lunes, 18 de febrero de 2019

Jordyn Woods Knows You Might be Talking About Her and She’s Unbothered

In an era when celebs like Rihanna, Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner are birthing entire beauty empires, product collabs feel like small, but equally-enticing buried treasure. Such was the case when burgeoning beauty boss and SECNDNTURE founder Jordyn Woods surprised us with a line of her very own Eylure Lashes. My falsie skills are, for lack of a better word, limited. So when I had the chance to actually meet Woods and talk self-care (more on this later), the first words out of my mouth were, “teach me your ways!”

“I feel like lashes really make a look. I wear lashes almost everyday unless I’m just not wearing makeup,” said Woods when explaining the partnership. “People always ask me about my lashes. I wear extensions but I figured, a lot of people can’t afford extensions, or know where to get them, or have a good place, so why not make your own?”

As for the secret to getting falsies to stick, there’s no shortcut. It even took Woods about “ten tries” before she could apply them alone without creating a mess. “Don’t put too much glue, cause you don’t want it just like everywhere, then wait for it to dry like ten to 30 seconds,” she instructed me. “It makes them more like a sticker, rather than like sliding everywhere. The glue gets tacky. It’s easier to use tweezers too ’cause I have a shaky hand.”

And above all, remember that a good remover, preferably one with oil, will keep your real eyelashes in check too. “Your lashes are like your hair, so there’s castor oil you can put on and things like that. Just make sure you keep them hydrated,” she continued. While it would be easy to assume from our short exchange that makeup application feels like a full-time job, Woods actually sees it as the opposite. We’ve grown accustomed to the idea that self-care is all bubble baths and face masks. And while we have no objection toward those things, Woods has managed to make the most of her busy schedule, making time for small pockets of comfort when a day off isn’t likely.

Ahead, she breaks down her on-the-go strategy, including how she handles gossip. Don’t get it twisted: she sees everything.

Hotel Rules

I love a good bath tub in a hotel room. The bathroom is a huge thing for me in a room, cause I love a good shower with the right water pressure. And I always throw on a hotel robe. Also, essential oils like lavender; then face masks. I love the ones that you put on, they’re like rubber and then you peel them off. They feel cool. I don’t know how much these things do for my skin, but they just feel good. There’s one by Dr. Jart+. I use a good face oil too–I have a couple of different ones–and then I like a thicker moisturizer ’cause I feel like the weather’s so crazy right now. It’s cold and it gets dry. I naturally kind of have ‘normal’ skin, but it could be on the dry side if I don’t take care of it. So moisture is key for me.

For the most part, I don’t do anything too crazy to my skin. I’m not too fancy.

To Spa or Not to Spa?

I love the idea of it. But I don’t do it too much. I have one facialist that I love and it’s good because I’ll go every couple of months just to be relaxed and do extractions or whatever. But for the most part, I don’t do anything too crazy to my skin. I’m not too fancy. It’s kind of like a therapy session too cause she uses crystals and all kinds of energy work. It’s hard for me to meditate since my mind is just constantly just thinking about too much, but I do have crystals at home by my bed.

Body Talk

Self-care doesn’t really have to be doing the craziest thing. Self-care for me is…everyday I wake up and try to think, ‘What can I do today to make myself better?’ Sometimes it’s having a free day. Let me go to the gym or if what makes me feel good in that moment is to stay in bed all day, that’s a form of self-care too. I really try to just listen to my body. So whether it’s like reading a book, or finding a hobby, painting, or a good face mask, or a bath. It’s really whatever makes you happy.

Everyday I wake up and try to think, ‘What can I do today to make myself better?’

Makeup Therapy

I love doing my makeup. Most of the time I do my makeup not because I want to look a certain way, but just because it’s fun to me. Watching makeup videos is very therapeutic too. It’s calming to see people get their makeup done. But me getting my makeup done … I have patience, but not like two hours. So it is nice when it’s quick.  [YouTube is] how I learned to put on lashes and everything. But I started watching tutorials when the only person who did tutorials was like Michelle Phan.

Watching makeup videos is very therapeutic too. It’s calming to see people get their makeup done.

Everyday Fit-Spo

You just have to do it. Don’t keep putting it off until Monday. You know how people are like, ‘Okay, Monday I’m going to start.’ You kind of just have to do it and just take baby steps and don’t expect results overnight because consistency is key. If you’re doing it for a week and you don’t see anything, people get discouraged and they give up. So just be consistent. Set a goal for yourself, be realistic and just go for it. A day off for me includes a workout, unless I’m so tired. Or unfortunately, if I just get my hair laid, I am not going to the gym.

Don’t get it twisted. I’m the most unbothered person, but I see everything.

Screen Time

When it comes to social media and self-care, it’s just stepping away and taking some time off. The other day I got a notification on my phone that said I was on my phone for nine hours. I was like, ‘Oh shit. I think I need to take a break’ (laughs). So I try to not go on it too much, but I definitely am on my phone all the time. I have a good handle, but I know it’s also toxic. I know when I’m on my phone too much. I shouldn’t be sitting here for two hours on my phone, just sliding, looking, researching, doing whatever. Because why do I need to know what this person ate for dinner last night? I don’t.

But I feel like I have to check social media in the morning to see what happened. It’s like the news. Also, people are talking about me sometimes so I like to wake up and see what they said today. Did I do anything? Did I mess up? What’s the rumor? What’s the tea?  Oh I see everything. Don’t get it twisted. I’m the most unbothered person, but I see everything. I feel like when you address things it just adds more unnecessary attention to it. Especially negativity. It’s just unnecessary. But if something is worth addressing, I definitely would. But there hasn’t been a reason to luckily, knock on wood.

from StyleCaster

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