domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2018

Top YouTubers and Bloggers Share Their New Year’s Beauty Resolutions

New Year’s Eve marks the big launch of ~all the things you’ve been meaning to do but haven’t gotten around to~. It feels like a fresh start—a clean slate, if you will—even if nothing has really changed from the year before. (Namely, your eating habits, hatred of all things cardio and level of financial instability.) In a lot of ways, it’s good for you. Suddenly, you’re motivated in ways you didn’t know you could be motivated. And often, that means you’re about to Get. Shit. Done.

If you’re anything like us, you’ve decided that 2019 is going to be the year of your major comeback. This is because 2017 was, like, the lamest year in recorded history, and 2018 was a complete dumpster fire. In other words, we need a rebound… stat. And our beauty routine is as good a place to start as any.

For a lot of us, health and fitness are the first things that come to mind when we think of New Year’s resolutions. Have you ever noticed that all the gyms are slammed on January 1? But beauty goes deeper than the burn in your thighs you get from SoulCycle, so we decided to check in with our fave beauty bloggers and YouTubers to figure out their top New Year’s beauty resolutions (that don’t require a Fitbit). Luckily, we hit the jackpot.

Insert: four of our absolute fave beauty gurus of the moment. They’re fun, smart, relatable and relevant—so we knew their resolutions would be ones worth following ourselves. And when we asked, they did not disappoint. Read on to see what each of our b/vlogger friends had to say.

Margot Lee

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

Margot Lee is a student at Syracuse University, and her YouTube channel boasts 371,613 subscribers. She’s worked on influencer activations with brands such as Sephora and Dote, and just launched a necklace with jewelry brand Ana Luisa. In 2019, her New Year’s resolution is one we can all get behind: “My New Year’s beauty resolution is to focus on hair care and find the best hair products to keep my locks healthy and shiny year-round, despite the changing seasons and lightening my hair.”

Katy Bellotte

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

Katy Bellotte’s YouTube channel has almost half a million subscribers. But besides working on projects for the video-sharing platform, she’s also a social media coordinator for beauty brand L’Oréal Paris. In other words, we know that she knows what’s important in terms of beauty for 2019. What’s more, her New Year’s resolution speaks volumes about inner beauty—not just what’s on the surface. “My beauty resolution for 2019—besides drinking more water and applying a daily SPF—is allowing myself to be more comfortable with less. Less makeup, less excess products in my collection… Oftentimes we get a bit obsessed with meeting beauty ‘standards’ and I’m looking to embrace my natural features in the new year. Less is truly more!”

Christina Marie

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

Beauty YouTuber Christina Marie has over 600,000 channel subscribers, and she’s the founder of beauty brand TEENA Skincare. It’s clear from both her videos and business ventures that she’s a total skin-care junkie (just like us!!!), so we were confident that her resolution would focus on the face. Luckily, we were right. “My New Year’s beauty resolution is to eat a healthier diet and drink more water than ever before because it can help improve both my skin and overall health!”

Christen Dominique

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

Christen Dominique, founder of Dominique Cosmetics, has more than four million YouTube subscribers, as well as one and a half million on Instagram. Her beauty tutorials and GRWM’s (get ready with me’s) are a huge hit on the social platform, and you’re probably not a true stan unless you own at least one of her gorge palettes. Her New Year’s beauty resolution is as follows: “My New Year’s resolution is to put more effort into changing my hair style and color!” If 2019 is the time for new beginnings, there’s no better way to show it!

from StyleCaster

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