lunes, 6 de julio de 2020

Your Weekly Horoscope For July 6-12 Gives Some Much-Needed Insight Into The Week Ahead

Hello, beautiful, your weekly horoscope for July 6-12 is here, and even though the Fourth of July celebrations are over, the fun has just begun. There are a lot of ups and downs this week, but stepping back and thinking rationally will help you finish the week thriving.

If you’re an Aries, expect to spend the week healing old wounds and reconnecting with anyone you’ve fallen out with. If you’re a Taurus, be sure to not act purely off of instincts; make sure you’re considering the facts! Sorry, Gemini, but you’re in for a few fights this week—don’t be surprised if you feel compelled to speak up.

Cancer, use this week to reevaluate your priorities. Do you need to be putting yourself first? The stars say it’s time. If you’re a Leo, you might find yourself unusually quiet this week, but don’t overthink it—looking inward is definitely the move. Oh, and Virgo: Your week is all about friendship, so get out there with a smile and network, baby!

If you’re a Libra, you’ll find this week is dedicated to working towards your goals and career plans; meanwhile, Scorpios will struggle balancing their long-term desires with enjoying daily life. Sagittarius, your week starts off all about finances, but will end with an unexpected burst of creativity.

Capricorn, I admire your lofty goals, but this week might provide you with a little reality check. Aquarius, expect some mid-week conflict; on the bright side, though, your side project is thriving. Last but not least, dear Pisces, express yourself and lean into your talents with the chance to be creative.

For a more in-depth look at the week ahead, read on for how each sign will be affected.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


Have you been avoiding a conversation? With Mercury making an edgy angle to red-hot Mars, you may feel that if you start talking about a troubling matter you might say too much. And yet if you don’t start, things are guaranteed to stay pretty much as they are. Rather than dive right in, try to tackle this matter sensitively. You may find the response is much better.

This seems to be a good time to heal old wounds as sweet Venus makes a pleasant angle to healer Chiron in your sign. If you haven’t spoken to someone in a while, the days ahead could be a turning point, especially if you’re secretly missing their company.

Healing Chiron turns retrograde in your sign this week and remains so until mid-December. This could encourage you to explore healing processes that can assist with resolving any deep-seated emotional issues.

Chatty Mercury turns direct this weekend, which paves the way for you to sign contracts and make better progress overall.


You could be at odds with yourself midweek as messenger Mercury conflicts with fiery Mars in a secluded zone. This awkward angle could find you trying to decide whether to use logic or your intuition. In the end, backing up your instincts with facts may be what helps you to make a wise decision.

The healing forces of Chiron are noticeable this week with it slowing down prior to turning retrograde in your spiritual zone. As harmonious Venus makes a positive angle to it, this could coincide with a desire to discuss an issue with a view toward digging deep and finding the root cause. This can lead to work that heals at deeper levels of the psyche and might involve talking with a counselor or therapist.

Life becomes easier over the weekend when talkative Mercury turns direct in your communication zone. If you’ve delayed committing to a deal, you will soon be able to go ahead.


Arguments and misunderstandings are possible due to roving Mercury’s angle with red-hot Mars midweek. If you’re involved in a team project and the expenses seem to fall mainly on you, it might be time to bring up this matter so you can find a fairer way of distributing the costs. Rather than being quietly resentful, it would pay to speak up.

Celestial body Chiron turns retrograde in your friendship zone this week, so you may gain insights into your social life and how you can improve matters. If you’ve fallen out with a friend, a positive angle between harmonious Venus and Chiron might encourage you to call them and make amends.

Chatty Mercury, your personal planet, turns direct over the weekend, bringing an end to delays, especially around money matters.

Feeling charitable? Don’t give more than you can genuinely afford, even if you’re touched by the plight of others.


The sun continues in your sign this week, so it’s time to look at life from your perspective. But with a powerful line-up in your sector of relating, this might not be easy. There are times when you may feel pressured by others and as though their needs are more important than yours. Reversing your priorities can make quite a difference.

The presence of healing Chiron in your sector of goals and career gives you an opportunity to feel more at ease with power and authority. As this healing planet turns retrograde over the weekend, and remains so until mid-December, it might encourage you to work on this so you can feel more confident as a leader and manager, if necessary.

Messenger Mercury turns direct in your sign on Sunday, and things can begin to click into place, with delays becoming less likely.

Do you have a yearning to get away from it all? A short trip somewhere beautiful can make a great substitute for a longer journey.


The sun, your personal planet, is moving through a private and spiritual zone, and you may be in a relatively quiet mood for someone so charismatic. Your focus may be turned inward to your thoughts, feelings, dreams, and intuitive knowing.

There could be something of a conflict of beliefs, especially when chatty Mercury forms an angle with focused Mars midweek. While old beliefs may be comforting, they can hold you back from further growth. Dynamic Mars in your sector of new opportunity encourages you to embrace new ideas and philosophies that can help you to reach your potential.

Talkative Mercury turns direct this week, enabling you to put words to some of your deeper feelings. Talking something through with a trusted friend or confidant can begin the healing process.

In addition, an ethereal sun-Neptune angle on Sunday could make you aware of the moods and feelings of others, perhaps giving you an advantage.


The sun continues in your friendship zone this week, encouraging you to connect and network for business and pleasure.

You may find it difficult to tolerate someone’s attitude, though, as quicksilver Mercury, your ruler, angles toward impatient Mars midweek. This could show up as a heated difference of opinion or a desire to set the record straight. And while this might usually run its course, with Mars in an intense zone, it could mean a relationship takes a downward turn unless you’re careful.

Lively Mercury turns direct this week, which could ease any difficulties you may be experiencing. Delays can gradually melt away, and life can begin to flow more smoothly.

A dreamy sun-Neptune aspect on Sunday could find you and another getting closer, and this could coincide with a developing romance that you enjoy. There might be a strong spiritual component to this bond that makes it all the more fulfilling.


The sun in your sector of responsibility can incline you to get up to speed with your goals and career plans, while the intense focus on your home zone can mean a lot of your energy is diverted to sorting things out.

And with sobering Saturn back in your domestic sector until mid-December, you may feel an equally strong need to explore your background and know more about the lives and stories of your ancestors.

In many ways, this can be like putting down roots, because a stronger connection with your ancestors can empower you to blossom in your own way. You may come to understand more about why you have your particular gifts and talents and why it’s important to share them with the world.

Lively Mercury turns direct this coming weekend, and this may mean less frustration and more chances for progress.


You may feel torn between searching for new ideas and opportunities that can open doors and bring something new into your life and having to deal with life’s day-to-day minutiae. And with logical Mercury squaring Mars midweek, you may need to find a balance between handling your responsibilities and making time for new discoveries.

Healer Chiron turns retrograde in your lifestyle zone this week, so you might also be drawn to examine your thoughts and beliefs about the body and its many functions and why you feel about it the way you do. The coming months can also be a call to explore the connection between mind, body, and spirit. You may come to see them as one continuum rather than separate, and understand how your thoughts and feelings can have a major influence on your well-being.

Are you looking for romance? A delightful aspect this weekend could find you eager to get to know someone better.


There’s a major focus across your financial axis, so your resources, whether shared or personal, could be very much on your mind. The sun in an intense zone can bring an opportunity to dig beneath the surface and uncover any blocks to your financial flow.

Even so, with chatty Mercury currently rewinding in the same sector, you may have been experiencing delays to funds or the processing of important documents. This week, logical Mercury turns direct and you can begin to make progress again.

Do you have something important do? Just do it, although the temptation to not bother and go out and enjoy yourself might be much stronger.

In addition, healer Chiron turns retrograde in your leisure and romance zone this weekend. How comfortable are you with expressing your creativity? If you find this difficult, Chiron in its rewind phase can provide clues that help you resolve this matter.


In many ways, prudent Saturn’s return to your sign can provide a reality check that prevents you from expanding beyond your means and abilities. With upbeat Jupiter and powerful Pluto linked in your sign, this is very possible. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t aim high but that you need to be aware of the limits of your capabilities and resources.

Fiery Mars continues its journey through your home zone, where it will remain for some months, and you could be very proactive about clearing out clutter and getting organized.

At the same time, celestial body Chiron turns retrograde in your domestic sector on Saturday, which can be a call to heal any emotional wounds linked with parenting and your upbringing. Chiron will be in this sector for some years, so this is likely to be a slow and gradual process.

Finally, talkative Mercury also moves forward on Sunday, so any misunderstandings or delays can begin to melt away.


If there’s a conflict regarding a project or idea, this could come to a head midweek. A temporary but edgy aspect between logical Mercury and feisty Mars could find you disagreeing with someone and feeling put out by their attitude. However, if you address this matter again a few days down the line, the response should be much more constructive.

There is a lot of activity in your sector of communication because dynamic Mars will be here until early 2021. This is the time to promote your work using all the means at your disposal. And if you put energy into this, your brand, blog, and/or website could begin to do very well.

Still, with healer Chiron going into reverse in the same sector this weekend, this can be a call to speak your truth rather than water things down to suit the expectations of others.

Finally, messenger Mercury turns direct on Sunday, so matters at work or concerning your business can begin to take a more progressive turn.


The sun in your sector of creativity, leisure, and romance can inspire you to get busy with paints or craft materials. Whatever way you have of allowing your creativity to flow, this is the time to take things further by honing your skills and finding new ways to express your natural talents.

However, there is also a strong emphasis on your sector of friendship and community, which seems to be taking up a lot of your time and attention. You may have felt that moving in the right circles is the way to enhance your personal influence and gain power. But as sobering Saturn is now back in this sector until early 2021, you may now yearn to form relationships with those who are truly on your wavelength, whether they’re movers and shakers or not.

Finally, talkative Mercury turns direct in your leisure zone on Sunday. If a romance seems to have stalled, there may now be signs of progress on the horizon.


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