lunes, 13 de julio de 2020

These 4 Signs Are the Most Jealous, So Beware The Zodiac’s Green-Eyed Monsters

OK, we all have a certain someone in our lives who seems to be jealous of us for no good reason. Seriously, what’s up with that?! As per usual, I’m here to tell you that—surprise, surprise—we can blame the planets for some of this jealousy and bad behavior (Thanks, Universe). Let’s talk about the four most jealous zodiac signs, shall we?

Even if you don’t feel like you’re living the most charmed life (rent is overdue, your relationship is on the rocks, your boss is getting on your nerves, etc.) it’s highly likely that someone out there wants exactly what you have—and the stars only enhance this envious behavior. Regardless of how great their life might be, some people just can’t be content, doomed to spend forever wishing they were in someone else’s shoes.

All of the four zodiac signs below are jealous by nature, but each has a different aspect of life that they tend to be especially envious of. Some signs covet material goods—like the latest iPhone model or their ex’s shiny new Tesla—and can’t comprehend the idea of living like a minimalist. Other signs are envious of more emotional things, like strong relationships and stability. And I’ll just come right out and say it, there’s nothing more frustrating than someone trying to undermine your love life because they’re insecure about their own. Ugh.

By understanding these four signs and why they tend to feel envious, you can prepare yourself for potential confrontations and keep your head on your shoulders when they start sending jealous vibes seemingly out of nowhere. You might just find out that someone you thought your a friend was actually fueled by some major jealousy, and only stayed around to suck your energy like a vampire. Set some boundaries, babe—not everyone deserves access to you.

Read on for the four biggest green-eyed monsters in the zodiac to watch out for, and find out exactly what they’re jealous of.



STYLECASTER | zodiac sign symbol astrology

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Oh, the most bull-headed Earth sign. Taurus is jealous of your material possessions. They want anything that’s yours that they don’t already have—I’m talking your money, your credit cards, your nice clothes and your car. They’re the most jealous sign in the zodiac, and they don’t try to hide it.

Taurus is envious of your worldly goods and they’re straight-up about it, too. If a Taurus has an issue with you, they’ll say it straight to your face. They can’t hide their feelings, and TBH, they have zero desire to. Watch out for Taurus placements in your own chart to see where you might feel most jealous.



STYLECASTER | zodiac sign symbol astrology

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Geminis are jealous of your social clout, babe. Gemini wants to be the center of attention because they’re such good conversationalists. They always want to be the most important person in the room, and hate to see anyone else (especially you, sorry!) filling that role.

Geminis are sneaky, so watch out—the sign of the twins can be two-faced, and use its skills to project your own insecurities back at you. To avoid the backlash of a Gemini’s jealously, tread with caution and don’t play into their word games. Always be honest and real with them, and you’ve already won half the battle.



STYLECASTER | zodiac sign symbol astrology

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Watch out for this earth sign! Virgos are jealous of your job and stability. They want your position, your influence and your authority, even if they know you truly deserve it. If you’re someone that’s particularly successful in your field of work, your Virgo friends are undoubtedly green with envy.

The biggest problem with Virgos is that they want everything around them to feel safe and secure, and they think that a good job is the ultimate way to guarantee this. Virgos always have a secret Excel spreadsheet about how to achieve all their desires—catch them manifesting your job on the low. If you want to shout from the rooftops about your new promotion, maybe wait until all Virgos are out of earshot.



STYLECASTER | zodiac sign symbol astrology

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Be careful introducing your new boo to a Pisces—this water sign is known for being jealous of other people’s love lives. Pisces want to be constantly comforted and feel loved, and they get super antsy when you start to talk about a budding relationship or new hookup. If they’re not the center of romantic attention, they get grumpy.

Pisces often can’t control their emotions, and don’t always realize when they’re being toxic. If your Pisces bestie is getting a little jelly, maybe try setting them up on a sweet blind date, or  gently (ideally, over a biiiig glass of wine) telling them to stay in their lane.

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