miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2018

Watch Our Beauty Editor Spend a Day at an Animal Shelter

What makes you happy? For some, it’s the simple pleasure of eating the chocolate you love daily. For others, it’s spending time with their S.O. on the couch and binge-watching Game of Thrones. For Nikki Brown, StyleCaster’s beauty editor, it’s carving time out of her hectic week to volunteer — something she’s been doing since she was a teenager.

“Volunteering just makes me happy,” Nikki says, her face beaming. “My mom always told me and my sisters we should be giving back in some way.” Recently, Nikki spent time at Bideawee, a shelter and rescue center serving metropolitan New York and Long Island. It’s so well-established. In fact, Bideawee has been the leading pet welfare organization in the aforementioned areas for more than 114 years. The shelter is always looking for volunteers to help with feeding, spot-checking kennels and more — and Nikki was more than happy to step in.

“I love being able to help other people, and I love being able to help other dogs,” she says. “Volunteering is such a big part of my life because it is fulfilling to me. And fulfillment is the mark of a life well-lived.”

Watch Nikki’s first day at the shelter in the video above.

This post is sponsored by DOVE® Chocolate.

from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/2ohEZn8

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