miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018

Just in: Your December 2018 Horoscope

Balance is key, for all the zodiac signs in December, as Jupiter—planet of abundance (and excess) is home to roost in its own sign, Sagittarius.

While this planetary shift signals somewhat of a cosmic party, any fireworks may fall a little flat, as a hazy spell blocks and dampens our view. Energizing trailblazer Mars is submerged in the dreamy waters of Pisces, alongside Neptune, putting us out of action and into a more peaceful, meditative slumber. Though hopes are high and enthusiasm great, we’ll have to wait till January for lift-off.

Still, a little imagination goes a long way on the new moon on December 7 (2.20 a.m. EST), so plan for success.

The full moon in nurturing Cancer (Saturday, December 22, 12.49 p.m. EST) could bring a wonderful sense of closure before the year is out. This is an opportune moment to break bread—or something sweeter—with family, and for random acts of kindness.

from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/2QowvKB

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