigment, colorant, shimmer, emollient, we test the color on the skin, and then it’s molded in the tube,” she adds.

The whole process takes about a week if you do the process online, according to Poblicki, and prices for each product depend on what you want to be recreated. Lipgloss and lipstick go for about $20 to $28, but there are other foundations, concealer, and nail polish also work checking out. To recreate the signature gloss and lipstick I wore to the ground, I mailed my products over to Giella Cosmetics in hopes that I could finally toss my old products for good. Below is how the whole shindig went down, just in case you were curious about checking this out for yourself.

Mailing Out My Products

To start my customizable makeup journey, I simply headed over the post office, mailing my bagged gloss and lipstick in a small priority box to the company’s address. Doing so, was fairly easy, but you want to make sure there is enough product left for the folks at Giella to work with. That way you can get the perfect color match possible. It’s also important to include your name, phone number, address, and email information with your products, so that way you can actually get them back.

The final step is waiting, of course, which should only take about one week if you do the process online. The process is also available in-store, but you’ll have to be located in the New York City area in order to do it in-person.

The Gloss

As you can tell, my original Lauren + Vanessa gloss (left) comes in a shimmery warm gold tone which flatters my skin tone perfectly, making me a bit desperate to find the right color match now that this gloss is almost five years old. However, once my new gloss arrived, I was pretty impressed with how close the Giella color match was. The shimmer and tone were totally on par with my old gloss, and it was still pretty sheer and smooth when applied onto my lips.

giella cosmetics review lip gloss I Found a Way to Recreate My Favorite Discontinued Makeup and the Accuracy is Unreal

Courtesy of Author.

But, being that I usually wear a hint of gloss over some lipstick for some added shine, I was pretty curious to see how it would replicate my lip old lip look I wear whenever I actually put on some makeup. More on that below.

giella cosmetics lip gloss swatch I Found a Way to Recreate My Favorite Discontinued Makeup and the Accuracy is Unreal

Courtesy of Author.

The Lipstick

Like my gloss, I was pretty eager to get my hands on my new lipstick, as my old Glamour Dolls lipstick (left) featured the perfect pink mauve-like tone I couldn’t get enough of. This lipstick also had a matte finish to it, which definitely didn’t dry out my lips and paired perfectly with my shimmery gloss.

giella cosmetics review lipstick I Found a Way to Recreate My Favorite Discontinued Makeup and the Accuracy is Unreal

Courtesy of Author.

Once my new lipstick arrived, I was a bit skeptical at first, because the new shade looked a bit darker than the first. However, once I swatched it below, I was pretty impressed how similar they were, even down to the soft matte finish.

giella cosmetics review lipstick swatch I Found a Way to Recreate My Favorite Discontinued Makeup and the Accuracy is Unreal

Courtesy of Author.

Comparing The Looks 

My go-to makeup look usually consists of foundation, highlighter, nude shadow, lipstick, some gloss, and lots of lashes. With that said, I was sure to test out both old (left) and new (right) lip products to see if they had some sort of difference whatsoever.

giella cosmetics review before after I Found a Way to Recreate My Favorite Discontinued Makeup and the Accuracy is Unreal

Courtesy of Author.

To my surprise, I was pretty astonished how virtually impossible it was to spot any kind of difference, as my new set of products captured that shimmery gold and dusty pink tones I adore so much. Yes, there may be slight differences depending on lighting, but the match was so very uncanny it convinced me to finally part with my old products for good. And it was so liberating.

from StyleCaster

Cardi B Doesn’t Want ‘Press,’ But Here We Are

This new single is making waves, and so is Cardi’s bare-all look. While promoting her new single “Press,” Cardi B delivered serial killer vibes. The single cover art features a censored nude picture of herself in handcuffs, surrounded by old-school paparazzi. The perp-walk looks straight out of the movie-musical Chicago, except…you know…she’s not wearing any clothes. Black bars cover her private parts but, uh, let’s just say there’s very little left to the imagination. Cardi teased the new single in the days leading up to its Friday release. In one video, she played a snippet of her song with a similar image of herself walking out of the courthouse surrounded by police and photographers.

The rapper’s new single is directly aimed at the press. The song is a commentary on what it’s like living in the public eye. This isn’t the first time Cardi B has touched on this topic—it was a major theme in her first studio album, Invasion of Privacy.

While Cardi B’s black-and-white promotional shots have garnered the most attention, earlier in the week she also shared a shot of herself framing her face with handcuffs—a very clear nod to a famous shot of serial killer Aileen Wuornos (AKA America’s most infamous female serial killer). Wuornos was put to death after she murdered seven men in Florida back in the 1990s when she was engaging in sex work.

The rapper posted the OG shot of Wuornos on Twitter following her Instagram, just in case anyone missed the reference.

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

Take a listen to her new song here:



from StyleCaster

These Face Oils Are Surprisingly Safe For Oily and Acne-Prone Skin Types

The old-school assumption that face oils lead to clog pores and therefore breakouts, is starting to turn a new corner. While it’s true that those with acne-prone skin should in fact avoid comodogenic (i.e. pore clogging and breakout causing) oils like coconut, avocado, shea butter and petroleum, there are a plethora of facial oils for acne-prone skin types that are not only safe for those seeking blemish-prevention, but that can also actually help to re-balance oil levels in the skin and fade the appearance of acne scars to boot. If you suffer from both oily and acneic skin, it’s totally understandable that the idea of slathering your face in more grease would not only make you look like an oil slick, but also welcome a new crop of miniature planets to form across your t-zone (usually, the most oil-prone section of the face). However if you’ve always been one to dodge products without the oil-free stamp approval proudly on display, only to opt for ultra-drying formulas instead, you may want to go ahead and reconsider this outdated perspective.

You see, many types of breakouts are often the results of overly dehydrated skin that’s been virtually stripped of all oils. As a response, our skin then produces even more oil to compensate for the lack of moisture as a means of alleviating the (self-inflicted) dehydration. When you think about it from this perspective, it makes perfect sense that nourishing your skin with the right type of oil will help keep moisture levels balanced and prevent excess oil production. With that being said, we’ve rounded up a few acne-proof face oils that will keep your skin’s moisture levels in check without causing congested pores and blackheads.


These Face Oils Are Surprisingly Safe For Oily and Acne-Prone Skin Types | STYLECASTER


Maple Holistics Sunflower Facial Oil

Not only is sunflower oil considered safe for acne-prone skin, but it’s a great natural option for combating uneven skin tone –often a skin concern co-morbid with those who suffer with breakouts. Unlike many ultra-harsh and dehydrating acne treatments, sunflower oil offers defense against collagen degradation as well, making it an optimum choice for those with adult acne who are also looking for an option with anti-aging benefits as well.

Buy: Maple Holistics Sunflower Facial Oil $9.95


These Face Oils Are Surprisingly Safe For Oily and Acne-Prone Skin Types | STYLECASTER


Eve Hansen Blue Tansey Balancing Facial Oil

This balancing face oils is infused with a long list of skin-enhancing oils to reduce irritation and inflammation — both of which are often either the cause or results of acne. The oil doesn’t feel greasy on the skin, and absorbs quickly making it a great option for oily skin and humid climates. It contains blue tansy, azulane and rosehip (just to name a few), which are known for their healing and calming effects on the skin. It’s also a great option to use in conjunction with super-drying harsher acne and anti-aging treatments like retinoids, in order to avoid skin peeling, redness, and flaking.

Buy: Eve Handsen Blue Tansy Face Oil $30.90
These Face Oils Are Surprisingly Safe For Oily and Acne-Prone Skin Types | STYLECASTER


Aria Starr Rose Hip Seed Oil

In addition to blemishes and acne scars, his ultra-pure rosehip oil is an excellent choice for a wide range of skin concerns, including fine lines, dullness, and texture. Rosehip oil is rich in both vitamin A and linoleic acid, which are both helps to balance oil production without leaving the skin devoid of all hydration. It’s also a powerful treatment for fading the appearance of flat, acne marks left behind from previous breakouts.

Buy: Aria Starr Rose Hip Seed Oil $12.95

Our mission at STYLECASTER is to bring style to the people, and we only feature products we think you’ll love as much as we do. Please note that if you purchase something by clicking on a link within this story, we may receive a small commission of the sale. 

from StyleCaster

It Looks Like Taylor Swift & Katy Perry’s Feud Is Totally Over

Remember when Taylor Swift released “Bad Blood,” and it was all about the fight between her and Katy Perry? We do. But now we have an update on the Taylor Swift and Katy Perry feud, and it seems all is well between the two singers. Thank goodness! Last year, the two pop-stars announced the end of their seemingly life-long feud. Perry took the high road and extended an olive branch—literally. Like, the “Roar” singer legitimately mailed T-Swift an olive wreath with a note that said she was, “deeply sorry.” The “Gorgeous” singer shared the message from Perry on her Instagram story ahead of her Reputation tour. Since then, things between the two singers has remained calm and uneventful. We haven’t really had any updates or heard of any communication between the two since the whole olive branch thing.

But eagle-eyed fans have noticed a change in the women’s social media behavior that seems to suggest things are still peachy-keen between the two of them. And maybe…maybe they’re actually friends now. Perry made the first move and liked one of Swift’s Instagram photos of her snuggled up with her new kitten, Benjamin Button. Normally, a random like would go unnoticed but T-Swift fans are always on the lookout, so they recognized the social media behavior immediately. It’s a small thing—just a double tap—but given their history, even liking a photo means a lot.

Swift replied in kind with a similarly subtle move, but still public enough for fans to notice. As you well may know by now, Swifties track every single move of Taylor Swift’s, from the secret easter eggs that she drops in music videos to her Spotify activity. And let it be known that after midnight last night (this morning?), Swift added Perry’s new single “Never Really Over,” to her Apple Music playlist. Boom.

taylor swift katy perry feud apple music It Looks Like Taylor Swift & Katy Perrys Feud Is Totally Over


Some are hopeful this might be one of Swift’s Easter eggs suggesting a forthcoming collaboration between her and Perry. That seems like a bit of a stretch, but hey—you never know! Perry said she was “open” to a collaboration with T-Swift, while chatting at the iHeartRadio Music Awards. We shall see!

from StyleCaster

Kim Kardashian Spent the Day At San Quentin’s Death Row For A Very Important Reason

She’s doing essential work. Kim Kardashian visited San Quentin’s death row docket for an extremely important reason. If you didn’t know, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians starlet is currently studying to become a lawyer. She hopes to take the California Bar Exam in the next several years. However, she hasn’t just been in hitting the books. The KKW Beauty mogul has also been working to free unfairly incarcerated people from prisons. Thus far, Kardashian has helped advocate for the release of over a dozen people.

However, her latest campaign might be her toughest yet. The mom-of-four visited, the notorious San Quentin’s death row to speak with an incarcerated person named Kevin Cooper. Cooper has been on death row since the 1980s when he was convicted of murdering four people in Chino Hills, Californa. However, for over 30 years, Cooper has adamantly maintained his innocence while weathering California’s ever-changing death row policies. Cooper has been on Kardashian’s radar since at least Oct. 2018 when she pressed then-governer Jerry Brown to look into Cooper’s case. Many people, including Kim, believe that Cooper was framed for the crime. As a result of the reality star’s public plea, Brown ordered DNA testing and current governer Gavin Newsom also ordered further testing early this year.

Newsome also suspended all executions during his tenure as governor. He said,

The death penalty has been an abject failure. It discriminates based on the color of your skin or how much money you make. It’s ineffective, irreversible, and immoral. It goes against the very values that we stand for — which is why CA is putting a stop to this failed system.

Though the DNA test results have not been publicly released, Kardashian took it upon herself to visit Cooper to get to know him personally and hear more about his story. According to TMZ, she is “more convinced than ever he was framed.”

No matter how you may personally feel about Kim Kardashian West, the work that she is doing is very difficult and extremely important.

from StyleCaster

Fans Are Totally Freaking Out About Miley Cyrus’ New Mini Album: ‘She Is Coming’

Hold onto your hats, ladies, and gentlemen, Miley Cyrus’ new mini-album She is Coming is here, and her music is absolute fire. Are you surprised? We’re not. Back in 2017, Cyrus released Younger Now, which featured a more rock-infused sound that was new for the songstress. Naturally, fans were obsessed. She is Coming features yet another new sound, while still remaining classic Miley. She rocks a cropped white t-shirt on the album cover, with the words “NEVER MIND THE BOLLOCKS” across her chest. (Presumably inspired by the so-called song from the English Punk Rock band, Sex Pistols back in 1977.) And that’s truly a sentiment everyone should live by. She isn’t coming…she’s arrived, people!

This album is reportedly the first of three, six-song EPs the 26-year-old singer plans to release before the end of 2019. The three-part-collection is titled SHE IS: MILEY CYRUS. The next two in the series are titled, SHE IS HERE, (expected by the end of summer) and SHE IS EVERYTHING, (by the end of the year). Cyrus took to Instagram to promote her new work with a series of black-and-white videos. She can be seen lying on a bed in a black ballgown and dancing around in her Gucci lingerie while her songs play. It’s a MOOD.

This EP, or extended play, record is a shorter album—featuring just six songs. It includes collaborations with drag star Ru Paul and rappers Swae Lee and Ghostface Killah.

In the Editor’s Notes of the album, Cyrus’ tone and intention with the songs is discussed. “Miley is back in the club—wiser, but still with a thirst to party,” they began. And this is definitely evident in her music, particularly with the first three tracks: “Mother’s Daughter,” “Unholy,” “D.R.E.A.M (Drugs Rule Everything Around Me).” The Editor’s Notes continue explaining, “Her tone across the six tracks strikes a balance between cause and effect. Miley processes feelings of confusion when partying isn’t fun anymore on “unholy,” while producer Andrew Wyatt…gives the track a nocturnal R&B vibe.”

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

The fourth track on the EP, “Cattitude,” has received a lot of attention for her lyrics about Cardi B and Nicki Minaj: “I love you Nicki, but I listen to Cardi.” Some thought she was adding fuel to the reported fire (AKA feud) between the two rappers. But Cyrus said the opposite.

“I don’t think there is beef now anymore,” Cyrus explained, discussing the rappers. “I think that you’re allowed to enjoy two artists who fill a similar lane.”

While “D.R.E.A.M.” and “Cattitude” have been the hottest topics of discussion, our personal fav is “The Most.” It returns to a sound that is more reminiscent of Cyrus’ core vibe. It feels slightly more country-infused, and really highlights the singer’s pure, raspy vocals. In the Editor’s Notes, they said this song is the “Wrecking Ball” of the album, “a beautiful track that highlights her Nashville roots.” We love it.

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

Fans are living for this album, check out some Twitter reactions below:

Also, probably doesn’t mean anything but check out this tweet from the account that tracks Taylor Swift’s Spotify activity:

Wonder what that means…

Listen to the album yourself here.

from StyleCaster