lunes, 13 de julio de 2020

Your Weekly Horoscope Is All About Life Post-Mercury Retrograde

Hello Beautiful, and welcome to your weekly horoscope for July 13-19 2020. This week, the sun continues its journey through the sign of Cancer along with Mercury (planet of communication). Mercury was retrograde last week, but turned direct on Sunday. This can make life easier all around as frustrations and delays gradually come to an end.

Mars (planet of aggression) is moving through Aries, where it will remain for many months and where it’s very much at home. This influence offers extra energy with which to handle any challenges and opportunities that might arise.

The sun in Cancer opposes Jupiter (planet of abundance) on Tuesday and powerful Pluto(planet of transformation) on Wednesday, which could coincide with intense emotions.

There could be a situation in which we face opposition to our plans or we’re torn between two possible paths or decisions. And with the compulsive energies involved, it could be hard to maintain equilibrium in the face of temptation.

STYLECASTER | weekly horoscope

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It’s important to stay balanced right now, so be sure to weigh all pros and cons during your decision-making. It’ll help you made an informed choice in the end, and this will make all the difference.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


Dynamic Mars in your sign can instill a desire to make fast progress, but this may not be so easy this week.

The sun in Cancer and your domestic sector opposes jovial Jupiter on Tuesday and powerbroker Pluto on Wednesday, and this can ramp up the tension. With Jupiter and Pluto at close quarters in your sector of goals and career, there can be a compulsive need to aim high and try to surpass yourself. This is muted for now because both planets are currently retrograde, but the feeling of wanting more than you have could still be powerful.

Add to this the fact that dynamic Mars merges with healer Chiron this week, which could make you aware of your weak points and vulnerabilities. Use this opportunity to take stock and perhaps lower your expectations so you don’t feel you’re reaching beyond your limits and causing more stress in the process.


Is it best to stay local or extend your plans to include worldwide domination? This could be something you’re considering over this week as the sun in your sector of communication and local environment opposes expansive Jupiter and potent Pluto in a more cosmopolitan zone.

While you might have a desire to expand your reach, with both Jupiter and Pluto retrograde at this time, it might not be a top priority. However, the coming days could find you making some decisions to help you move things forward. The main point is to be realistic, because with sobering Saturn in your sector of far horizons, you’re encouraged not to run before you can walk.

In addition, warrior Mars in a secluded sector connects with healer Chiron, which might encourage you to find closure on an event that you’d prefer to sweep under the carpet. This can be a good time to deal with it.


Issues around money and resources in general continue to be in focus and look to be so for some time into the future. For now, you might be trying to find a balance between personal needs and paying off any outstanding bills or debts.

This issue may seem to grow more important this week, and you could be eager to find a solution that works. If you’re under pressure, you’d be wise to come up with a plan that you’re comfortable with. Both expansive Jupiter and volcanic Pluto are retrograde and moving apart, so you may find there’s less resistance to your suggestions than you think. This can be good news.

A merger between fiery Mars and healer Chiron in your social sector can be a call to seek friends you resonate with at a deeper level. It might be time to find your tribe.


You might be very eager to forge ahead with an ambitious goal or career plan only to find that the emphasis on your relationship zone is making this difficult. You could be channeling a lot of energy into other people and their needs and plans, and this week you could be a tad resentful about this. When are you going to get the time to yourself that you deserve? It could be a while unless you take a stand.

The good news is that if you put it to those concerned, they may be more inclined to listen. Even so, it might take a lot of discussion, negotiation, and compromise before you feel satisfied. But this also comes down to you if you need to put your priorities higher up your to-do list. Until you do that, this issue could continue.

On the upside, chatty Mercury is now moving forward your sign, so this is very much the time to talk things over.


The need for quiet and a chance to recharge could clash with a busy work schedule that seems to show no signs of letting up. You might be very eager to enjoy some alone time to meditate, reflect, and attend to spiritual matters. Getting the chance to tap into a higher power or source energy can be invigorating, inspiring, and healing. If can’t do this, you could soon find yourself flagging and lacking in creativity.

You might need to find some way to change your work schedule so you can enjoy a better work/life balance. With both philosophical Jupiter and radical Pluto retrograde in your lifestyle sector, along with sobering Saturn, this one of the better times to restructure things until you get it right.

You might also need to change your beliefs about what is possible for you, and this week you could be ready to do just that.


Fiery Mars is usually associated with power and vigor, but its journey through an intense emotional sector could find you directing your energy to psychological issues. Your healing nature may mean you have a deep understanding of how emotional blockages can prevent you from experiencing success and happiness in life. This week, a merger between warrior Mars and healer Chiron can encourage you to take this process further. Doing so could prove very freeing.

Other powerful influences may affect you this week, too. The sun in your social sector opposes jovial Jupiter and radical Pluto in your leisure zone. This can be a source of tension that highlights your social life and need to mingle, as well as a desire to take a deeper dive into your creative side.

You might find that joining groups with those who share your creative skills and abilities is very inspirational, even if you do it online. You can pick up tips and tricks that will enhance your work and rekindle your enthusiasm.


The three areas of your life that seem to be your main focus now are your career and ambitions, home and family life, and relationships.

Dynamic Mars is moving through Aries, and you may find this to be a great opportunity to clear the air and rekindle the passion in your partnership. But as this fiery planet merges with Chiron this week, a celestial body linked with the wounded healer, you may become aware of how experiences from the past are affecting your current relationship and perhaps other associations as well.

This is a good time to address this issue further, perhaps by using the services of a counselor, therapist, or relationship coach. Getting the help you need, even if you do it online, could be key to enjoying a happy love life and social life in the future.

Finally, with the sun making some awkward aspects this week, don’t let family members undermine your efforts concerning an important ambition.


There are three powerful planets in your sector of talk and thought, so this is very much a time to understand the power of thinking and how it can shape your circumstances. With upbeat Jupiter, power-hungry Pluto, and sobering Saturn in this zone, your thoughts may be very focused and therefore able to influence your life more than they might normally.

Casually thinking of someone you haven’t heard from in a while could result in them giving you a call. But it’s more than that, because whatever you focus your mind on intensely can take on the color and quality of your thoughts about it. This trio of planets can inspire you to use your thinking wisely to get the results you want rather than dwelling on those you don’t.

And the sun in your sector of opportunity can help in this by encouraging you to involve yourself with ideas that can change your life and have that ring of truth about them.


The sun in an intense sector opposes both optimistic Jupiter and underworld Pluto this week, which can bring a range of issues into greater focus. But, in essence, you might wonder how you can improve your finances as well as your love life, business affairs, and overall feeling of happiness.

It may be a question of getting in touch with emotions that are affecting these key areas without you realizing it. In turn, this might mean linking up with a counselor or therapist, even online, who can assist you with asking the right question so you can connect with the feelings and begin to process through them.

However much it might seem like an issue or problem would be resolved if you had more money, looking deeper can get to root cause. And once that is resolved, the money may flow more freely into your life.


Input from others could be very helpful this week if it enables you to see things from a fresh perspective. With the sun in your sector of relating and opposing both positive Jupiter and underworld Pluto in your sign, their thoughts could help you clarify matters and even see the bigger picture.

With cautious Saturn retrograde in Capricorn, and Jupiter and Pluto also retrograde, some aspects of your life may seem backward. Where you should be reaping success and seeing signs of progress, you might find that projects and plans are stalling and nothing is working out as you’d hoped.

Be patient. The tide will turn in the coming months. If someone can give you confidence to carry on and do your best, then their words could prove very uplifting. If you’ve put a lot of work into something that means a great deal to you, know that it will bear fruit.


The more you delve into the deeper layers of your subconscious mind, the more you can discover about yourself. With a focus on this sector for some time to come, you may already have learned a lot about what makes you tick, but there is likely a lot more to find out.

This week could see you eager to integrate a practice into your daily life that can help you dig deeper and find out more. This might involve meditation, journaling, daily dreamwork, guided meditation, or something else. Factoring this into your schedule can ground your understanding, and this in turn means that your realizations and insights can bring positive change to your daily life.

You need to be balanced by being rooted in your everyday life, especially if you’re making powerful inner discoveries and working to understand the mystery of your life, and this week highlights this.


Your creative and imaginative side is in focus this week, encouraging you to enjoy channeling your natural talents into art, crafts, music, dance, or whatever your favorite mode of expression is. This week can see you enhance your passion for a certain mode of expression by connecting with others who share your interests. You may hook up with an artist, and their work could inspire aspects of your work.

Online cultural events could be another source of inspiration that takes your ideas in exciting new directions.

There is also the issue of romance. You may have on your eye on someone who doesn’t seem interested. Let things unfold naturally, and you may find that either you lose interest or the relationship develops slowly but surely so that over time this bond gains in strength. This person could be quite compelling, which may be why you’re so eager to persist.


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