lunes, 26 de agosto de 2019

Your September 2019 Horoscope Wants You to Embrace the Unknown

Listen, this September 2019 horoscope energy is real. With summer coming to a close and autumn swiftly approaching, it’s a time for fresh beginnings. Kids are back in school, I’m teaching and drinking an unhealthy amount of coffee, and one of my students said I was pretty and had a lot of pockets. And if you don’t think I’m going to ride that compliment into the sunset for the next 20 years, then you are deeply and unforgivably wrong. I live for commentary from six-year-olds. Even the rude things they say are stunning. (I was once told I was too mean to LIVE. Those ankle biters will wreck you and look you straight in the eye while they do it. Nothing but respect for MY presidents—they all act like Geminis and fight like Scorpios and I say a prayer everyday for my Virgos.)

Working with kids and going back to school has made me realize how extreme our culture is in 2019. You’re either an introvert or an extrovert. You live in a van off the grid, or you’re willing to sell your ectoplasm for the iPhone X87G*. Right versus left (directionally, politically and dating app-ly). Some days, it feels like everything is a dichotomy or a caricature of extremism. Even that sentence is a big, bold statement.

I think, wow, what a set up for failure. Being sure of something is one of the most sure-fire ways I know to get it wrong. It’s okay to be wrong, I’m not saying that being incorrect is a crime. But it is pretty gutting sometimes. So what if we left more room for doubt? Gave it a little space, instead of fighting tooth and nail and failing? Sometimes it’s okay to be a little unsure, to hover in the middle and think about it. Commitment is nice, identity formation is important, but all of these things and ideals we feel rushed to “find” or “discover” can mean that we skip all the weird, gray middle ground. And that, my friends, is where you’ll likely experience the most growth.

This month’s horoscope may encourage you to embrace the unknown and begin anew. It may also ask you to speak up, or it might just suggest that you take the backseat. Whichever it is, scroll through to read your monthly horoscope.

STYLECASTER | September 2019 Horoscope

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Aries –

Use your words this month, Aries. I know the age-old adage “actions speak louder than words” has merit—but people can’t read your mind, and different styles of thinking can lead to miscommunication that can be avoided by—you guessed it—speaking! With your mouth! From September 13 through the 20, Mercury will be opposite your decan. This can lead to anxiety, stress or confusion as this celestial movement increases the energy surrounding you. So stay the course and use your words. Ur gonna be fiiiiiiineeee.


Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Taurus –

This month is interesting for you, Taurus. On the one hand, Mercury conjunct Venus will bring you social clarity and a burst of extraversion, but it can also lead to judgement from others. This is a time for you to really hone in on others’ intentions. Don’t be afraid to keep new romances under wraps and recognize that now is a great time for love, support, and human connection.



This month is supposed to bring some balance and harmony into your life. Speaking as a Gemini—I really hope so. I feel like I’m gargling the ocean and a shark is yanking on my trachea. September 22 to October 4 will have the Sun trine your decan, so take that time to use your positivity and drive to your best advantage. Also, don’t be afraid to take the backseat. When you’re talking, you’re not learning. Give someone else a chance to speak, and you might be surprised at what you discover about the world and yourself.


Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Cancer –

The end of this month may bring some anxiety and restless energy as the Sun quincunx Uranus on September 29. The good news is, the rest of the month is an opportunity for you to challenge yourself by venturing outside your home and comfort zone. Get a little uncomfortable, Cancer. Be willing to feel awkward in a room full of well-meaning people. It will make you appreciate your free time even more. Discomfort is temporary.


Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


As one of the more hospitable signs, abundance is something that comes naturally to you. This month, make a concentrated effort to be kind to yourself and notice all of the good things in your life. You can keep a gratitude journal or a thankful binder or whatever arts and crafts get your motor running. You can make a mental list, or type up your list and then light it on fire when you’re done. Whatever way feels most authentic to you is the correct way—just make sure it’s the one that will change your perspective and make you a happier person.


Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Virgo –

Saying yes to others is not required. In fact, Virgo, your generous and loyal heart could even be encouraged to say no more. So I’m going to say it: Say no more. Seriously. If you don’t want to do it, or it’s inconvenient, or just—whatever. Maybe you want to paint your nails or look at videos of people decorating hamster cages. Point is, saying no is good and healthy. The more you say it, the easier it gets. Say it with me now: No, thank you.


Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


September is a good-ass month for you, Libra. Mental acuity and quick-thinking will keep you from getting into trouble, which is good, as an increase in your workload and commitments is probable. Remember to make time for whatever practices are enriching your life—reading for fun, meditation, weekly coffee dates with a friend or family member. Often these things that bring us joy are the first things to go when things get busy. Make it a point to put good practices first.


Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Scorpio –

This month will be full of affection from family and friends, Scorpio. This may feel a little off—you’re usually the one showering others with compliments and engaging your empathy and cheerleading skills for others. Let yourself be the one on the receiving end for once and remember that asking for your needs to be met does not equal neediness.


Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


Oooh, work stuff is on the horizon, and it’s all good news! This month’s horoscope predicts that your career/occupation will take center stage this month. Focus on your professional development and know that a payoff is coming—and coming soon. The only thing to watch out for is overworking and burning out, which can cause a domino effect if you aren’t careful. Be realistic with your scheduling and give yourself time to recuperate.


Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Capricorn –

Challenge yourself to let go of judgement this September, Capricorn. Yes, it’s easier said than done—but this is a life-long practice, not a seminar or bullshit master class that you’ll forget about in two weeks. Start by dropping the word “should” from your vocabulary when talking to yourself and others. Consider not judging your feelings and, instead, letting them wash over you. If you let them in, they’ll leave.


Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Aquarius –

We all want easy answers, a quick fix, a one-size-fits-all solution for all of our suffering. This month, try and play the long game. Do you know what studies have shown again and again, regarding happiness? THE SAME DAMN THINGS. We need proper nutrition, exercise, sleep and human connection. Basically, things that require time and consistency. You can’t buy this on Amazon. Incorporate all of these things long-term, and keep going. The good will come.


Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Pisces –

It’s inevitable that when we create our own realities, they can become a little twisted and a little untrue. We learn to say things like. “I’m not good at math,” or “I’m not a creative person.” Little ideas take root and then take over our whole identity. This September, notice how you talk to yourself. Question anything that isn’t complimentary. Nothing is real—least of all limiting ideas of how you function in the world.

So, zodiac signs, feel free to be boring, undefined, and unfinished. Let everyone else think they’ve got it figured out while you kick back and revel in the unknowing. The answers never seem to be as satisfying as the process of figuring them out.


from StyleCaster

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