viernes, 3 de julio de 2020

How The Full Buck Moon On July 5 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

The final eclipse of the Summer is coming and it’s a full moon. Are you excited? Nope? That’s okay, let’s turn that frown upside down and make a little peace with this full moon! On Sunday, July 5th we will have a Full Buck Moon in the sign of Capricorn and it will be the last of this Capricorn Cancer eclipse series until 2027! Smiling yet? This particular eclipse series, started in July of 2018, is forcing us to take a deeper look at how we can better balance self-care, home and family with our position in society, our careers and how disciplined we are about achieving our goals.

On a global scale, this full moon eclipse cautions us to address inequality within long-standing societal structures. This buck full moon eclipse will bring this two-year time period to a close, helping us to make sweeping changes to usher in a new way of living a more balanced, productive life. Now is the time to take a look back at the last two years and evaluate how far we have come in bringing more balance in our lives. Have you made the progress the universe has encouraged? If not, this full moon might bring a final opportunity to do so.

Read on for more about how your zodiac sign will be impacted by this full moon eclipse.

STYLECASTER | horoscope zodiac sign feat images

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Over the past two years you have been focusing deeply on bringing more passion, love and joy into your home life. This might include changing residences, making upgrades to your home, spending more time with your family, creating a family or healing trauma from past family experiences. The goal was to create a safer, happier home life so that you could feel more relaxed and comfortable in your space after a long day’s work. If you found that you were working too hard with little time for family, or allowing a turbulent home life to negatively affect your career, this final full moon of the series will solidify a new foundation that allows time for both.


STYLECASTER | taurus horoscope zodiac sign feat images

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Effective communication has been high on the priority list for the last two years for you, Taurus. The universe has been pushing you to tweak your communication style in a way that allows you to move forward with your goals a little more smoothly. This eclipse series pushed you to explore your communication style as well as explore the beliefs and ideas of those different than you. The goal was to learn as much as you could about your beliefs, as well as the beliefs of others, so that you could synthesize and disseminate. If you have found that your words were being lost in translation during the full moon, just take it as an opportunity to learn about the final tweaks you can make to finish up this two-year period. 


STYLECASTER | gemini horoscope zodiac sign feat images

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Learning to create healthy boundaries was the message of this eclipse series for you, Gemini. You have been exploring themes around your values and self-worth, as well as how to productively exchange energy with others. Energy includes your time, money, possessions, bodyanything that is yours. If you’ve had some setbacks over the last two years, when giving too much or too little, this final full moon of the series will help you set that straight. Remember, give as much as you take and take only as much as you give. 

STYLECASTER | cancer horoscope zodiac sign feat images

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Your relationships might have been a little rocky over the last two years, Cancer. The universe only wants to help you create the most healthy and magical relationships possible, and sometimes this means throwing in a little friction to get there. This could have manifested as the amount of time and energy you spend on your relationships versus the amount of time and energy you spend on yourself. Have you figured out the right balance? If not, then this full moon eclipse will give you a final boost to achieve it. Remember, you can have both a healthy inner life and a healthy relationship, but only when both receive the necessary affection.

STYLECASTER | Leo horoscope zodiac sign feat images

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


The last two years might have encouraged some reclusive moments for you. Of course, these aren’t as pleasant for a Leo as they might be for some other signs, but they were definitely necessary. Being able to sit out of a party or two allows you to explore your own inner world, Leo. You might have discovered some interesting habits or patterns that are preventing you from tapping into your inner magic and accomplishing your goals during this eclipse series. This final eclipse will help you let those habits and patterns go so you can find freedom without them. 


STYLECASTER | virgo horoscope zodiac sign feat images

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Balancing your social life with exploring your inner creativity might have been a pain for the last two years, Virgo, but it wasn’t all of nothing. The universe wants you to have a solid squad and lots of fun, but it also wants to make sure that you are making time for creative pursuits as well. This final eclipse asks you to let go of anyone who brings drama into your world and pull close those who push you towards the beautiful, creative being you are. 


STYLECASTER | libra horoscope zodiac sign feat images

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


All work and no play is just as bad as all play and no work, Libra. If there is any one lesson that stands out during this eclipse series, it is that you have to balance both worlds. Being on the grind and chasing your dreams is just as important as having a warm and inviting place to call home. This final eclipse asks you if have achieved this balance in your life. Are you dedicating equal time to both? If not, then the universe is giving you one final boost to make that happen.

STYLECASTER | scorpio horoscope zodiac sign feat images

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Exploration has been on your mind a lot lately. This might include the desire to travel to far off places, meeting people from cultures different than yours or diving deep into texts that help you mentally explore. The universe is asking you to make sure you are balancing all of that exploratory energy with communicating all your new ideas in a way that resonates with others. Be sure you’re not getting stuck in the absorption phase of learning and forgetting to share the wealth you are acquiring. If not, this full moon will give you a final shot to get it right.


STYLECASTER | sagittarius-horoscope zodiac sign feat images

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Bills, loans, financing, property and leveraging your resources have been on your mind a lot over the last two years, Sagittarius. The goal is to help you create a foundation of healthy leveraging of your assets. And, yes those assets might even include that bodacious body of yours! This eclipse series wanted to help you clarify your boundaries and exchange your energy in a healthy, responsible and mutually beneficial way. If you aren’t yet confident in your abilities, this final full moon eclipse in the series will give you a final shot to get it right.


STYLECASTER | Capricorn horoscope zodiac sign feat images

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


These last two years have asked you to focus on significant long term relationships and business partnerships and ensure that the energy you spend on them is as much energy as your spend on yourself. Are you giving as much time and passion to your other half as you give to yourself? Are they respecting your boundaries, and are you respecting their boundaries? If not, this upcoming full moon eclipse will give you one final push to setting the foundation of balance in partnership.


STYLECASTER | Aquarius horoscope zodiac sign feat images

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Your daily habits have been under pressure over the last two years, Aquarius. The universe has asked you to evaluate how you spend your time, care for your body and how efficient you are at work. Any beliefs or habits that were negatively affecting these themes are being ushered out of your life. This can include procrastination or time-wasting. Your dreams are in reach, and this full moon eclipse will ensure your bad habits are no longer delaying your progress towards them. Consider this as the final cleansing, so you can embark on your journey with a lighter load.


STYLECASTER | pisces horoscope zodiac sign feat images

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Kids, creativity, fun and romance are themes that have been active in your life for the last two years. Perhaps they were even under a little pressure. That’s okay, because this eclipse series just wanted you to make sure you were balancing that focus and stabilizing your inner circle. With a strong squad behind you, tackling dating, time with your kids (or working to make them) and tapping into your inner creativity all become a bit more manageable. This last eclipse of the series gives a final shot at making sure these areas of your life and balanced and healthy. Embrace it and get ready to let your squad help you make some magical moves in your life.


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