jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2021

Aquarius, Your October Horoscope Is All About Seeking New Adventures

This month, you’re spreading your wings, Aquarius! Your Aquarius October 2021 horoscope predicts that you’ll be going on tons of wild adventures. In fact, on October 6, a new moon will rise in your ninth house of spontaneity and freedom, inspiring you to break free from the monotony and shake things up. You’re feeling more open-minded this month, so create memories and try seeing things from a new perspective!

By the time Venus enters your social 11th house on October 7, you’ll discover your ability to be the life of the party as your popularity skyrockets. You may find yourself becoming even closer to your friends, which could turn a platonic relationship into a romantic one! However, take care not to impose your beliefs on anyone you meet, because by October 9, you may feel too passionate about convincing someone of something. As Mercury and Mars joins forces, you may be more pushy than usual, so remember to practice patience and nuance!

Either way, you’re setting sail for something beautiful by October 15, when the sun forms a trine with Jupiter. Creating new experiences and taking advantage of unexpected opportunities will lead to so much personal growth! And once Mercury retrograde comes to an end on October 18, you may begin to embrace a deeper sense of direction. Instead of feeling lost, you’ll begin to know exactly where you’re going.

A trailblazing conversation may take place on October 20. The full moon will send electricity to your third house of communication, encouraging you to speak your mind and listen in return. You might even learn something incredible; something that totally connects the dots!

Once Scorpio season begins on October 23, you will begin to take the experiences you’ve accumulated and turn them into something serious. The sun will shift into your ambitious 10th house, helping you tap into your potential and set your sights on the career you’ve always wanted.

However, in order to manifest your goals, you need to be willing to take constructive criticism. And come October 30, the sun will square off with Saturn, giving you a few hard-to-swallow pills. You can get through it, Aqua!

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from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/3F94a1e

Capricorn, Your October Horoscope Predicts Some Major Career Moves

This month, you’re embracing what a badass you can be, Capricorn! After all, you’re making some serious career moves, as predicted in your Capricorn October 2021 horoscope. When the new moon takes place on October 6, it will activate your 10th house of reputation and social status, encouraging you to climb the ladder in whatever field you desire.

While you may be making waves in the public sector, you’ll likely be embracing more privacy in your love life by October 7. This is when Venus will shimmer in your 12th house of spirituality, tapping into your desire for a connection that’s felt deep in the heart. You may even be craving more alone time than usual, because self-love is equally important! Although this period may feel quiet, you may feel a surprising surge of intensity by October 9. As Mercury and Mars form a conjunction, you may find it hard to suppress your competitive urges. Remember to pick your battles wisely!

Trust that your achievements will shine all on their own when the sun will form a trine with Jupiter on October 5. This trine will help you attract opportunities that challenge you and simulate you (and make you a whole lot of money in the process). And by the time Mercury retrograde comes to an end on October 18, you may feel more confident in your ability to choose the right opportunities and make a solid commitment to the ideal career path.

The energy will begin to shift by October 20. This is when the full moon will light a candle in your fourth house of home and family, revealing what truly lies behind closed doors. The cosmos are reminding you to nurture your personal life, because after a long day’s work, you deserve a beautiful place to rest and beautiful people to celebrate with.

Scorpio season begins on October 23, making you crave more social interaction. You may feel inspired to join a new community, network or simply set aside more time with your group of friends! However, as the sun squares off with Saturn on October 30, you may be reminded that not everyone has your best interests at heart. If people are bringing in chaos instead of peace of mind, it may be a sign to set firmer boundaries.

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from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/3AYbrib

Scorpio, Your October Horoscope Says To Let Go Of Drama

Your Scorpio October 2021 horoscope is here and it begins on a highly spiritual note. You may feel incredibly introverted as this month begins—on October 6, a new moon will sparkle in your 12th house of the subconscious, bringing hidden feelings to the surface and helping you let go of your ego. Embrace a sense of oneness with the universe, because you deserve kindness and healing after everything you’ve been through!

You may begin craving more stability in your love life by October 7. As Venus glimmers in your grounded second house, the cosmos will encourage you to let go of drama and embrace a reliable relationship that leaves you feeling steady. However, by October 9, hidden tensions may rise to the surface. As Mercury and Mars form a conjunction, long-held secrets could be blurted out in a heated moment. Be prepared for startling revelations!

These revelations will begin to make more sense by October 15. This is when the sun will form a trine with Jupiter, helping you connect with your intuition and confidently embrace your spiritual needs. Let your inner world lead the way! And by the time Mercury stations direct on October 18, you may start feeling less lost in your own little world and more present in the here and now.

By October 20, you may feel pulled away from your dreamland and forced to face your reality in the physical realm. As the full moon sends insight to your sixth house of work and health, you may become more aware of how you can take better care of yourself and improve your productivity and persistence.

All of this is preparing you for a Scorpio season that you can take full advantage of! Your solar return begins on October 23, helping you realize all the ways you’ve grown over the past year and come to terms with the ways you’ll continue to grow over the next year. You’re a constant work in progress and your’e exactly where you’re meant to be!

Even though things may feel a little uncomfortable by October 30—when the sun squares off with Saturn—it’s only revealing all of the patterns you’re ready to break. That’s growth, baby!

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from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/3A3JMLu

Libra, Your October Horoscope Has The Tea On Libra Szn

It’s the most wonderful time of the year (if you’re a Libra)! And your Libra October 2021 horoscope begins on quite a beautiful note. With a new moon in Libra sending beautiful vibrations throughout your life as of October 6, you’re beginning the month with a strong desire to improve yourself and let go of all the baggage that’s been holding you back. Forget what everyone else things. Do what feels right for YOU!

When Venus enters your chatty third house on October 7, you may find yourself craving a deep and stimulating mental connection with a lover. This is the time to have long conversations where you ask each other fascinating questions and get to truly learn about one another! Plus, you’ll be even more clever and eloquent than you usually are.

However, by October 9, your typically graceful and agreeable demeanor may be harder to maintain. As Mercury and Mars form a conjunction in Libra, you may feel quick to anger and more aggressive than usual, so remember to take a deep breath!

By October 15, you’ll embrace some immensely creative and romantic vibrations. As the sun forms a trine with Jupiter, you may feel a desire to express yourself through art—and if you’re feeling flirty, you may feel like making the first move with your crush! Things will begin to feel even better by October 18 when Mercury retrograde comes to an end, reducing any confusion that made it difficult to create and execute plans.

Your relationships may reach a turning point by October 20. This is when the full moon will activate your seventh house of partnerships, bringing you revelations about where you stand with those who matter to you. Prepare to learn more about your partners, as well as what type of partner you are in return.

When Scorpio season begins on October 23, it will be time to start building on some of the revelations that you made during Libra season. As the sun actives your second house of finances and stability, you’ll be encouraged to start letting go of the chaos and getting grounded. Start working on creating a strong foundation for yourself!

However, by October 30, you may be forced to reckon with some of your more frivolous instincts. As the sun squares off with Saturn, you will be encouraged to grow up and embrace maturity.

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from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/3m8tVWS

Virgo, Your October Horoscope Foresees Fresh Career Opportunities

You’re embracing a steady and stabilizing energy this month. After all, your Virgo October 2021 horoscope begins with an opportunity to get grounded and centered! On October 6, a new moon will plant a seed in your second house of luxury and self-esteem. Use this energy to set financial goals and decipher the difference between what you want and what you need. It’s also a beautiful time to practice positive affirmations and embrace an even deeper self-love.

You may begin to crave a more quiet and heartfelt form of love by October 7. This is when Venus will send warmth to your cozy fourth house, inspiring you to lay down roots with your lover! You may feel like trading nights out on the town with nights in on the couch. However, you may be drawn to spruce up your home environment and overspend on decor by October 9, when Mercury and Mars form a conjunction. Get crafty instead of overzealous with the credit card!

However, by October 15, you may discover a brilliant new way to bring in more income. As the sun forms a trine with Jupiter, fresh career opportunities may arrive, helping you embrace innovation to your work! And as Mercury retrograde comes to an end on October 18, you may begin to feel more secure about your finances and your ability to budget wisely.

Unexpected windfalls may land in your lap by October 20! This is when the full moon will send magic to your eighth house of inheritances and endings, prompting you to settle debts and make your peace with what you’re ready to outgrow.

Once Scorpio season begins on October 20, you may start to feel more talkative, intelligent and in need of social interaction. As the sun shifts into your third house of communication, you’ll find your brain power springing into action, helping you make a good impression and speak your mind clearly!

However, you may run into relationship scuffles by October 26, when Venus squares off with Neptune. Your imagination may run wild, so tap into your ability to get to the point and focus on the facts. 

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from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/39Q1g3f

Leo, Your October Horoscope Predicts A Fiery Love Life

You’re tapping into your brain power this month, Leo! Your Leo October 2021 horoscope is all about revamping your social life and embracing your intellect. On October 6, a new moon will surge through your third house of communication, encouraging you to embrace your inner voice, redirect your thoughts and study new topics. Get ready for mind-blowing conversations that teach you something new!

This month will start a fire in your love life, because on October 7, Venus will sashay into your passionate fifth house and stir up your need for a heart-thumping romance. Embrace your desire for cheesy and cliché expressions of love! Make memories with your lover—and if you’re single, don’t forget to text your crush. However, be careful of what you say by October 9, because as Mercury and Mars join forces, you may be compelled to act impulsively. Tread carefully with complicated topics!

A beautiful opportunity to socialize, make new friends and even network will arrive on October 15. As the sun forms a trine with Jupiter, you may feel a desire to immerse yourself in human activity and be reminded of how good it feels to connect! Once Mercury retrograde comes to an end on October 18, you may find it easier to overcome any residual social anxiety and get your point across more effectively.

You may have a major realization about your belief systems by October 20. This is when the full moon will set off a firecracker in your ninth house of wisdom and adventure, inspiring you to let go of stubborn perspectives and see things in a new light!

Once Scorpio season begins on October 23, you may feel the instinct to retreat from the public eye and regenerate in your own personal space. As the sun enters your fourth house of home and family, you will be called to rest, take care of your heart and remember what truly matters!

However, by October 30, you may run into discomfort in your home environment as the sun squares off with Saturn. This is an opportunity to identify what is (and what definitely isn’t) working for you!

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from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/3kSiCmd

Cancer, Your October Horoscope Calls For Some Emotional Security

You may feel like embracing your need for emotional security this month. After all, your Cancer October 2021 horoscope begins with a beautiful opportunity to create the sacred space you’ve always wanted. As a new moon lights a candle in your fourth house of home and family, you may feel like returning to your roots and reconnecting with what reminds you of who you are and where you come from.

When Venus enters your sixth house of service on October 7, you may feel inspired to nurture your relationships by putting in extra effort. This transit will also show you that there are many ways to express love, like doing favors for one another, doing the laundry or even dropping your lover off at work. Your emotional needs will become more apparent by October 9, when Mercury and Mars join forces, but this could also lead you to make an emotionally-impulsive decision. Either way, you’ll come to terms with whether to not your needs are being met.

Luckily, you might find that it’s easier to forge dynamic and comforting connections with others by October 15. As the sun joins forces with Jupiter, you may embrace a sense of deep healing that makes your heart feel so much more taken care of. And once Mercury retrograde comes to an end on October 18, it will become a lot easier to navigate matters of the heart and discover a sense of belonging in the universe.

When the full moon on October 20 takes place, it will fire up your ambitious 10th house, revealing where you stand in your career. This full moon could inspire you to let go of pipe dreams and finally focus on what you truly want to achieve. Don’t think about it, Cancer—just do it!

You’re coming out of your crab shell by October 23, because once Scorpio season begins, it will activate your fifth house of fun and pleasure. Go on a hot date, dance in your underwear and sing in the shower, because your only job during Scorpio season is to have a good time! This season will feel particularly enticing to your love life.

However, on October 30, you may find yourself feeling unsure of whether your relationship is just a fling or something much deeper. The sun will square off with Saturn, revealing the limits of your heart.

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from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/3Ban6Kw

Gemini, Your October Horoscope Says To Trust Your Head Over Your Heart

You’ve got beautiful things coming to you, Gemini! Your Gemini October 2021 horoscope is here and this month, you may be starting a new creative hobby or pouring your heart into a new romance. On October 5, a new moon will rush through your fifth house of fun and self-expression. This new moon is about letting go of your fear of criticism as you embrace your artistic side. Creating art isn’t about being perfect, because being creative is the most human thing you can do.

Your love life will become even more pronounced as of October 7. Venus will send heart emojis to your seventh house of partnerships, encouraging you to define the terms in your relationships. And remember—love comes in many forms and platonic love is just as beautiful as romantic love. However, your feelings for someone may come to a head by October 9, when Mercury and Mars join forces. Passions may reach boiling points, so don’t let your feelings get in the way of your judgment.

So much positivity will land in your lap by October 15. As the sun forms a trine with Jupiter, you may feel inspired to simply have a good time and embark on adventures. Don’t deny yourself what makes you happy! And when Mercury stations direct after a long retrograde on October 17, you’ll feel like things are taking a turn for the better and your desire to live life to the fullest will take the wheel.

You may have a realization about your ability to work with others as a team by October 20. This is when the full moon will rise in your 11th house of community, revealing those who share your goals and support your dreams. Join hands to make the world a better place and set your sights on a worthy cause!

Once Scorpio season begins on October 23, the cosmos will encourage you to focus on becoming more productive and committing to your short-term goals. How can you manage your time better? How can you avoid distractions? By October 26, you may experience some confusion in a relationship. As Venus squares off with Neptune, you may be susceptible to falling for illusions instead of the real thing. Remember to focus on the facts, Gem!

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from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/2Wtefoh

Taurus, Your October Horoscope Asks You To Slow Down For Once

October is here and it’s time to get your sh*t together. After all, your Taurus October 2021 horoscope begins with a powerful opportunity to create a better daily routine! On October 6, a new moon will activate your sixth house of work and health, revealing the ways your habits may or may not be serving your best interests. Let this new moon help you think about how you can use your time more effectively, by putting more effort into your day-today goals and nurturing your well-being.

By October 7, the energy surrounding you will become more passionate and intense. This is when Venus will enter your eighth house of intimacy, driving you to choose relationships that are based on true depth rather than superficial dalliances. Your emotional needs may become more highlighted, and by October 9, you might even feel overwhelmed by the demands of your life. As Mercury and Mars join forces, you may realize you’ve been putting too much on your plate, prompting you to learn how to slow down.

Luckily, by October 15, you’ll feel like you’re beginning to get a handle on your work-life balance. As the sun joins forces with Jupiter, it will bring new career opportunities your way, breathing fire into your ambitions and encouraging you to think big! And once Mercury retrograde comes to an end on, it will become easier to get organized and commit to your to-do list.

By October 20, you may feel a stark energy shift. A full moon will rise in your spiritual 12th house, prompting a moment of solitude and reflection. This full moon will encourage you to dig deep within and feel all the emotions you’ve repressed. After all, that’s how healing begins.

On October 23, the spotlight falls on your relationships. This is when Scorpio season will begin and this shift will encourage you to reach out to others and establish new connections. Who knows? You may even feel like taking things to the next level with someone you care about! However, by October 30, added pressure may rock your relationships. As the sun squares off with Saturn, it may be time to get on the same page as your partner.

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from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/39TI7gK

Aries, Your October Horoscope Has Some Dating Ups & Downs

It’s an important month for you! Your Aries October 2021 horoscope is here and it begins with a new moon in your seventh house of partnerships on October 6. This new moon is encouraging you to take stock of where your relationships currently stand and how you can strengthen them. Communication and compromise are key, but so is finding the strength to let go of patterns that have been holding your relationships back.

Your relationships will get a whole lot more exciting as of October 7! This is when Venus enters your adventure-seeking ninth house, encouraging you to be more open to different types of love. You may even meet someone new when you explore new places and find it in your heart to try new things! However, by October 9, you may have a major realization about your relationships as Mercury and Mars form a conjunction. This could bring tensions to a head, so remember to solve conflict with patience.

The tides will begin to turn by October 15, when the sun forms a trine with Jupiter. This will invite positive and uplifting energy to your social life, helping you make new friends and meet new people! And once Mercury retrograde ends on October 18, it will level things out in your relationships and make it easier to establish harmony with those who matter most.

Things may take a turn for you once the Full Moon in Aries takes place on October 20. During this new moon, you may become aware of changes rippling throughout your life, inspiring you to embrace the person you’re slowly becoming. Get ready, Aries, because you may be embarking down new paths and leaving the past behind once and for all.

Scorpio season begins on October 23, activating your eighth house of transformation and furthering your desire to say goodbye to what you’ve outgrown in favor of something better. This desire to let go may reach a breaking point by October 30, when the sun squares off with Saturn, revealing the reality of what it takes to achieve your dreams. Don’t feel intimidated by what lies ahead. You’re about to discover hidden sources of strength!

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from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/3iGdG2z

The Best Products For Damage-Proofing & Protecting Your Skin

As September draws to a close, sunscreen may be the furthest thing from your mind. In fact, you might shove all of your best sunscreens to the back shelf until Spring Break. However, unlearning the fallacy that sunscreen is a summer product could be the best thing you ever do for your skin.

That’s because sun damage isn’t seasonally-exclusive, and sunscreen prevents skin cancer and up to 80 percent of the visible signs of aging. Full stop. Equating SPF with summer signals that for eight months of the year, you’re OK with accumulating skin damage (such as wrinkles, age spots, and laxity) and risking cancer. “Sun exposure happens every single day–even during cloudy days! Just because we are not in bathing suits doesn’t mean we throw away our SPF,” says reconstructive surgeon and dermatologist Dr. Sheila Farhang. “I apply SPF on my face every single morning, even when I don’t go outside, because UVA rays penetrate through windows.”

There’s no excuse for not protecting your skin 365 days a year (366 on leap years), especially when the latest spate of sunscreens do much more than just the bare minimum. Some function as glow-inducing primers and smell like mental vacations, others can impart a glamorous shimmer—and many disappear entirely. The STYLECASTER team, including guest judge Dr. Farhang, tested tons of formulas during the dog days of summer to bring you the definitive list of over-achievers. Each of the below screen stars, deemed winners of the STYLECASTER Beauty Awards: Suncare Edition, deserves your year-round application devotion.

Below, savvy sunscreens that will help you look your absolute best not just the entire year-long–but your entire lifetime long.

La Roche-Posay Anthelios Melt-In Sunscreen Milk Body & Face Sunscreen

Courtesy of: La Roche-Posay.

La Roche Posay Face and Body Anthelios Melt-In Milk Sunscreen

“I love this affordable drugstore sunscreen, especially the non-irritating formulation that comes brimming with thermal spring water and antioxidant Senna Alata.” – Dr. Sheila Farhang

Supergoop! Glowscreen Sunscreen SPF 40

Courtesy of: Supergoop!

Supergoop Glowscreen

“For a mineral face sunscreen, this is pretty great. The super-thin liquid smooths on easily and sinks in more than most mineral formulas, and doesn’t leave a white cast. It imparts a slightly dewy feel post-application that acts as a great base/primer for makeup.” – Cristina Velocci

 COOLA Organic Scalp Spray & Hair Sunscreen Mist

Courtesy of: COOLA.

Coola Scalp & Hair Mist Organic Sunscreen SPF 30

“As a skin cancer surgeon, I have performed several skin cancer surgeries on the scalp, especially the part. I usually recommend a hat but love seeing this mist! Bonus—UV protection also helps prevent hair color fade. Love that this also formulated with Gotu Kola and Monoi oil, which are great for hair health.” – Dr. Sheila Farhang

Bask SPF 30 Non-Aerosol Spray

Courtesy of: Bask.

Bask SPF 30 Non-Aerosol Spray

“The body sunscreen has an extremely nice cloud mist that makes applying it a breeze. Bonus points for the super-aesthetic packaging!” – Bella Gerard

Kiehl's Butterstick Lip Treatment SPF 30

Courtesy of: Kiehl’s.

Kiehl’s Butterstick Tinted Lip Treatment SPF 30

“Imbued with coconut oil, this nourishing stick comes in five shades that make protecting your lips feel glamorous.” – Alana Peden

Cetaphil Sheer Mineral Sunscreen Stick Broad Spectrum SPF 50

Courtesy of: Cetaphil.

Cetaphil Sheer Mineral Stick SPF 50

“It’s a breeze to apply, especially for kiddos and people who don’t like rubbing in lotions or for hard to apply areas such as lips, around the eyes, etc. The 100 percent mineral formulation which is preferable—both because it is non-irritating, generally safer and environmentally-friendly. Plus, it feels really nice on the skin and you buy it at the drugstore.” – Dr. Sheila Farhang

Drunk Elephant Umbra Sheer™ Physical Daily Defense SPF 30

Courtesy of: Drunk Elephant.

Drunk Elephant Umbra Sheer Physical Daily Defense

“Loaded with antioxidants astaxanthin, grape juice, and sunflower shoot extract (which work great with SPF), this sheer formulation leaves minimal to no white cast. It harnesses zinc oxide (a mineral sunscreen)!” – Dr. Sheila Farhang

Luna Bronze Good Night Serum

Courtesy of: Luna Bronze.

Luna Bronze Good Night Face Bronzing Serum

“I’ve a longstanding habit of cocktailing my nightly moisturizer with a few self-tanning drops, in order to disguise my commitment to daily sunscreen. Some days I woke up a little streaky, others pasty, and I always went to bed smelling faintly of hot dogs (thanks DHA). Then I met this sophisticated organic serum, which completes my complexion deception with glowing precision and doesn’t smell like anything at all.”  – Alana Peden

STYLECASTER SPECIAL: Use code STYLECASTER20 for 20 percent off at checkout.

Bare Republic Sunscreen Baby Lotion - SPF 50

Courtesy of: Baby Bare.

Baby Bare Republic Mineral Non-Nano Zinc

“This sunscreen takes mineral sunscreens to the next level as it’s formulated without nanoparticles of zinc, in other words, the particles are slightly bigger and therefore can be less irritating and safer. It’s a great formulation for those who want a safe, gentle and non-irritating experience.” – Dr. Sheila Farhang

Moisturizing Sunscreen Lotion SPF 30

Courtesy of: Black Girl Sunscreen.

Black Girl Sunscreen Moisturizing Sunscreen Lotion SPF 30

“Of all the sunscreens that I’ve tried over the years, Black Girl Sunscreen is one that I continuously run back to grab. For starters, I love that the sunscreen goes on completely sheer (white cast who?). Also, the moisturizing formula keeps my skin hydrated but not greasy, which is perfect for my combo-to-oily skin type.” – Mika Robinson

Coppertone Glow Shimmering Sunscreen Spray SPF 30 ounces

Courtesy of: Coppertone.

Coppertone Glow Lightweight Spray With Shimmer 

“This sunscreen smells like vacation, and the glitter provides a good shimmer, which is fun for a trip or an event.” – Jason Pham

Block Star Invisible Daily Sunscreen

Courtesy of: Bliss.

Bliss Block Star Invisible SPF 30

“I love that the formulation is 100 percent mineral. It’s lightweight and sheer, with no to minimal white cast, so it’s great for darker skin types. Antioxidants like blueberry, acai and green tea extracts protect from free radical damage, while Rosa Canina Fruit Oil helps control excess oil while minimizing the appearance of pores.” – Dr. Sheila Farhang

Sun Bum Original Scent SPF 30 Sunscreen Lotion

Courtesy of: Sun Bum.

Sun Bum Original SPF 30 Sunscreen Lotion

“My top product tested: It has the perfect lightweight consistency, sinks into skin immediately so you don’t notice it’s there and feels more like a moisturizer than a sunscreen. It also has just a touch of banana-coconut scent so it’s a pleasant mental vacation and not cloying. This makes it so easy to work face SPF into my daily routine.” – Cristina Velocci

Oars + Alps After Sun Cooling Spray

Courtesy of: Oars + Alps.

Oars + Alps After Sun Cooling Spray

“I definitely understand why one of the bragging points is that it feels like a “glass of water.” The spray bottle makes it easy to apply to the whole body after a long day in the sun, which is convenient for someone who is sunburn-prone but is too lazy to slather themselves in aloe vera.” – Jason Pham

Sunday Riley Light Hearted Broad Spectrum SPF 30 Sunscreen

Courtesy of: Sunday Riley.

Sunday Riley Light Hearted Broad Spectrum SPF 30 Daily Face Sunscreen

“I was pleasantly surprised by this sunscreen: It goes on a little thick (and pink!) but actually blends down to a natural, glowy finish without a white cast. I don’t usually reach for hybrid formulas because my sensitive skin tends to get irritated by chemical filters, but that also didn’t happen with this one—so, extra points for being gentle!” – Jenzia Burgos

Australian Gold Plant Based Face Lotion SPF 50

Courtesy of: Australian Gold.

Australian Gold Plant Based SPF 50 Lotion

“For a vegan, cruelty-free, plant-based sunscreen, this price is a steal. The gentle, plant-based formula won’t cause breakouts or irritation, and it feels virtually undetectable on skin.” – Alana Peden

IMAGE Skincare PREVENTION Daily Matte Moisturizer Oil-Free SPF 32

Courtesy of: IMAGE Skincare.

Image Skincare Prevention + Daily Matte Moisturizer SPF 32+

“Many people with oily skin types will use shine as their excuse to skip sunscreen, but this formula course corrects. It works to keep skin matte and shine-free for the long haul, while providing adequate, oil-free protection.” – Alana Peden

Bondi Sands Fragrance Free Daily Sunscreen Face Lotion SPF 50

Courtesy of: Bondi Sands.

Bondi Sands SPF 50 Fragrance Free Sunscreen Lotion

“My favorite thing about this SPF is how fast it absorbs into the skin without leaving a trace of residue. It’s also nice that it’s a hydrating formula containing vitamin E. My skin for sure feels noticeable supple after using as if I put on my favorite body cream.” – Mika Robinson

iS Clinical PerfecTint Powder SPF 40

Courtesy of: iS Clinical.

iS Clinical PerfecTint Powder SPF 40

“Powder sunscreens are excellent for touch-ups over makeup, covering your part and on-the-go reapplication. Historically, they’ve had one big problem: a uber-limited shade range. This sophisticated formula comes in seven shades that actually disappear into skin instead of sitting oddly (and obviously) on top.” – Alana Peden

Aquaphor Lip Protectant Sunscreen

Courtesy of: Aquaphor.

Aquaphor Lip Protectant and Sunscreen Ointment – Broad Spectrum SPF 30

“Panacea for dry and/or sensitive lips, this salve protects the delicate skin from cracking and helps lock in moisture.” – Alana Peden


from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/2Y32BRF