lunes, 13 de julio de 2020

These Are the Unreleased Songs That Didn’t Make it into the Final Cut of ‘Hamilton’

Hardcore Hamilton fans have memorized its soundtrack from start fo finish. But what if we told you that there’s a Hamilton deleted songs list with unreleased tracks that didn’t make it into the final cut of the musical? For us, this just means more Hamilton content to consume after our billionth watch of Disney+’s #Hamilfilm. (But who’s counting?)

Hamilton premiered on Broadway in 2015 and has since made millions of dollars at the box office. The musical—created by Lin-Manuel Miranda, who also wrote the music, lyrics and book to the show—follows the life, career and death of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, as told through the performances of actors of color.

After its premiere, Hamilton went on to win Tonys, a Grammy and a Pulitzer Prize, and with the musical’s recent release on Disney+, more and more fans are discovering the magic that is Miranda’s songwriting. But not every song that the writer-director-actor wrote for Hamilton made it into the musical. In fact, there are a few tracks that Miranda wrote that, for one reason or another, were cut from the final production. Ahead, we rounded up the list of Hamilton deleted songs and unreleased tracks and where they were supposed to be performed in the musical’s two-hour-plus production.

Dear Theodosia (Reprise)

“Dear Theodosia” was a song sung by Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton in Act 1 of Hamilton, but there was supposed to be a reprise of the ballad in the second act of the musical. The original “Dear Theodosia” is performed after Aaron and Alexander welcome their respective children, Theodosia and Philip, as the men sing about how they will make the world better for their kids and give them a better childhood than their own.

The reprise was supposed to be sung by just Burr, as he tells his daughter that her mother passed away. The song was cut from the musical because both Burr’s daughter and wife are named Theodosia, which confused audiences.



Dear Theodosia, how to say to you

Sometime last night, your mother breathed your name

And like a flame that flickers out too soon, she died

She’s gone

She dedicated every day to you

She changed my life, she made my life worthwhile

And when you smile

I know a part of her lives on

I know I can go on

You have come of age with our young nation

We bleed and fight for you

Sometimes it seems that’s all we do

And you and I will build a strong foundation

And I’ll be here for you

The way is clear for you to blow us all away

Someday, someday, yeah you’ll blow us all away

Someday, someday

Ten Things, One Thing

“Ten Things, One Thing” was a number that was supposed to be performed by Burr, Hamilton and the male company in Act 2 of Hamilton. The song is the original version of “The World Was Wide Enough,” which is the second to last track in the musical and is set during the duel between Burr and Hamilton.  In the end, “Ten Things, One Thing” was replaced by “The World Was Wide Enough” and the only lyric that remained is Burr’s “There are ten things you need to know.” As for the lyrics of the original song, “Ten Things, One Thing” also sets the scene for Hamilton and Burr’s duel.



One two three four


Five six seven eight nine—


There are ten things you need to know


Number one!


We rode across the Hudson at dawn

My friend, William P. Van Ness signed on as my-


Number two!


Hamilton arrived with his crew

Nathaniel Pendleton and a doctor that he knew


Number three!


I watched Hamilton examine the terrain

I wish I could tell you what was happ’ning in his brain

Just apologize, we have worthier pursuits!


Most disputes die and no one shoots!

Number four!


Hamilton drew first position

Looking, to the world, like a man on a mission

This is a soldier with a marksman’s ability

The doctor turned around so he could have deniability




Now, I didn’t know this at the time

But we were-


In the same spot

Your son died, is that why 


In the same spot

My son died, is that why




He examined his gun with such rigor?

I watched as he methodically fiddled with the trigger




Confession time? Here’s what I got:

My fellow soldiers’ll tell you I’m a terrible shot


Number eight!


Your last chance to negotiate

Send in your seconds, see if they can set the record straight


They won’t teach you this in your classes

But look it up, Hamilton was wearing his glasses

Why? If not to take deadly aim?

That’s when I realized this was not a game

I had only one thought before the slaughter:

This man will not make an orphan of my daughter


Number nine!


Look him in the eyes, aim no higher

Summon all the courage you require

Then count:


One two three four five six seven eight nine


He aims his pistol at the sky-




Nine eight seven six five


Four three two-


One last thought


Number one!


Before we got in the boat to cross the Hudson

I stopped to write a note

Actually I wrote-




Just in case I didn’t make it through

I want the world to know what I intended to do


Number three!


If I shoot first, and throw it away

He has to yield, we both get to live another day

I know this puts me in a difficult spot

But I’ve got to throw away my shot


Number four!


I get lucky, I draw first position

I stand facing east as I load my ammunition

The sun is in my eyes, I am almost giddy

As I watch it slowly rise over my New York City




I start to shake when I realize

That we are-


In the same spot

My son died, is that why [BURR]

In the same spot

Your son died, is that why




I examine the gun that we shared?

Philip never hurt a soul, he must’ve been so scared




My Eliza is still asleep

I left her a letter, I could’ve written it better


Number eight!


Your last chance to negotiate

Send in your seconds, see if they can set the record straight


I put on my glasses, so I can see if Burr is softening

I see him glaring back at me

He’s always hated dueling, hated confrontation

I never had his instinct for self-preservation

I feel a sense of calm fill me

It’s not in his political interest to kill me




My last thought is of Eliza

Maybe I can get back home before she opens her eyes

They put us through our paces, we count to ten

God, I can’t wait to see her again


One two three four five six seven eight nine


He aims his pistol at the sky—



No John Trumbull

“No John Trumbull” was supposed to be the second song performed in Act 2. The track was sang by Burr, George Washington, James Madison and Hamilton in the pre-Broadway productions of Hamilton before it was cut from the final show. A shortened version of the song, titled “No John Trumbull (Intro),” was released in The Hamilton Mixtape, was released in 2013 and was performed by the cast at a Ham4Ham show in December 2016.


You ever see a painting by John Trumbull?
Founding fathers in a line, looking all humble
Patiently waiting to sign a declaration, to start a nation
No sign of disagreement, not one grumble
The reality is messier and richer, kids
The reality is not a pretty picture, kids
Every cabinet meeting is a full on rumble
What you ’bout to see is no John Trumbull

John Trumbull

All humble

One grumble

John Trumbull

Ladies and gentlemen, you coulda been anywhere in the world tonight
But you’re here with us in New York City
Are you ready for a cabinet meeting?


Gentlemen, Vice President John Adams sends his regards
He won’t be joining us
He had to be home in Massachusetts for family reasons

Tell him to stay home!

He can do the same amount from there!

All right, all right, settle down


“Congratulations” was a song in Act 2 of Hamilton between Hamilton and Angelica. In the song, Angelica angrily and tearfully confronts Hamilton for publishing the Reynolds Pamphlet that hurt her sister, Eliza. Angelica then vows to never trust Hamilton again and makes Hamilton confront what he’s done and lost from his betrayal of Eliza. Though included in The Hamilton Mixtape, the track was removed from the final production. However, a small part of the song was included in “The Reynolds Pamphlet.”







You have invented a new kind of stupid

A damage you can never undo, kind of stupid

An “open all the cages in the zoo”, kind of stupid

Truly you didn’t think this through kind of stupid

Let’s review

You took a rumor

A few, maybe two, people knew

And refuted it by sharing an affair of which

No one has accused you

I begged you to take a break, you refused to

So scared of what your enemies will do to you

You’re the only enemy you ever seem to lose to

You know why Jefferson can do what he wants?

He doesn’t dignify schoolyard taunts with a response

So yeah, congratulations!




You’ve redefined your legacy, congratulations!


It was an act of political sacrifice



I languished in a loveless marriage in London

I lived only to read your letters

I look at you and think:

“God, what have we done with our lives and what did it get us?”

That doesn’t wipe the tears or the years away

But I’m back in the city and I’m here to stay

And you know what I’m here to do?




I’m not here for you

I know my sister like I know my own mind

You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind

And a million years ago, she said to me, “This one’s mine”

So I stood by

Do you know why?

I love my sister more than anything in this life

I will choose her happiness over mine every time





Is the best thing in our lives

So never lose sight of the fact that you have been

Blessed with the best wife


For the rest of your life

Every sacrifice you make is for my sister

Give her the best life!


Let It Go

“Let It Go” (not the Frozen song but a different “Let It Go”) was a number in Act 2 of the musical. It was originally in the off-Broadway but was cut from the final version of the play. The number happens when Philip and Eliza interrupt Alexander’s conversation with Burr, as Eliza reminds her husband that people will always be critical of him and suggest that he let it go. The song is sung by Eliza, Hamilton, Burr and Washington.



What in the hell was that?

What in the hell are you doing downtown?

Don’t you know that Burr is going to run against your father to humiliate me and try to bring us down?

I will not let our family be embarrassed like this

I’ll grab a pen and paper, let the whole world know

You swing at my family you better not miss

You better have another punch to throw


You could let it go

Stay alive for me

Let it go

Live to fight another day

People will always be critical

They’ll make the personal political

They’ll try to knock you off your pedestal, your pinnacle

Let other people be cynical

Let it go

You’re smiling because you know I’m right




And you know if the president were here he would tell you the same thing


No, the president’s not here—


I heard about Burr

You didn’t kill him did you?


Were you here this whole time?


Let it go

Stay alive for me


Let it go


Let it slide right by


Let it slide right by


You don’t have to bring a gun to a knife fight

It’s not a case of your money or your life, right?


You know you really oughta listen to your wife, right?


I know


So let it go


Talk less!




Smile more!




Don’t let ‘em know what you’re against or what you’re for!




Shake hands with him!




Charm her!


Ladies and gentlemen welcome Senator Aaron Burr!




Let everybody know

You can take a body blow

Let everybody know

You can learn to let it go


Look around, look around

At how lucky you are to be alive right now


Let everybody know

You can take a body blow

Let everybody know

You can take a body blow

Let everybody know

You can take a body blow

Let everybody know

You can take a body blow


Look around, look around at how

Lucky you are to be alive right now

If somebody tries to lay you low


Let it go

StyleCaster Entertainment News Letter

from StyleCaster

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