lunes, 28 de octubre de 2019

Yikes, Mercury Is Retrograde This Halloween—Here’s How That Will Affect You

For real, this Mercury retrograde October 2019 (happening on Halloween DAY, by the way) is the kind of poetry I’m looking for right now. And the fact that it’s also the final retrograde of the year is just…*chef’s kiss*. For the uninitiated, Mercury retrograde is when Mercury gives the illusion of moving backward, even though it’s just moving past the earth in it’s normal rotation. This basically screws with the celestial balance that ~ rules us all ~ and makes all the signs wild out (except maybe not Virgo. Virgo usually keeps their head).

But Mercury retrograde isn’t the big, scary, astrological monster under your bed that’s here to make everything in your life go haywire, like so many would like us to believe. Really, at its core, Mercury retrograde is an opportunity to self reflect and reprocess things that didn’t get a chance to be fully processed the first time around.

It’s about how the past, present, and future knit together. Even when we think we’re over our ex, or done with people-pleasing or engaging in self-destructive behaviors—mercury retrograde has a way of bringing back the past, full circle, for you to move on from all over again.

I know you can heal from trauma, but I’m not sure if any of us ever really forget it. Not completely. It leaves living scars on us all—ones that flare up or require attention. Mercury Retrograde is just the warm light that brings it all to the surface. And we have a choice: We can either 1.  live in fear, continue with our same patterns, and stuff our feelings down so deeply that it takes another few months or years for them to resurface, except next time much stronger and more bitter for being ignored—or 2. deal with the hurt, feel the hard feelings, and then let them go.

It may look like broken computers and vague, non-actionable emails that make you want to rip your hair out, but look deeper. Ask yourself if you’re paying enough attention to your gut feelings. Ask yourself if you trust yourself—and if you don’t, ask what’s blocking you from doing so. I’m not saying you need to psychoanalyze yourself and make everything A Big Deal—but also, what else are you gonna do?

Halloween and Mercury Retrograde is all about monsters—the scary things that thrive in the darkness, just waiting to get us. I say let them. Face the monsters head-on, and when you smile at them—show your teeth. These monsters, proverbial or otherwise, may be scary in the dark. But you get to live in the light.

So turn on the light-switch and get to work.

Here’s How Mercury Retrograde Will Affect Each Sign: 

STYLECASTER | Halloween Mercury Retrograde October 2019

Aries –

People love to seek advice from Aries, whose confidence is always the first part of them to enter the room. This retrograde, be careful of the secrets that you keep. If there’s gossip happening, leave the room. Tell people BEFORE they start to unload that you’re uncomfortable keeping secrets or getting involved. This retrograde, keep things simple and to yourself.

STYLECASTER | Halloween Mercury Retrograde October 2019

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Taurus –

It’s time for your patience and determination to pay off, Taurus. While communication and contracts aren’t going to get any clearer, you may find yourself making space and time for rest and other tranquil pursuits. You know that you can only be your best when you feel your best, and now is the time to fill your creative well so that you can move forward confidently.

STYLECASTER | Halloween Mercury Retrograde October 2019

Image: Sprios Halaris.


It’s all fun and games until it isn’t—and this retrograde will bring some solemnity to the surface. Ask for space as you need it, and commit to not taking on any further obligations until you have (at the very least) consistent free time during the weekend or after work and want something to do. Don’t distract yourself from your problems or healing, Gemini. They’ll only come back stronger.

STYLECASTER | Halloween Mercury Retrograde October 2019

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Cancer –

As a homebody, you derive some serious satisfaction from your routines—your morning coffee, Sunday mornings, trivia night with your roommates, etc. Be prepared for this retrograde to turn that all a little topsy-turvy—but only temporarily. Use this as an opportunity to practice flexibility and letting things go. Expectations are fine, as long as they don’t become our steadfast religion, concerning how the world should work. Switch it up a little. Do your laundry on Tuesday, instead of Sunday. Live on the wild side. 

STYLECASTER | Halloween Mercury Retrograde October 2019

Image: Sprios Halaris.


Your generous heart can sometimes overpower your intuition, and this retrograde is no exception. Pay attention to red flags in all of your relationships, romantic or otherwise, and remember that faithfulness and trust go BOTH ways. While you might want to wait before making any major decisions about the people in your life, planting the seed now will help you gain clarity for the next step.

STYLECASTER | Halloween Mercury Retrograde October 2019

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Virgo –

Look, I’m all for living your life during Mercury retrograde—but it’s smart to be pragmatic. If you’re angling for a raise (which you should be, FYI)—do it before or after the retrograde. You are the sign of service, and your practicality reigns supreme in the zodiac. Recognizing your worth and asking for the appropriate compensation is hard. But it’s self love, and the momentary discomfort will be worth it.

STYLECASTER | Halloween Mercury Retrograde October 2019

Image: Sprios Halaris.


Be careful not to get caught up in appearances this retrograde, Libra. People like to show their best, shiny selves, while hiding all of their emotional baggage. So don’t be fooled—everyone has their own resolved issues. Stay away from social media and resist the urge to compare yourself to others.

STYLECASTER | Halloween Mercury Retrograde October 2019

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Scorpio –

You don’t do anything by halves, do you Scorpio? This retrograde will unleash the full force of your obsessive tendencies, highlighting various coping skills. Resist the urge to keep doing the same, harmful actions over and over again. Fear of the future can lead to a lack of love and self-awareness in the present. You’re stronger than that.

STYLECASTER | Halloween Mercury Retrograde October 2019

Image: Sprios Halaris.


This retrograde will have a lot more communication snafu’s than you are used to, Sagittarius. While you’re known for being one of the more direct and honest signs, not all of us share these bomb-ass traits. Continue to lead by example, and do not over-explain. People will figure out the truth, eventually. 

STYLECASTER | Halloween Mercury Retrograde October 2019

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Capricorn –

That Venus energy is still flowing for you, Capricorn. Whether it be flirty texts or snaps, a date with someone very dreamy or breaking new ground with a partner—you’ve got love on the brain. Be extra careful this retrograde to speak clearly and don’t be afraid to clarify. Communication is (obvi) hugely important in relationships, and especially new ones—so tread carefully to avoid a sticky situation.

STYLECASTER | Halloween Mercury Retrograde October 2019

Aquarius –

This retrograde isn’t planning on going easy on you, sweet Aquarius. Issues of jealousy, power, and control may arise, dragging you into their orbit. In these kinds of situations, it’s easy to get obsessive and defensive, letting the tension consume you. Try and let it flow. Manage your feelings in a healthy way, instead of via distractions. Watch how much stronger you are than you initially thought.

STYLECASTER | Halloween Mercury Retrograde October 2019

Image: Sprios Halaris.

Pisces –

This retrograde will remind you that done is better than perfect, and especially in your creative pursuits. Clinging on to the idea of what things should look like or turn out to be is a surefire way to never grow creatively.  And not to mention, it also stunts your artistic growth. Make an effort to put more of your stuff out into the world, just for the joy and the accomplishment of it. No one needs to clap but you.

from StyleCaster

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