lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2018

12 Incredibly Elegant Ways to Cook Sweet Corn Before It Goes Out of Season

There are so many things to be sad about at the end of summer, but the late-season harvest is decidedly not one of them. It’s a little easier to swallow the end of beach days and pool parties when you’re simultaneously bringing home tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and sweet corn by the bushel from the farmers market.

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Soon enough, it will be apple, squash and pumpkin season (OK, who are we kidding—pumpkin season starts in August now). But in the meantime, take advantage of the produce gold that’s already here. Sweet corn can add a pop of color, texture and flavor to just about any dish, and you’d be remiss to let the season come to an end without making at least a handful of dishes that make it their star.

MORE: 14 Surprisingly Elegant Meals You Can Throw on the Grill

From the ubiquitous end-of-summer salads to heartier dishes that help usher in fall, these recipes will have you bringing home armloads of corn before it disappears from stores.


Originally posted on SheKnows.

from StyleCaster

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