viernes, 31 de marzo de 2023

North Node Meaning in Astrology: Discover Your Destiny & Life Purpose Using Your Birth Chart

We were all born to accomplish something great in this life. However, your true purpose may not be immediately evident. It takes many of us time and a lot of trial and error before we figure out what we’re meant to be doing with our time here on Earth. Luckily, looking into the meaning of the North Node is like a short-cut to discovering and understanding your soul purpose. After all, it gives you a glimpse of what you came here to master.

Everyone’s birth chart contains something called the Lunar Nodes, which represent the highest and lowest points of the moon’s orbit (where the moon’s orbital path crosses the sun’s orbital path, otherwise known as the “ecliptic”). And while the highest point—the North Node—guides you toward your ultimate destiny, the lowest point—the South Node—tells the story of your soul’s history. In other words, the North Node describes what you’re meant to accomplish in this life while your South Node represents what you’re still carrying with you from past lives.

Your soul purpose is incredibly unique and specific to your karmic journey, which is why the cosmos have a very different understanding of success than we do. Some of us were born to change the world and some of us were born to make living in it a little better. Often, the purpose of your current incarnation is directly connected to your past lives, which are represented by your South Node. If you’ve spent most of your past lives mastering a certain aspect of life, you will likely incarnate in the hopes of stepping out of your comfort zone and balancing out your karma by making different choices.

With that being said, the North Node is not something you need to follow or focus on working toward. Your destiny is imminent regardless of your planning or preparedness, and during a Lunar or Solar Eclipse, it get’s activated. Because the North Node and South Node are directly tied to the changes that occur during eclipse season, you can have faith that your purpose has always been promised to you.

In order to get the full scope of your destiny and life purpose, you also need to take the astrological house of your North Node into consideration. You should also look for any aspects your North Node may be forming with other planets in your birth chart. Before I digress any further, here’s what you were destined to accomplish in this life, according to the zodiac sign of your North Node:

How To Find Your North Node & Discover Your Destiny

StyleCaster | Aries 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

North Node in Aries

Don’t you dare settle for being in someone else’s shadow, because you came here to shine in your glory and independence. Because your South Node is in harmonious and partnership-oriented Libra, you spent many of your past lives compromising your dreams and desires for the sake of keeping the peace or tending to your partner’s needs. You came to this life to learn how to stand on your own two-feet; to assert your dominance and have the guts to take up space. There’s a good change you spent your early childhood finding it hard to stand up for yourself and own your power. That’s why you should always be taking the opportunity to voice your opinion and face conflict head-on. As a North Node in Aries, you’re here to learn how to say “I” with confidence, because your thoughts matter, even if it disrupts the energy in the room.

As a North Node in Aries, you could easily become a great leader. You could also be a successful solo artist, independent contractor or the face of your own brand. You were meant to be seen and recognized for your own personal talents. It’s time to stop allowing people to take credit for your work.

StyleCaster | Taurus 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

North Node in Taurus

You were born to create a beautiful, content and stable life for yourself from the ground-up. As a North Node in Taurus, your destiny lies in pulling up your bootstraps and building a life for yourself. Instead of living life on someone else’s terms, you’re here to learn how to become financially independent and self-sufficient. You’ve spend many of your previous lifetimes dealing with loss in all its many forms, especially when it comes to money, love and relationships. As a South Node in Scorpio, your past lives may have involved family members, lovers or spouses that felt entitled to your time, energy and resources. You may feel used to people infringing on your boundaries and convincing you to give up your liberty for the sake of security.

As a North Node in Taurus, you’re here to set yourself free from unhealthy energetic attachments by learning how to provide for yourself. You have the power to become extremely wealthy in this life, especially if you’re willing to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get the job done. Your efforts have a direct impact on your bank account.

StyleCaster | Gemini 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

North Node in Gemini

If you were born with your North Node in Gemini, you came here to learn how to be human a little more effectively. Let’s not forget that Gemini is the only zodiac sign that is symbolically represented by people (the “twins”). In astrology, Gemini rules over local affairs, close friends and neighborhoods which is why North Node in Gemini folk spend much of their life learning where they want to settle down and how they can make an impact on their local community. Because your South Node is in Sagittarius, your past lives may have taken you to distant lands and encouraged travel to faraway places. You may have been a teacher, a philosopher or an explorer; someone who wanted to see the world. Now, you’re ready to stop being a migrant and to start being a more prominent presence in your own town.

If you’re a North Node in Gemini, you’re destined to become someone who’s known for their public speaking, their social life and their ability to express the unexpressable. However, that doesn’t always mean communication has been your strong suit, because North Node in Gemini folk have to learn how to communicate in a way that makes sense and to stop pivoting to “big-picture thinking” when the details feel too complex to process. Slow it down and simplify the logistics.

StyleCaster | Cancer 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

North Node in Cancer

In this life, you were meant to embrace your more emotional, feminine and maternal side. As a Cancer North Node, you were born to experience the feeling of truly caring for someone and being cared for in return; of building and nurturing the home you’ve always deserved. Because you were born with your South Node in Capricorn, your past lives may have involved a lot of heavy-lifting, protecting and executing. You may have spent many lifetimes being the provider of the family, which caused you to compartmentalize your emotions in order to acquire wealth, protect your assets and get the job done. As a result, working hard is something that comes naturally to you. It may even be your instinct to work hard and stick to the corporate grind, because you’re already so good at it.

However, if you’re a North Node in Cancer, your soul is learning how to master something different than success and elevated public standing. Instead, you’re craving a deeper connection with your roots, a beautiful family unit, genuinely heartfelt friendships and the feeling of your heart becoming bigger and bigger in size.

StyleCaster | Leo 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

North Node in Leo

Congrats! If you were born with your North Node in Leo, your entire life assignment is to simply enjoy yourself, be confident and have fun. It’s that simple! And yet, it’s so complicated that you require an entire lifetime to actually learn out how to do it. Because your South Node is in Aquarius, you’ve spent many of your past lives setting your needs aside for the sake of others. You’ve chosen the good of the collective over what’s good for you far too many times. You may have been a kind-hearted and revolutionary humanitarian, but choosing that life path forced you to set aside your own dreams for the sake of something larger than yourself.

That’s why there’s no need to feel guilty every time something good happens to you. After all, you were born with your North Node in Leo, which means you’re destined for a life filled with art, romance and self-expression. Kim Kardashian’s North Node is in Leo, so keep that one in your back pocket. You have so much potential to become famous or to push artistic boundaries in a way that makes your life and legacy unforgettable. Be you, darling. That’s all there is to it.

StyleCaster | Virgo 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

North Node in Virgo

If your North Node is in Virgo, you came to this life to become as grounded, hard-working and useful as you can possibly be. Virgo is the zodiac sign of service, encouraging you to take on roles that fix the errors of society and heal the wounds that have begun to fester. You could easily become a nurse or a caretaker, but you could also become a scientist, an editor, a technician and an inventor. Regardless of what you accomplish, you will be filling an important need for society in a way that is practical and meaningful on a physical level.

However, being in the here and now is not always easy for you. With your South Node in Pisces, you’ve spent many of your past lives pushing the limits of your spirituality and reaching high levels of psychic awareness. Your intrinsic connection with the spirit world can make you someone who is dreamy, imaginative and idealistic; someone who would rather focus on what could be than what actually is. Because your North Node is in Virgo, this life is all about learning how to find balance between your spiritual manifestations and your physical ones. In other words, daydreaming about your accomplishments is great, but actually working hard to achieve them is even better.

StyleCaster | Libra 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

North Node in Libra

As a North Node in Libra, you came to this life to learn how to be a better partner, friend and lover. Your relationships will likely be the most significant aspect of your life, especially if your relationship pushes you out of your comfort zone or teaches you the value of teamwork. Because you were born with your South Node in Aries, you’ve spent many of your past lives on your own. You were likely someone who stood alone as a leader who could not relate to others. You may have been somewhat of a lone wolf or a rogue shark; someone who may have even made selfish and avoidant decisions that prevented you from forming healthy bonds with others.

Instead of pivoting to the comfort and familiarity of being on your own, you’re ready to make compromises for the sake of someone else’s needs. You were born with the desire of loving, caring for and/or working with someone through all the difficulties and ups and downs of life. Prepare for your long-term relationships—particularly your marriage and/or business partnerships—to be a major source of your excitement in life.

StyleCaster | Scorpio 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

North Node in Scorpio

You came to this life to solve the mysteries of the Universe. Why else would you be born while the North Node was moving through Scorpio. This spiritual and transformative zodiac sign is all about penetrating deeper and going beyond the bounds of physical and/or material reality. That means you require more than just money and security in order to feel happy. You want something more powerful; something that gives you a deeper sense of control over your time and how you use it. Because you were born with your South Node in Taurus, your past lives granted you wealth and access, which means you’ve mastered what it means to have financial stability and proximity to luxury. Now? Your soul is a little bored of focusing solely on material pleasures. You’ve been there, done that.

As someone with a North Node in Scorpio, you were born with the desire to live, love and lose. You’re here to work to live rather than live to work. You may spend your life making investments and gambles of both emotional and financial natures that teach you the beauty of surrendering to the unknown. You may be more willing to take a chance on something grand, because the fall is worth the risk.

StyleCaster | Sagittarius 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

North Node in Sagittarius

Are you ready to see the world? Are you prepared to spread your message fire and wide? Get ready for a life of exploring the great beyond, because you were born while the North Node was in Sagittarius. This mutable fire sign is all about the world, the big picture and the collective message. That’s why so much of this life is about stepping out of your comfort zone, taking trips away from your hometown and actually seeing what the rest of the universe has to offer. Because your South Node is in Gemini, you may have spent many of your past lives dominating the social scene in your hometown. You likely have had many friends and taken part of many local projects or perhaps even participated in politics. However, it also means you’re used to getting mixed up into drama that isn’t yours to deal with and getting bogged down by the affairs of your local community.

In this life, you’re finding the courage of upsetting the status quo and pushing the limits of the conversation. While your South Node in Gemini may pivot to saying what you think others what to hear, your North Node in Sagittarius wants you to probe people’s imaginations and encourage them to embrace a more open mind. Don’t be afraid of being controversial.

StyleCaster | Capricorn 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

North Node in Capricorn

Get ready to work hard and to rise up the ranks, because you were born while the North Node was moving through Capricorn. This disciplined and ambitious zodiac sign is guiding you toward becoming the provider and protector; someone who can get the job done and excel as a leader, especially when it comes to the career and business world. However, that doesn’t mean it’s easy to see yourself as a dominating force in the public realm. Because your South Node is in Cancer, you’ve likely spent many of your past lives being a caretaker, a wife, a mother or a nurturer. That’s why people feel so comfortable around you and consider you such a calming presence. However, you’re tired of just being someone’s mommy, because you know you’re capable of that and so much more.

If you were born with your North Node in Capricorn, you have so much potential for extreme career success. However, it may take you this entire lifetime before you reach the success that was always destined to be yours. People born with their North Node in Capricorn can be late bloomers, but the most beautiful and expensive rose arrives once they finally do.

StyleCaster | Aquarius 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

North Node in Aquarius

You were born with an important spiritual mission if your North Node is in Aquarius. This zodiac sign is all about shaking up the status quo and bringing the power back to the people, which means you’re destined to change the world for the better! In your past lives, you spent a lot of time working on loving yourself. As a South Node in Leo, confidence and glamour come naturally to you, as you’ve spent many of your past lives as famous people who were highly beloved and well sought-after. Self-gratification feels great, but you’re ready to accomplish something deeper in this lifetime. You’re ready to let go of extravagance, arrogance and self-serving behavior, because your whole life purpose is about bringing up others.

As a North Node in Aquarius, you could easily become a revolutionary, a great leader, a representative for the people or a trendsetter in the media. You could take on a role that allows you to be a conduit for positive change for society and the collective as whole. Go for it, because the rest of us are counting on you to create a world we want to live in.

StyleCaster | Pisces 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

North Node in Pisces

If you’re a North Node in Pisces, you may be somewhat afraid of things that don’t immediately make sense. You may initially feel hesitant to believe in things that defy logic and don’t have hard evidence to support it. Because your South Node is in Virgo, you’ve spent many of your previous lifetimes learning how to focus on the facts. Common sense comes naturally to you, because you’ve spent your past lives being someone who fixes problems on a physical and rational level. When someone wants a practical solution, they come to you. However, you weren’t born to be someone’s problem solver. Instead, you chose this life so that you could learn how to be someone’s shoulder to cry on.

As a North Node in Pisces, you were born to embrace the fullest extent of your love and spirituality. You may grown up having strange dreams or paranormal occurrences that have haunted and mystified you ever since. And yet, trying to make sense of these experiences has not brought you answers, because finding answers is not necessarily the point. Embracing your intuition is. In this life, you have all the potential of becoming a masterful spiritual healer, a groundbreaking artist and a seeker of truth in the great beyond. You are meant to become a bridge between this world and the next.

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Spoilers Ahead Obviously But Here’s Who The Killer Is In ‘Murder Mystery 2’

Warning: This obviously contains spoilers for Murder Mystery 2. The 2019 original mystery-comedy, where Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston play a married couple that gets swept up in a homicide investigation was an unexpected fan hit, though the critics weren’t so kind. With the arrival of the sequel dropping on Netflix on March 31, 2023, for those wanting to know who the killer is in Murder Mystery 2 so they can talk about it with their friends without actually having to watch it, we’ve got you covered.

The first installment in the Murder Mystery franchise saw husband-and-wife duo Nick and Audrey Spitz venture to Europe on a surprise for their 15th wedding anniversary. They score an invitation to a part on a yacht by a billionaire, Charles Cavendish (Luke Evans) but in typical fashion akin to the boardgame Clue or an Agatha Christie novel, characters start dropping dead and an elaborate plot of revenge is unearthed by Nick and Audrey, who prove themselves as successful amateur detectives and as a reward, get to continue their dream honeymoon trip all paid for by Interpol.

Who’s the killer in Murder Mystery 2?

Who’s the killer in Murder Mystery 2? If you don’t want to enjoy the movie, we can just tell you right now that the killer is Saira, played by Kuhoo Verma, who you’d know from Plan B (2021) and The Big Sick (2017). She also appeared in the off-Broadway production of Fairycakes and Octet.

In Murder Mystery 2, our favorite, slightly dysfunctional married couple are newly licensed private detectives, owing to their success in solving the case from the first film. They find themselves on a tropical island for a glamorous wedding, one that’s thrown into chaos when a dead body turns up and a friend—who you’d recognize from the first film—is kidnapped.

Murder Mystery 2

From left: Jodie Turner-Smith as Countess, Enrique Arce as Francisco, Melanie Laurent as Claudette Joubert, John Kani as Colonel Ulenga and Kuhoo Verma as Saira. Image: Scott Yamano/Netflix

Not to worry, though, Nick and Audrey are on the case once more and there is a cast of colorful characters, some returning like their friend the Maharajah (Adeel Akhtar), and new additions who are all considered suspects: Jodie Turner-Smith as the Maharajah’s snooty ex-fiancée Countess Sekou, Enrique Arce who plays the womanizing soccer stary Francisco Perez, the countess’ assistant Zurin Villanueva, Melanie Laurent who plays French model and the Maharajah’s new fiancée Claudette Joubert, John Kani as Colonel Ulenga back again, and Verma herself as the Maharaja’s antisocial sister.

In an interview with Insider on March 30, 2023, Murder Mystery 2’s director Jeremy Garelick said he’d lied to the cast, including stars Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston, about how the film would end and to keep the identity of the killer a secret. “I think I told all of them that we were thinking about changing the ending, depending on what was happening and just to get in their minds,” Garelick said with a laugh. “Keep that a little bit unsure.”

He said he also got the actors to say their lines in different ways and tones to create more mystery and suspense. “We did make sure to get levels from everybody in different moments where one person may have been a little bit meaner or sweeter,” Garelick said. “We really wanted to find that balance of: ‘Is this person the bad guy?’ ‘Is this person the bad guy?’ ‘Oh, wait, no. Oh yes, actually I was right.’ Murder mysteries are kind of like a game where you participate as an audience member …  going along the journey with Nick and Audrey trying to figure out who did it and thinking that we’re smart and then being told we’re not.”

In the end, though, all of this rigamarole may not have been needed, because Aniston and Sandler told ET Canada that they’d forgotten who the real killer was by the time the film came out. “Even I was surprised by the end,” Aniston said, “because by the end of shooting, I’d forgotten,” which Sandler found most entertaining.

The IRL pals also have talked about how strenuous the stunts were this time around, with Sandler revealing to Variety: “my god damn hip, I had to change that at the end of the movie,” at the film’s premiere in Los Angeles. “I had been doing so many movies in a row. I did ’Spaceman’ and I was hanging in a harness all the time. I kept saying, ‘Something’s going on with my hip, man. I’m in trouble.’ And then during this and this other movie I did I was like, ‘Yeah, I definitely gotta X-ray that thing,’ and we were in trouble.”

He continued: “Everything’s scary at 56 years old. You never know what the hell you’re gonna get up from. I’m sluggy, man. My body hurts. Jennifer is in good shape. I didn’t think I needed to get in shape before the movie but then when we were shooting, I was like, ‘Man, I should have gotten in shape.’”

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How the Full Pink Moon in Libra of April 2023 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

It’s kinda hard to stop and smell the roses when you’re in the midst of a vigorous Mars-ruled season, but there’s a Pink Moon headed our way and its Venusian mystique will make itself known, so be sure to read on if you’re wondering how the full Pink Moon in Libra of April 2023 will affect each zodiac sign. If astrology isn’t real, why is Libra’s full moon referred to as the Pink Moon? Unfortunately, this has absolutely nothing to do with the actual color of the moon, as its name derives from April’s blooming season, and the native Phlox wildflower, which happens to be pink. Still very appropriate nonetheless. 

As for the full moon forecast, let’s take a closer look at the significance of this lunar phase, before we unravel the different layers of this lunation. Often referred to as an emotional climax and period of revelation, the moon reaches its peak of fullness once every month, while sitting directly across from the sun. This is precisely when the moon becomes 100 percent illuminated by the sun’s light, but the general opposition occurring between both of these luminaries can be emotionally triggering in the process. After all, if the moon is a symbol of our inner world and emotional foundation, and the sun represents our physical reality and primal expression, this lunar phase can bring light to what is out of balance in our personal lives. It’s no wonder many are often intimidated by the full moon effects; the gravitational pull occurring between the sun and the moon has the power to awaken the ocean of emotion within and around us.

STYLECASTER | Pink Moon Zodiac Signs

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

With all of that being said, it’s important to consider the essence of Aries and Libra’s zodiac archetypes, along with the polarity of these two cardinal signs, as these same energies will be activated in our individual birth charts. For reference, the full moon will take place on April 6 at exactly 12:32 a.m. ET via 16 degrees of harmony-seeking Libra. Venus rules this cardinal air sign, and it is currently transiting through its other sign of rulership, Taurus, where it is equally as sensuous as it is security-seeking. This brings emphasis to the stability of our finances as well as that of our relationships, especially when referring to April’s full moon. Something else to keep in mind is, the sun will be sitting alongside the wounded healer, Chiron, highlighting an area of vulnerability when in regards to your self-autonomy, and how this could potentially be influencing the dynamic of your connections.

The Pink Moon takes place on April 6 at exactly 12:32 a.m. ET via 16 degrees of Libra.

Look at it this way: If the sun, Jupiter and Chiron in Aries are currently activating our carnal desires, and bringing awareness to matters of the “self,” the full moon in Libra is urging us to step away from the masculinity of Aries’ cardinal fires, in order to step into balance and harness the divine feminine energy of Venus. More importantly, with Mars currently swimming through Cancer—where it is prone to defensive and indirect behavior—impatience can quickly turn into irritability, and/or an emotional outburst. Again, Aries likes to assert itself and take the lead, but we’re being called to look at something from a different point of view, and stay neutral. Fortunately, Mars will be making a harmonious trine to taskmaster Saturn, which is both supportive and intuitively validating. 

If your sun sign, moon sign or rising sign falls under any of the following zodiac signs, here’s how the upcoming full moon will bring you back into balance:

How The Full Moon Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Lean into your connections, and don’t be afraid to let someone else take the lead, Aries. Energies that revolve around your contractual agreements, significant others and ability to compromise are being brought to the forefront of this full moon. Ruled by Venus in your second house of money and self-worth, you’re being encouraged to surrender doubts, fears and the need to always fend for yourself. Others of you may realize you share different values with someone, but this doesn’t mean you can’t cultivate empathy and meet someone halfway.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For April 2023

STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You get what you give, and you’re seeing this firsthand, Taurus. This could be an act of kindness or a work vs. life balance you’re currently trying to cultivate, but this Venus-ruled full moon is bringing awareness to the dynamic of your day-to-day lifestyle, as well as clarity on whether or not it aligns with your higher self. If there is a lack of harmony between your life behind the scenes and your day-to-day reality, it will become clear under April’s full moon. You’re being called to prioritize your mental, physical, and spiritual well being, so reflect on what truly makes you feel secure.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For April 2023

STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You’re not one to follow the crowd, but you’re also easily distracted when mentally stimulated, Gemini. That being said, this justice-seeking full moon is bringing emphasis to your heart’s desires and the relationship you share with your inner child. Being a leader in your community is second nature to you, but are these collaborations and social networks in harmony with your passion projects, and creative musings? There’s nothing wrong with honoring your fellow intellectuals and storytellers, as long as you don’t lose sight of your own talents, skills and abilities.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For April 2023

STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Take a step back, and check-in with yourself, Cancer. Libra governs your fourth house of rulership, making this lunation all the more essential to your well being. There’s a part of you that is genuinely longing for a sense of harmony in your personal life, and yet another part of you keeps pushing forward, professionally and in terms of your sense of authority. No one said you couldn’t multitask, but you also can’t keep doing it all by yourself, all the time. Ruled by Venus in your social sector, you’re being encouraged to lean on your peers, and connect with those you value, and value you in return.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For April 2023

STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Taking the lead comes naturally when you’re ruled by the sun, Leo. However, this Venus-ruled full moon is challenging your pride, in the sense that it is reminding you to hold space for other ideas and perspectives. There’s always room for growth and expansion, and cultivating balance in the realm of communications (as well as skills you’re trying to master) can bring you the truth you’ve been seeking. Ruled by Venus in your 10th house of authority, don’t let a valuable connection and/or piece of advice go to waste.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For April 2023

STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Everyone has a unique value system, including you, Virgo. But April’s full moon is bringing awareness to everything from your sense of security to your joint ventures. Governed by Venus in your expansive ninth house of wisdom, philosophy and unknown territory, a journey while traveling abroad, and/or a new-found belief system, could help bring you the equilibrium you crave in the area of finances, and stability. This could also help strengthen your partnerships, and social awareness.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For April 2023

STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Make a wish, Libra. Although, it wouldn’t hurt to think back to the new moon in your sign that took place back in September 2022, because similar themes are being brought to the forefront… unless, you set intentions that are now manifesting. Governed by your celestial ruler, Venus—whilst bringing harmony and stability to your joint ventures, shared assets and contractual agreements—this is an opportunity for you to reflect on the value of your intimate unions, and whether your desire to lead on an investment is truly worth it.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For April 2023

STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Things aren’t always as they seem, and you’re well aware of this truth, Scorpio. However, this is important to consider during this time, as this full moon will bring clarity to something that’s been hidden from your conscious mind. Governed by Venus in your relationship sector, you’re gaining awareness of the stability of your one-on-one connections (personally or professionally), and recognizing where there could be a lack of balance, or reciprocation. Conversations around a contract could catch you off guard, which is why it’s important to remain true to your belief systems.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For April 2023

STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Friends come and go, but sometimes they turn into family, Sagittarius. Governed by Venus in your sixth house of due diligence and acts of service, this lunation epitomizes the meaning of “paying it forward.” When was the last time you checked in on a friend? Or hung out with your best pal? Without losing sight of your heart’s desires, this lunation is encouraging you to show up in your community, and share your gift with the rest of the world. More importantly, it’s reminding you of your soul family, and friendship groups. Step away from the solo ventures for a bit, and lean in.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For April 2023

STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You’re a natural at calling the shots and taking the lead, but there’s a time and place for everything, Capricorn. A professional opportunity could potentially take you out of your element, but not having “superiority” doesn’t have to mean it’s out of the question. For others of you, it’s important to be mindful of your work vs. life balance, and communicate with your superiors if needed. Things could be more active than usual on the home-front, which may leave you with no choice but let someone else do the work for the time being, and that’s OK.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For April 2023

STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Being a fixed sign makes you more prone to having a stubborn mindset, but this full moon is showing you why this could be to your detriment, Aquarius. With a stellium in Aries charging up your communication sector, chances are acting on impulse, and speeding through the details of a situation. However, you’re being encouraged to consider a different point of view, or a completely different option moving forward, as Luna will light up your ninth house of wisdom, and unknown territory. Don’t leap forward without proper mediation, and guidance. This is especially true for those of you in the middle of relocating, or a lucrative household investment. 

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For April 2023

STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

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You’re more often a giver than you are a taker, and this is exactly what you’re confronting under April’s Pink Moon, Pisces. Whether financially or in regards to your sense of security, it’s important to reflect on the value of your investments, and (more importantly) where you’re directing your energy. Are your intimate unions and shared assets built upon an authentic and stable foundation? Can you depend on a significant other and/or professional employer for the stability you desire? This could be something as silly as the conversations you’re having on a regular basis but the bottom line is, are they of genuine value to you?

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For April 2023

StyleCaster | The Manifest Issue 2023

Remi Bader. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

from StyleCaster

TikTok Discovered The Easiest Way to Achieve Perfect Heatless Curls—& We Found the Best Ones to Shop

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News flash: Heating up your hair too frequently is a big no-no. Hot temperatures from blow dryers, curling irons and flat irons can cause some serious damage to your hair’s cuticles and proteins. While your hair may look nice at first from the heated treatments, over time, you may realize that the only solution to repair your fried locks is to chop them off. Fortunately, there’s a better, safer option to achieve bouncy, voluminous curls without the heat, and it’s been all the rage on TikTok

Hair gurus and influencers alike have been showing off their best recommendations for getting beautiful curls without any heat. From viral satin curling rods from Kitsch to the Lululemon leggings hack, some are even posting how to get an “airplane blowout” so you arrive at your destination looking your best. 

There are so many products out there to choose from, and we know it can be pretty overwhelming to determine which ones will work best for your hair. Fortunately for you, we’ve scoured the Internet to figure out which products are most highly rated so you can shop with ease. Trust us—your hair will thank you.

Kitsch's Satin Heatless Curling Set


Kitsch’s Satin Heatless Curling Set 

One of the most popular options out there, Kitsch’s Satin Heatless Curling Set went viral on TikTok for crafting some of the most perfect waves we’ve seen. Since it’s made of silk, you won’t see any frizz lingering when you take it out in the morning. It’s under $20, so it makes for a great gift too. 

RobeCurls Satin Heatless Hair Curler Set


RobeCurls Satin Heatless Hair Curler Set

RobeCurls’ Satin Heatless Hair Curler is unlike the other headband curlers on the market; it features an adjustable wire to shape and secure hair. The curler creates 1–1 1/2-inch ringlets across most hair types. It works so effectively, one reviewer even felt confident enough to use it on her wedding day. The brand is also women-owned, environmentally conscious and Climate Neutral Certified.

HRYYDS Upgraded Heatless Hair Curler


HRYYDS Upgraded Heatless Hair Curler

Amazon shoppers love this heatless hair curler from HRYYDS. Rated 4.6 stars, shoppers have said the curler is “so easy, it’s life changing!.” For only $20, you’ll receive the 100 percent cotton headband, two scrunchies and two duck clips for easy installation. While this pink set is adorable, if you’re more inclined to buy the purple or black options, you’ll just have to pay a few bucks more.

Ivyu Heatless Curls


Ivyu Heatless Curling Rod Headband

This heatless curling headband has over 5,000 five-star Amazon ratings from shoppers and comes in over a dozen colors like pink velvet, pink tie dye, black, champagne smile and beige. Each set comes with two hairdresser clips, two scrunchies, the headband and a claw clip to make nighttime routines easier. For under $10, the price can hardly be beat. One of many Amazon shoppers left a glowing review, writing “It doesn’t take long, it’s fast to put your hair into, it’s heatless, painless, easy to sleep in, and worth a shot.” 

Kitsch Satin Pillow Rollers for Hair


Kitsch Satin Pillow Rollers

Kitsch’s Satin Pillow Rollers are a good alternative to the headband. All you need to do is roll your damp hair into the six rollers and link each of them up before you snap them into place. Once the sun rises, take them out and you’ll see gorgeous curls and waves without losing an ounce of beauty sleep. 

Willbond Wave Curlers


Willbond 30 Piece Hair Wave Styling Kit

These wave curlers bring me back to my cheerleading days—and I can assure you, they really work. They’re certainly not as comfortable to sleep in as the silk headbands on this list, but they are tried and true. Your hair will look cute and crimped in the morning, ready to face the day with you frizz-free.  

Yeelen Heatless Curling Rod


Yeelen Heatless Hair Curling Rod Headband for Long Hair 

Amazon reviewers say the Yeelen Heatless Hair Curling Rod Headband is “seriously the best $10 I’ve spent in a long time.” You get the headband, claw clip, and two scrunchies, along with a choice of several color options. This headband, unlike some of the others on this list, is compact and travel-friendly, meaning it can be packed away and stored in your toiletry bag without ruining the integrity of the product. If you’re a frequent flyer, this may be the best option for you. 

Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer


Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer

If you hate sleeping on wet hair, this tool is our best recommendation. While this option isn’t totally heatless, the Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer uses minimal heat through infrared light to mimic the way water would naturally evaporate in the sun and wind. As a result, your hair won’t see much damage and will be healthier, shinier, and 109 percent more hydrated, according to the brand. Reviewers love it too, with one writing, “I’ve been using the Tuvi for about a month and it drys hair just as quickly without the extra heat. My hair is much softer and breakage is way less.”

Lilysilk Heatless Silk Curling Headband And Scrunchie Set


Lilysilk Heatless Silk Curling Headband & Scrunchie Set

Lilysilk offers another great heatless tool that’s similar to the popular Kitsch headband. They recommend letting your hair air-dry 80 percent of the way, clipping in the headband and securing it with the mulberry silk scrunchies. Much like the other options on this list, your hair will look luxurious and frizz-free without the hassle or the damage. Win-win!

Mermade Hair Heatless Curls Kit


Mermade Hair Heatless Curls Kit

Mermade’s Heatless Curls Kit is designed with mulberry silk, which is naturally hypoallergenic for sensitive skin and washable, so you can reuse this headband again and again. It’s lightweight and soft, making it the ideal sleeping companion. After a few hours wrapped up, your hair will fall out smoother, silkier, and shiner than before. 

Drybar High Tops Self-Grip Rollers


Drybar High Tops Self-Grip Rollers

Drybar is known for its amazing in-person blowout bars, and now they’re offering a way for you to get the same results at home. These self-grip rollers roll easily into your hair to build volume overnight or after a day of wearing. Since there are no clips, you won’t see creases, and you’ll avoid pulling and damaging your hair. Plus, if you have longer or shorter hair, Drybar offers two different sizes so you can achieve the perfect curl no matter the length. They’re also rated over 4 stars on Amazon, and reviewers love the volume. One reviewer writes, “These rollers are the best I’ve ever had. They roll up and are incredibly easy to remove. They produce so much volume and shine.”

Kim Kimble Silky Twist Hair Rollers


Kim Kimble Silky Twist Hair Rollers

A bit different than the silk headbands, these silky twist hair rollers help create manageable curls and waves overnight while preventing hair breakage. After you section your hair, wet or dry, you twist the hair around the twister roller, and twist the ends together to keep the hair in place – no clips needed. For bigger curls and waves, the brand recommends you use larger sections. 

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