martes, 30 de abril de 2019

Meghan Markle’s Baby Name Might’ve Leaked & It Looks Like Baby Sussex Is a Boy

The newest royal baby is likely days from gracing the earth. Fans of the royal family have been waiting on pins and needles for the moment the expecting Duke and Duchess of Sussex announce the birth of their first child. This Meghan Markle and Prince Harry baby name leak is the first clue into their significantly private pregnancy so far. People have been speculating on various options for the new royal’s name for some time. The name Diana was a popular thought if their baby is a girl—a sweet tribute to Harry’s late mother, Princess Diana. A few sleuths have now discovered that the royal family’s official website might be to blame for this baby name leak.

Apparently, Arthur, James and Alexander are the top contenders for likely baby names. Here’s why: The royal website has pages for all members of the royal family, including little George, Louis and Charlotte. If you go to, it will pull up Princess Charlotte’s royal page. Chances are a royal page will be set up for baby Sussex too. But, as Cosmopolitan pointed out, if you type in a random name for the URL section, it will say “page not found.” For example, if we use Princess Banana Hammock (shoutout to Phoebe in Friends), here’s what happens.

We typed in:

And this is what comes up:

the royal familye28094pagenotfound Meghan Markles Baby Name Mightve Leaked & It Looks Like Baby Sussex Is a Boy

The Royal Family.

But—the Express found a loophole and hit gold. If you try the names Prince Arthur (, Prince James ( and Prince Alexander (, the pages send you straight back to the main page. Huh? What does this mean? Well, incorrect random names illicit a “page not found response.” But Arthur, James and Alexander seem to be on hold. Those URLs are likely being “reserved” by the royal family but just aren’t live yet.

So is Markle and Prince Harry’s child definitely a boy? Well, it seems super likely. But we guess there’s still a 50/50 chance since it’s not been confirmed. Perhaps the royal couple will have a little future King Arthur on their hands soon…(although TBH he won’t be king. Though he will be seventh in line!)

 Meghan Markles Baby Name Mightve Leaked & It Looks Like Baby Sussex Is a Boy

Walt Disney Pictures.

But the palace has already attempted to shut down this rumor mill, telling Yahoo U.K. that “A large number of search term redirects were set up some time ago on This was in order to improve user experience. For guidance you will note that other names preceded by ‘prince’ or ‘princess’ produce the same result.” Hmmm. Fair enough. But we’d like to think we’re onto something.

We’re sure the mom-to-be is all smiles right now! Can’t wait for this bundle of joy to enter the world.

meghan markle oval face hairstyle Meghan Markles Baby Name Mightve Leaked & It Looks Like Baby Sussex Is a Boy


from StyleCaster

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