sábado, 28 de marzo de 2020

These 4 Zodiac Signs Are Prone To Being Petty—Here’s What They Need The Most RN

On March 24th, we welcomed the New Moon in Aries, which created a great opportunity for us to reset— and boy, did we need it. For the last few weeks, our daily lives have been turned upside down, and the routines that once kept us balanced have been replaced with a “new normal” that will take time to properly adjust to. As you learn the best ways to balance your energy with those of your household companions, solve your stress-related breakouts, and find new ways to channel your pent-up stress, you’re bound to have some petty moments—especially if you’re one of the most petty zodiac signs. And TBH, who could blame you? When your world becomes smaller, confined to your home and remote spaces, so can your grievances (but seriously, try not to freak out if your boyfriend eats the last Girl Scout cookie).

While it’s natural to indulge in petty moments here and there when you need to release built-up tension, it’s important to have control over what you say and do. Nobody likes the high priest of pettiness, I’m just saying! And since certain signs have a natural tendency to obsess over small details or stress easily under pressure, these people may find themselves engaging in more petty behavior than usual. Hard times will pass, of course, but if you find yourself feeling extra-petty in the meantime, take a deep breath, open a window and try to remind yourself of the bigger picture.

As we greet this new moon and new season (Hello, springtime!) here are the four signs that will be the most enthusiastic guests at the petty party. If you made the list, read on for the best ways to handle your behavior and find peace.

STYLECASTER | Zodiac Signs as Therapist Meme

Image: Haley Longbottom.


While an abundance of free time right now should give you an opportunity to focus on your work and creative projects, I feel you leaning into your petty tendencies, dear Capricorn. By nature, you can be inflexible and unforgiving, and tend to focus on people’s faults or weaknesses before their strengths. While you’ve never minded some alone time, I can see you getting a little stir-crazy, and not having anyone in particular to blame for this dramatic change in your routine might give you the urge to call up your younger brother and give him unsolicited dating advice, or suggest to your roommate that she should throw her quarantine pajama set in the wash. Remember that this is a trying time for all, Capricorn! Before criticizing others, remember that in this moment your friends and family need support, not criticism. Giving others (and yourself) a break right now might be just what everyone needs. 


STYLECASTER | Zodiac Signs as Therapist Meme

Image: Haley Longbottom.


Your eternal optimism is essential these days, Aries, and putting a smile on your friends’ and family’s faces can be the best antidote to their sour moods. However, spending more time inside and not getting as many opportunities to exert your physical energy might leave you feeling moody, irritable and frustrated, and could result in you feeling petty and engaging in hot-headed behavior. While it may feel good in the moment to succumb to your ego and lash out in a moment of anger, do your best to lean into the empathetic nature that I know you possess. Try your best to navigate these impulses by popping in your AirPods, playing your favorite music or podcast, and taking a long run or walk to release the bad vibes you’re carrying around. While your instincts might say to get petty (and we know your domineering personality can deliver a piping-hot petty burn), try your best to not sweat the small stuff.


STYLECASTER | Zodiac Signs as Therapist Meme

Image: Haley Longbottom.


Scorpios value their relationships above everything else, so social distancing may send you into a petty frenzy. If several of your closest pals happen to be together at this time and keep sharing their latest Tik Tok dances with you, you may feel a twinge of jealousy, and your gut reaction might be to cut off communication as a punishment to them (and yourself). How dare they not invite you to their Zoom Happy Hour! While I can understand your fiery reaction, sensitive Scorpio, take this moment to remember that you are valued, even if it can’t be shown through social interaction right now. Make sure you’re getting your fix by FaceTiming and texting, and consider use this time to show your friends and family that you care in a way you typically wouldn’t, like writing a letter or sending them your favorite poem. While you may be feeling distant, this time apart could make your relationships stronger in the long run. 


STYLECASTER | Zodiac Signs as Therapist Meme

Image: Haley Longbottom.


Tauruses are known to love routine and shy away from change, so this whole “stay home and practice social distancing” thing has no doubt been difficult for you. On a practical level, you know this change is for the best and is important to greater society as a whole, but on a more petty level, you might be steaming over the fact that you can’t get your morning coffee and bagel from your favorite spot around the block, nail your morning workout at the gym, or pop by your favorite bar after work with your pals. The friction of knowing it’s the right thing, but being utterly frustrated by the shift in your routine might bring out that stubborn pettiness that you can so often keep controlled. To get through this time of  uncompromising change, it’s time to accept and adapt to a new routine. Watch a YouTube video on how to make the best latte at home, make your living room your personal yoga studio, and pour yourself a glass of wine and organize a Zoom call with a group of friends. Most importantly, don’t get angry with yourself if it takes some time to adjust. You’re only human, Taurus!

from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/3bBLUye

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