martes, 5 de noviembre de 2019

How Tonight’s Taurid Meteor Shower Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

In these last three months of this decade (cue: existential tears), our 2019 Taurid meteor shower horoscopes are gonna have some kick to it, making sure that we end the year with some semblance of style. But first, what is a Taurid? For the uninitiated, the Taurids are meteors, aka fireballs (!!!) that shoot across the sky. They’re longer than your average meteor shower, lasting a number of months—but the fireballs are weaker. It’s also worth noting that there are two Taurids: north and south. While all of these slow-moving meteors can be seen throughout the night in the northern hemisphere, the South Taurids are most visible on Nov. 5 through Nov. 7. And the North Taurids are most visible on Nov.  11-12. But don’t worry if you miss it—both showers will be active until late December.

Astrologically speaking though, meteor showers are a game-changer for all the zodiac signs. They symbolize growth and epiphanies and come with the kind of wisdom usually seen in jaded older cousins who tell you sex stuff around the holidays. But unlike your older cousins, meteors are (slightly) more trustworthy and bring with them truths that have long been hidden from view.

I love a good Taurid meteor shower. I love that they’re smaller and slower than other meteors, just meandering across the sky at their own speed, in no particular hurry. I wish I was more like that, when in reality, I tend to move more like a cannonball. Because the truth is we only rush when we don’t trust ourselves and the universe/Spirit/God/whatever you believe in. We only lean into our egos when we are afraid and want answers to come to us from the outside world.

But they don’t—not really. Every important answer you’re looking for—what you want to do for a living, who you want to love and be with, how to heal what parts of you feel squished and broken— is inside you, resting beside your beating heart, waiting for you to be ready to hear it.

We all need reminders, now and for the rest of our lives, that external answers—people, places, things—will never give us the satisfaction we think they will. The only truth is inside us, usually covered in a thick layer of feelings that we have to sort through first.

So make space and take some time to listen. Don’t be afraid. Truth can be ugly on the outside, but on the inside, it’s golden.

How the Taurid Meteor Shower Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign:

STYLECASTER | Taurid Meteor Shower 2019

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Aries –

Use this shower as an opportunity to spend less time being on your phone or staring at computer and television screens. We are all so terrified of being bored that we find constant distractions and pile them up, one on top of another, so we never have to face ourselves or silence. But that’s where everything is—in that empty space, devoid of background noise and urgent tasks that really don’t mean much, after all. Let yourself be bored and just be.

STYLECASTER | Taurid Meteor Shower 2019

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Taurus –

This meteor shower will push your childhood to the forefront of your mind, reminding you what it was like to go through the world with less anxiety and fear. Remember throwing mud-balls at your friends and playing with sticks until your teacher yelled at you? I’m not saying you need to get down and dirty (I mean, you can). But if the last time you felt alive was when you were in fourth grade, then it’s time for a change.

STYLECASTER | Self-Care Ideas for Zodiac Signs

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


Slow and steady are two words that aren’t often used to describe you, Gemini—but they are the two words that will bring you the most peace. Chew your food thoroughly, take time to formulate a thoughtful response when speaking, and don’t be afraid to move slowly through life. There is no finish line or prize for doing things quickly or in a reactionary way. Be like a Taurid—still your fireball self, but be unafraid of time and space. You’ll get to wherever you want to go. So enjoy the time it takes to get there.

STYLECASTER | Taurid Meteor Shower 2019

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Cancer –

This is your opportunity to look at the world through a new and kinder lens. There’s a difference between someone being mean and someone giving constructive criticism. For the rest of the year, try and find a balance between being open-minded and open to constructive criticism, rather than reacting defensively. We only get defensive when we don’t trust ourselves and our competency. And you, Cancer, are more than capable.

STYLECASTER | Taurid Meteor Shower 2019

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


Like this slow-moving meteor shower, this is a good time for Leos to really focus on single-tasking and finishing things before starting new projects. I get it. Truly, I do. Starting things is fun! It’s full of possibilities and brainstorming and can make your day a little brighter around the edges. But moving through obstacles and sticking with something, even when it’s hard, is what makes you more resilient, creative, and experienced. So let yourself flounder, if only for a little while—because finishing something important feels even better than starting. Trust me.

STYLECASTER | Self-Care Ideas for Zodiac Signs

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Virgo –

Being organized and efficient can be a curse, in a way. People expect more of you and tend to overlook signs that you may be overwhelmed or struggling. This meteor shower is a good time to give yourself space without the stress of always achieving something and external pressures. If your life is shaped to be the most efficient it can be, you lose out on so much magic—the kind that can only come from experimentation or the sheer joy of doing exactly what you want. Take a new route to work or get coffee at a different café. Find joy in life’s unpredictability.

STYLECASTER | Self-Care Ideas for Zodiac Signs

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


With the moon moving through Aquarius, you may find yourself taking more personal time to yourself—whether it be to just be home with yourself or to spend time with your loved ones. This is a great time to recharge and connect with the people you love. This meteor shower can be healing. It can also bring to light the things you most value. Maybe it’s quality time with loved ones or a clear weekend schedule that will give you the freedom to lay around, read a book, or walk through the park with your dog. This time is crucial. Let your mind rest. When it’s ready to come back to your regular schedule—you’ll know.

STYLECASTER | Taurid Meteor Shower 2019

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Scorpio –

You’re a sign that idealizes the idea of accuracy, being correct, having the perfect answer, etc. This meteor shower is a time for you to fully experience that it’s okay to make mistakes, as long as you learn from them. And you know what? It’s okay, too, if you don’t. Sometimes we have to make the same mistake (trusting the wrong person, overcompensating due to low self-esteem, etc.) over and over again until we can see the pattern and how pervasive it is in our lives. So look at your mistakes as small little badges of learning. Know that being correct will never change you the way being wrong will. Let yourself learn.

STYLECASTER | Taurid Meteor Shower 2019

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.


This meteor shower will only add fuel to your creative fire, Sagittarius. As ideas swirl through your brain, don’t feel too attached to any specific plan. This is a time for thinking, slowing down, and letting your mind make itself up in its own time. If you feel a pressure to commit, take it as a sign that you need to take action without just reacting to external stimuli. And remember: A lot of problems solve themselves with just a good night’s sleep.

STYLECASTER | Taurid Meteor Shower 2019

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Capricorn –

Of all the signs, Capricorn, you are the least likely to reflect on your external accomplishments. Which is silly! Because there are so many! (But I also appreciate that about you—you’re never one to rest on reputation or past deeds.) Now, you need to make the time. Write a list, or even just verbally say your accomplishments aloud. Only once you’ve seen what your body is capable of, will you be able to focus on the internal. It’s all connected—so start singing your own praises for a change.

STYLECASTER | Taurid Meteor Shower 2019

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Aquarius –

We hear the word vulnerability all the time, but I’m not sure we all fully realize what that means. Vulnerability translates to an emotional discomfort—something we aren’t sure we can do, or even want. But vulnerability is where true connection starts. During this shower, try to support people and deepen your connections by moving outside of your comfort zone. And try and see who shows up for you in that way. Who comes to your events, or notices when something is wrong. Those people are the ones you want to reciprocate with.

STYLECASTER | Taurid Meteor Shower 2019

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Pisces –

When was the last time you had a real, bonafide adventure? Something (largely) unplanned or spontaneous that taught you something about yourself? Adventures don’t have to look the same way they do in books or movies, but they do exist in real life. Sometimes it’s as simple as a trip to CVS with a friend, where you end up buying seven different red nail polishes and trying them all on in the car while you laugh so hard your ribs ache. Have adventures and let those moments carry you through.

from StyleCaster

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