lunes, 18 de marzo de 2019

12 ‘Game of Thrones’ Clues That Could Predict the Series Finale

With the release of the Game of Thrones season 8 trailer last week, fans have been wondering: what Game of Thrones season 8 clues are out there? We’ve talked about Game of Thrones final season theories, based on what happens in the books and what fans have speculated for years, but what about the fact-based Easter eggs from the trailer, teasers and cast interviews? As Game of Thrones fans know, nothing is by coincidence, and everything can be a clue. With the Game of Thrones final season premiere a few weeks away, we thought it was a better time than ever to dive into the clues that could predict what will happen in the series finale.

As fans know, the final season of Game of Thrones will follow our beloved (and not-so-beloved) characters—Daenerys, Jon, Arya, Sansa and more—as they fight their final battles for the Iron Throne. Who knows who (if anyone) will become king or queen of Westeros at the end of Game of Thrones‘ six-episode season? From what we’ve learned, it’s possible to predict what will happen. But of course that hasn’t stopped fans from coming up with their own ideas of what the final season of Game of Thrones could entail based on Easter eggs from trailers and interviews. Check them out ahead.

Daenerys’s Red Fur Means She’s Azor Ahai Reborn

In a recent interview with Harper’s Bazaar, Emilia Clarke, who plays Daenerys, hinted that that her costume is a clue for her character’s story arc in the upcoming season. “There’s a real through line for this particular season, there’s a real arc, and I feel like fans, like hard-core fans, will clock what’s happening within the reflection of the clothing. There’s definitely a story to tell there,” she said.

What is Daenerys’s costume? Well, Clarke told Harper’s Bazaar that a lot of season 8 will see Daenerys in a red fur. But what does that mean? There’s a theory that the red fur could be a hint that Daenerys is Azor Ahai reborn and is there to end winter and bring back summer. Here’s why the theory makes sense: According the prophecy, Azor is supposed to be born amid salt and smoke, wake dragons and appear when the red (key word: red) star bleeds. As fans know, each of these three things happen to Daenerys. (The red star happened when a comet appeared in the sky after her dragons were born.) If that’s not evidence enough, the Red Priests and Priestesses who follow the Lord of Light also dress in red—like Dany in the final season. Hmm.

"Game of Thrones"


Jon’s Pose in the Poster Means He Will Be King

When HBO released the season 8 Game of Thrones posters in February, fans noticed that Jon’s pose looked awfully familiar. Familiar to what, you ask? To the pose of his father (stepfather?), Ned Stark. The season 8 posters saw each of Game of Thrones‘ lead characters sitting on the Iron Throne. But Jon’s pose was very specific. Jon’s poster saw the character hunched over, with his legs apart and both hands on his sword, Longclaw, which was held tip down. Fans noticed that the poster looked pretty much identical to the pose that Ned was doing in the season one poster. The only difference is that Ned is looking away, while Jon is looking directly at the camera. Fans have theorized that this could be a clue that Jon will become king and win the Iron Throne at the end of the show, meaning that the entire series will come full circle.

"Game of Thrones"


"Game of Thrones"


Jon’s Statue in the Teaser Means He’ll Live Longer Than the Starks

In the first Game of Thrones teaser, released in January 2018, Jon and his sisters, Sansa and Arya Stark, walk through a tunnel with statues of their dead family members. At the end of the tunnel are three statues of them, which led fans to believe that they will die in season 8. Fans have also noticed that Jon’s statue looks different than his sisters’. While Arya and Sansa’s statues look like them in present-day, Jon’s looks like him as an older man, 20 or 30 years in the future, which has led many fans to speculate that Jon out-lives the Starks and goes on to win the Iron Throne. Though Jon’s older appearance could just be because of poor sculpting, we’re here for the theory.

"Game of Thrones"


Harry Strickland Will Change the Game for Cersei

The Game of Thrones season 8 trailer release last week saw an important character not seen on the show before: Harry Strickland. As Game of Thrones readers know, Harry is the captain of the Golden Company, which is the army that Euron Greyjoy is believed to have recruited to fight for the Lannisters on behalf of Cersei. In other words: This is good news for Cersei’s plan for the Irone Throne. Though the trailer doesn’t specifically show Harry, Vanity Fair confirmed in 2017 that Marc Rissmann had been cast in the role, meaning that he has to show up sometime. The trailer also shows a blonde-haired man dressed in gold-ish clothes at the head of a ship filled with soldiers in gold armor. It has to be a clue.

"Game of Thrones"


Will Gendry Sit on the Iron Throne?

When the Game of Thrones season 8 posters were released, almost 20 characters, big and small, were included. Missing from that list was Gendry, who has a significant (though smaller) role in the show. After a few seasons away, the character returned in season 7 and he was also seen in the season 8 trailer, making fans wonder what his role will be in the final season. Here’s where it’s messy: Gendry wasn’t included in the posters, and there are fans who believe that it’s on purpose to throw off the scent that Gendry could, possibly, sit on the Iron Throne. The idea isn’t too out-there. Gendry is the illegitimate son of King Robert Baratheon and is the last surviving man with Baratheon blood. According to Simple News, there’s also a theory that Gendry could be the son of Cersei, which give him even more of a right to the throne. (As fans know, Cersei currently sits on the Iron Throne through marriage.)

"Game of Thrones"


The Night King Will Defeat Jon and Daenerys

This theory comes from episode 10 of season 3 when Jojen Reed says ominously, “The Night’s Watch can’t stop them. The kings of Westeros and all their armies can’t stop them.” The “them” he’s referring to is, of course, the White Walkers led by the Night King. Fast-forward to the season 8 trailer and Jon and Daenerys look like they’re on the front lines of the battle against the Night King. Could this prophecy suggest that they lose? Though it’s hard the Night King will win everything in the end (or so we hope), Jojen’s comment could be a prediction that Jon and Dany will lose against the Night King in the first few battles (we’ve already seen them lose once) and will need to find another way to defeat him.

Game of Thrones


Jon Will Stay Loyal to His Family

No, Jon won’t betray the Starks—at least, according to this theory. As explained before, in the teaser, we see Jon, Arya and Sansa walking through a tunnel with statues of their dead family members. They then come across statues of themselves. Now, it’s pretty much unheard of for bastards and non-Starks to receive tombs underneath Winterfell, which means that the inclusion of Jon’s statue could be a clue that he stays loyal to the Starks (and vice versa) throughout everything. It’s not too surprise—though he’s not biological, they are still siblings. But what could it mean for Jon’s new alliance with Daenerys?

"Game of Thrones"


Bran Is the Night King

This is a theory that has been floating around for a long time, since Bran took a break from Game of Thrones and went MIA for a few seasons. (Isaac Hempstead Wright, the actor who plays Bran, even shut down the theory—though that was before he read the script for season 8, if that means anything.) The theory for Bran as the Night King comes from a clue on the teaser, which shows each of his siblings walking through a tunnel with statues of their family members but not Bran. Where is he? Well, toward the end of the teaser, a feather freezes and a blast of cold air comes toward our heroes. It’s easy to assume that it’s from the Night King, but could it also be from Bran? Is Bran’s absence from the teaser because he’s actually the one who freezes the tunnel? Well, that’s the theory that’s floating around town.

Game of Thrones


Arya Will Take Jaime’s Face and Kill Cersei

This theory comes from the season 8 trailer, which starts with Arya talking about “death” and “faces.” “I know death. He’s got many faces. I look forward to seeing this one,” she says. Of course, the internet is obsessing over the line, with many believing that Arya is referring to Jaime’s face, which she plans on taking to kill Cersei. Others believe that she’s referring to a White Walker’s face, which could also be true, but we’re more inclined to believe that it’s a plot to kill Cersei because…woah.

"Game of Thrones"


Arya Is Running From Her Dead Family

The season 8 trailer also sees Arya running through the crypts of Winterfell from something. What that is? We don’t know. Some have even pointed out that the trailer specifically blacks out whatever is chasing Arya, so fans don’t know what it is. One theory is that Arya is running from her dead family members. The tunnel she’s running in looks similar to the tunnel from the teaser, which showed statues of her dead family members. Could her dead family members come back to life to help (or hurt) her? Well, that’s the theory that’s floating around Reddit right now.

arya stark eyebrows

Jon Will Mount a Dragon

This theory comes from the season 8 trailer which shows Jon and Daenerys approaching her remaining two dragons. (As fans remember, one of Dany’s dragons was killed by the Night King in the last season and turned into an ice dragon.) From the trailer, it looks like Jon will ride one of the dragons, and here’s why fans think so. The season six finale confirmed that Jon is the son of Lyanna Stark, Ned’s sister, and Rhaegar Targaryen. (Yes—this means that Daenerys is aunt and they had sex.) But it also means that Jon has a close relationship with dragons. Once he finds out he’s a Targaryen, likely in season 8, it’s likely that he will try his hand at dragon-riding.

"Game of Thrones"


Cersei Is Not Pregnant or She Gives Birth

The season 8 trailer also includes a scene of Cersei drinking a glass of wine, which The Guardian points out could be a clue about her pregnancy. At the end of the last season, viewers learned that Cersei is pregnant. (Who the father is? We don’t know, but there’s a theory it’s Jaime’s.) So why is Cersei drinking a glass of wine? If we take out the possibility that she doesn’t care about her baby or doesn’t know that alcohol could harm it, there’s a theory that Cersei isn’t pregnant (did she lie?) or that she gives birth some time in the final season, which would make the timeline at least a year.

"Game of Thrones"


from StyleCaster

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