jueves, 21 de marzo de 2019

Cheers to Aries, the Endlessly Passionate, Endlessly Bold Queen of the Zodiac

Dear Aries (and non-Aries friends—it’s all right to keep reading),

My biggest congratulations to you for thriving for another year—you shine every day, but now is truly your time. The sun just entered Aries on March 21, and will be here until April 20, giving you 31 full days to be as passionate and impatient and impulsive as you want—within reason. Welcome to Aries season.

You’re a poster child of fire signs, driven and motivated at your core. Aries are sometimes known for their self-centered passion—while this can be true, people often overlook the immense passion and protective tendencies Aries shower on their friends. We know you can be a bit hot-headed, but we also know you’re enthusiastic and courageous, unafraid to stand up for yourself and those you love. Aries are also Cardinal signs, which means you’re one of the initiators of the zodiac. (Other Cardinal signs include Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.) Again, some folks might see this “initiating” energy as domineering, but we know you’re just excited to put plans into motion. This Cardinal tendency to initiate, coupled with that classic Aries passion, makes you guys a delight to throw in the mix of more relaxed, go-with-the flow signs. You know how to get people going!

Mercury, the planet that rules communication, has been retrograde since March 5, but it goes direct on March 28—just in time for Aries season. The clarity that comes from Mercury going direct, coupled with the general passion and drive in the air during Aries season, should play well together. Use this time to make moves on any career changes or personal projects, especially if you know precisely what you want to do. And if you don’t know exactly how you want things to go, that’s all right, too. Try something without the fear of failure, without the pressure of getting it right on the first try. Aries season is full of energy of the early spring, as everything springs back to life. Embrace that.

“Some folks might see this ‘initiating’ energy as domineering, but we know you’re just excited to put plans into motion.”

As a Cardinal sign with a built-in self-starting tendency, Aries don’t hesitate to motivate and rally others. You’re happy when you’re putting things in motion, and it’s an added bonus to make your friends happy in the process. You love to lead the charge for the evening, pick the most fun bar possible, make sure everyone’s happy with the choice, then herd your friends into the Uber, keeping spirits up as you go. Those closest to you know that you’ll always be there to stick up for them, and always ready to blast Ariana Grande very loudly and dance around the apartment if you’re feeling down.

One way to utilize some of this fun Aries energy is to lean heavily into a passion during the next month (or even longer!). Deepen your knowledge of something you’re already passionate about, like coding or video editing or dance. Or use the newness of spring to cultivate a new passion! If you’ve been wanting to learn to embroider, now is the time! Get a hoop and some thread and fabric and learn all about it! If you’ve wanted to grow your windowsill plant collection, head to the nursery down the street this weekend! Ask one of the gardeners for lots of info about the plant, too, and read up on the best light and water for all of your plants. Be careful, though—many Aries are often too impatient to finish the passion projects they begin, so push yourself to see a project through fully.

“As a Cardinal sign with a built-in self-starting tendency, Aries don’t hesitate to motivate and rally others.”

Something delightful about you, Aries, is your fearlessness, even in the mundane. Despite being the “child” of the zodiac (the first sign out of 12), Aries can often be the mom friend, speaking up at a restaurant to finally get the missing place setting delivered to the table, or pulling someone quiet into the fold of a rambunctious conversation. They’re not afraid of worry or judgement in these environments, and don’t hesitate to use their voice when they need to. Practice using your voice this Aries season; it’s OK to tell people what you need or want! (How else will they know?!) If you’re used to keeping your needs to yourself, quiet the voice in your head that lies to you and says people will be upset if you speak your mind. You may find that people will hear you out, sometimes with kindness, and that they’ll still like you at the end of the day.

You, my dear fiery Aries, are fearless and bold. Speaking up, including others and devoting time to passions are fundamental Aries traits that the rest of the zodiac could benefit from emulating from time to time. You, Aries, are outspoken and enthusiastic, and sometimes we could use the reminder that it’s OK to stand up for ourselves. Embrace the sound of your own voice, because Taurus season is next, and those motherfuckers can be really pensive homebodies.

from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/2uhgsl8

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