lunes, 27 de julio de 2020

Call Mariah Carey—Your Weekly Horoscope Says You’re Obsessing Over Something

July is winding down and August is ready for us, so let’s dive into your weekly horoscope for July 27-August 2, shall we? On Monday, Jupiter (planet of luck) aligns with Neptune (planet of illusion), which can highlight a dream and the desire to make things real. However, with both planets in reverse, this could be a time of visualizing the outcome rather than being more proactively involved.

On that same day, Venus (planet of love) angles toward beguiling Neptune, which might stir a yearning for someone or something that may be out of reach. Plus, the quarter moon in Scorpio could coincide with the need to make a key decision.

Mercury (planet of communication) makes three powerful aspects this week. On Thursday, it opposes Jupiter and aligns with Neptune, so there could be an eagerness to make a bold move. Just make expectations realistic.

On Saturday, lively Mercury opposes radical Pluto (planet of change), and there’s a chance of obsession when it comes to wanting a certain outcome. If a situation needs to be manipulated to get it, then we might just do it.

STYLECASTER | weekly horoscope


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How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



This week’s quarter moon in Scorpio could see you reaching a milestone. You might be ready to decide whether to continue with a plan or project or call it a day. Quarter moons represent a gear change in which you can either step up and commit further or decide to reduce your involvement.

There is also plenty of nebulous energy this week, with the main aspect being jovial Jupiter’s positive tie with hazy Neptune. This can put the emphasis on your dreams and fantasies, which may be richer and more vivid than usual.

Talkative Mercury opposes optimistic Jupiter and forges a harmonious angle with Neptune on Thursday, so you may feel an instinctive nudge to imagine a positive outcome in an awkward situation. This could be all it takes to change things for the better. When beguiling Neptune is involved, reality becomes more plastic, and your thoughts and feelings can impact your circumstances more than usual.



Are you working on a plan or project? Before you proceed, it might be wise to make sure that your family is on board. This week’s quarter moon in Scorpio encourages you to sit down together and get their ideas and opinions. If your idea needs a few changes before you proceed, this is the perfect time to make any adjustments.

You may get a desire to connect with someone you haven’t seen in a while, perhaps because they live far from you. However, with ethereal Neptune involved, they could pick up on your desire and reach out to you. You could be surprised to get a call or the chance of a video chat, which would be very heartwarming.

There may be a lot to think about this week, and unless you’re careful, you could get obsessed with a bold idea. This isn’t the time to jump on the bandwagon, though. You need to do some careful research first.



Do you have an idea that could help others? With philosophical Jupiter aligning with compassionate Neptune, you might be eager to get it up and running.

Stay practical, though, because there’s no point in galloping ahead before you can walk. You might need the advice of others regarding costs, legal issues, and practical know-how. Finding this can be key to laying the groundwork and getting everything in order for a positive start. Lovely Venus in your sign angles toward dreamy Neptune on Monday, so you may have high expectations when it would be better to be realistic about what you can achieve.

Money matters may also come to the fore as messenger Mercury aligns with both jovial Jupiter and underworld Pluto this week. If you need money to invest in a project, don’t ask for too much at once. It’s better to understate than overstate what you need. If you have facts and figures to back you up, there is a better chance of getting it.



The sun in your money zone is angling toward the moon in Scorpio and your leisure sector, so you may be eager to take a gamble. The question is if it will pay off. If you take a calculated risk, you might be okay, but if you’re in this just for the thrill, there are no guarantees.

In addition, you may be drawing closer to someone who has been on your radar for a while. If they share your interest in spiritual matters, they may make an excellent companion or even soul mate. As philosophical Jupiter aligns with caring Neptune, you may be drawn to spend more time with them and find this very heartwarming.

If you need to have a talk with someone, don’t overthink it because you could put yourself off by dwelling on the outcome. With messenger Mercury opposing potent Pluto, this could be a rather intense conversation, but if it gets to the heart of the matter, it could lead to positive change and a key decision.



The sun is newly in your sign, so you are in your element and eager get started on plans and projects that have been on the back burner for a while.

However, at the start of the week, a quarter moon in Scorpio could find you at a turning point. Do you need to get your family together to discuss something important, or should you just do it anyway? This lunar phase encourages you to gather your clan and get their opinion, because this could be crucial to the success of your idea.

When it comes to finances or a business idea, keep your feet on the ground. When generous Jupiter connects with hazy Neptune, it can be easy to exaggerate the benefits of a plan or scheme, and this could lead to losses rather than gains. Get the advice of those in the know before you go ahead. It could be invaluable.


The sun will be in a private zone if your chart for some weeks, so this is very much a time to let go of emotional baggage and finish anything that may be hanging over you. If you need to find closure on a relationship or situation, this is the time to go ahead. In addition, taking time out to recharge and reflect on your priorities can also be very healing.

Are you ready to collaborate with someone on a creative project? Jupiter’s tie with inspirational Neptune could see you working well together. Your practical know-how combined with their imaginative outlook can bring sparkling results.

At the same time, watch out for someone who may be a little jealous of you. Thoughtful Mercury opposes intense Pluto this weekend, and you would be wise to steer clear of anyone whose vibe seems a little toxic. Instead, socialize with people who uplift you and leave you feeling good.


Optimistic Jupiter aligns with spiritual Neptune on Monday, and you might be ready for a change. A holistic way of being might appeal to you, but you might need to adjust your habits and routines to make this happen. You could be looking to adopt more eco-friendly ways at home and regarding diet and exercise. If this involves a move at some point, it may be to a place that offers peace and tranquility as well as beautiful surroundings.

At the same time, lovely Venus in your sector of far horizons forges an edgy angle with ethereal Neptune, which could find you dreaming of an exotic holiday and a chance to get away from it all. Plan for this, and indulge to the max when you have the opportunity.

Finally, there could be some tension around your work/life balance as logical Mercury opposes both expansive Jupiter and potent Pluto in your home zone. Finding a way to reach your goals and enjoy a harmonious home life can be a challenge, but it’s one worth tackling.


The sun is newly in the sign of charismatic Leo and a prominent zone of your chart, so the coming weeks are perfect for getting your message out to the world. This is your time to shine! If it means showing off a little, go for it. Although this isn’t your natural way of being, it’s an opportunity to display your talents with a view toward getting a promotion, new clients, or a lucrative contract.

In addition, an upbeat Jupiter-Neptune aspect could coincide with a meeting that is pure inspiration. You and another may have a lot in common, and the more you talk, the more you might want to make this a proper friendship. This can also be an opportunity to collaborate with someone on a creative idea that you both enjoy.

Finally, as chatty Mercury opposes potent Pluto on Saturday, you and another may not see eye to eye. Words have power, so be careful how you wield them.


A lively focus on your sector of far horizons could see you getting restless and feeling some wanderlust. If you haven’t been able to travel any real distance for some time, the urge to do so could be getting stronger. If you do get the chance to go away, you’ll thoroughly enjoy it. The early quarter moon in Scorpio encourages you to take a trip to someplace tranquil where you can reflect on your life and options.

Also this week, go easy where money is concerned, because ties to nebulous Neptune could see you splurging on something that you don’t really need. It could be a new gadget for the home or for entertainment, and it could be very tempting even though the one you have is perfectly adequate. Think very carefully before you go ahead.

However, a more compulsive aspect suggests you might be willing to pay any price for something you really want even though you could come to regret it later.


The focus is on your sector of business and shared assets, and the coming weeks could see you eager to tackle any issues in these areas so you can make headway. With a quarter moon in your social sector on Monday, you may be wondering whether to invest in a team project that would benefit the community. If you get an instinctive nudge to say yes, go for it. It could be a game changer if you do.

Lively Jupiter in your sign aligns with spiritual Neptune in your communication zone, so an encounter could prove very inspiring and healing. This person may have a way of leaving you more at ease and happier. And it could be because you can be completely yourself in their company without feeling judged or criticized. If you want to take this further, the signs look very promising.

Finally, give someone the benefit of the doubt over the weekend. An awkward aspect could lead to an argument unless you can let something go.


The sun is in your sector of relating for the coming four weeks or so, making this an opportunity to take stock of a key relationship with a view toward making improvements. And if you need to resolve an issue, you may be more likely to compromise than not.

If you’ve missed socializing over the past few months, the coming weeks can see you interacting with others and enjoying the experience of connecting with those you haven’t seen in a while.

Talkative Mercury in your lifestyle sector opposes both jovial Jupiter and powerful Pluto this week, indicating that the memory of a past experience could resurface. If this was something painful or even traumatic, it would be worth taking the time to process through it with someone you trust. Whether this is a good friend, counselor, or life coach, getting it out into the open can help you feel much better.


The sun is newly in your lifestyle sector, so the coming weeks could find you eager to enhance your well-being. If your diet or exercise routine has fallen by the wayside, you could be newly inspired to get back on track.

At the same time, getting organized, rearranging your routines so that you can be more productive, and jettisoning activities that no longer serve your best interests can all help streamline your affairs and leave you time to relax and unwind.

Philosophical Jupiter aligns with aquatic Neptune in your sign, so you could be drawn to someone who seems to understand you. They may admire your creative and imaginative talents, and you may be drawn to their down-to-earth yet positive outlook. If you want it, this could become a romance or supportive friendship.

Finally, an awkward tie between savvy Mercury and powerbroker Pluto hints at tensions with a friend. A conversation could turn the situation around, but you’ll need to be careful how you phrase what you say.


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