lunes, 12 de octubre de 2020

Mercury Enters Retrograde Tomorrow, So PLEASE Read Your Weekly Horoscope

Hey babe, welcome to your weekly horoscope for October 12-18 2020. As if this month couldn’t get any spookier, we have—cue dramatic music—Mercury (planet of communication) turning retrograde on Tuesday. Good news: It’s the final Mercury retrogradeof the year. Bad news: It’s retrograding in Scorpio, meaning that this one will be a little more intense than others as we deal with past emotional wounds.

It also doesn’t help that the sun (planet of self) opposes Mars (planet of passion) the same day, creating plenty of opportunities for disagreement and hostility. Scared yet? If not, you might be when the sun squares Pluto (planet of power) on Thursday, adding an identity crisis and self-destructive behaviors to the negatively charged atmosphere.

Fortunately, Friday brings some much-needed reflection with a new moon in Libra, giving us some diplomatic energy to salvage our relationships during Mercury’s retrograde. Remember to seek balance be happy.

The week ends on a sour note, as the sun squares Saturn (planet of foundation) on Sunday, bringing more delays and challenges. Try not to lose hope. The month isn’t over yet.

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STYLECASTER | weekly horoscope

Courtesy of Llewellyn Publications.

Buy: 'How to Survive Mercury Retrograde: And Venus & Mars, Too' $16.75

Oh, and if you really want to come out of Mercury retrograde on top, consider reading up about it. Handling retrograde the right way can really change the game, once you know how.


How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Mercury goes into retrograde on Tuesday, but you’re still hard at work, turning your ambitions into reality, especially since the sun in Libra opposes Mars in your sign on Tuesday, making you extra focused. Stay passionate and you’ll reach your goals even if Mercury’s retrograde throws you some extra curveballs.

Friday is for flirting and having fun when the new moon lands in romantic and charming Libra, right in your sector of partnerships. This is the perfect opportunity to put your best foot forward when it comes to romance and woo your current flame.

Sunday isn’t a restful day when the sun in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn and throws a wrench in your plans. Luckily, the sun is still in your sector of partnership, so recruit your friends to help you out. Don’t let your ego get in the way of success. You can’t do this by yourself.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

This week feels like Halloween came early. There’s an eerie chill in the air and everything feels a little spooky. Why? Because Mercury goes into its final retrograde of the year on Tuesday. If you feel out of alignment that day, take a step back and look at things from a different angle. Mercury is retrograde in your sector of partnership, so take your relationships slowly and be clear in your communication for the next few weeks.

Luckily, Friday provides you with good vibes when the new moon is in Libra. Use this boost of energy to create self-improvement goals and be productive as you get tasks done. You got this!

Continue to move slowly and think matters over carefully when the sun squares Saturn on Sunday. Before you make any decisions—big or small—pay attention to all the details. You might overlook something important.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Oh no! We know you can just feel when your ruler Mercury begins to retrograde. You misplace your phone, your schedule is turned upside down, and you sleep through your alarm—again. Yup, we’re officially in retrograde on Tuesday. Fortunately, this is the last retrograde of the year. Unfortunately, Mercury is in your routine sector, so expect delays in your day-to-day schedule for the next couple weeks. Deep breaths, Gemini.

The sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on Thursday, and if a friend offers you some advice, don’t just ignore it. Take it! They’re actively trying to help you and the advice is pretty solid.

Fortunately for you, the work week ends on a high note when the new moon is in lovely Libra, your pleasure sector. This new moon promises an entertaining night of creativity, romance, and some naughty fun (wink).



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Watch your words carefully, Cancer. Mercury goes into retrograde on Tuesday, making the next couple weeks ripe for miscommunication. Someone could say something that you take in a different way than it was intended. Ask for clarity before making any assumptions.

The new moon is in Libra on Friday, and you’ll have an opportunity for new beginnings in your home and private life. This new moon is in your domestic affairs sector, encouraging you to take it slowly to build the life you want.

Be prepared for some friction with older family members on Sunday. The sun in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn that day, creating some tension and heated debates. It’s natural for you to want to make nice with everyone, but don’t let people walk all over you just because they’re family. Speak up for yourself! You’ll be happier in the long run.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Stop! Don’t move, don’t commit to anything, and don’t pull out your credit card. In fact, if you can help it, don’t do anything at all. On Tuesday, Mercury goes into its last retrograde of the year. While it’s good to think about future commitments, don’t make any serious moves for the next few weeks. Read the fine print on any contracts before signing them. Don’t just skim.

Fortunately, this week isn’t all doom and gloom. On Friday, the new moon is in Libra and your communication sector. This is the perfect time to brainstorm all your creative ideas and share them with others. You might come up with a genius notion.

If you have a problem, ask your loved ones for advice when the sun squares Saturn in Capricorn on Sunday. They’ll have some wonderful insights that didn’t occur to you before. Really listen, Leo.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The shortest horror story of all time: Mercury turns retrograde on Tuesday. Mercury’s retrogrades have always been difficult for you because Mercury is your ruling planet, but this one may be especially hard because it turns retrograde in mysterious Scorpio, your house of communication. Expect some issues with getting your point across. The retrograde can create a cloud of fog around your words, so speak as clearly as possible for the next few weeks.

When the new moon is in Libra on Friday, balance is key as you juggle your personal and business relationships. It can be a great night for you if you’re charming and speak clearly.

However, money stresses could return when the sun squares Saturn on Sunday. As you get to the root of the issue, remember not to make any large purchases until you get it all figured out. It will save you some heartbreak.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Mercury goes into its final retrograde of the year on Tuesday, proving that honesty is truly the best policy. Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, encouraging you to get to the truth of most matters, even if it means reviewing your own secrets. You’re usually willing to sweep things under the rug for the sake of keeping the peace, but expect to rock the boat to get the answers you need over the next couple weeks.

Fortunately, you get a little relief when the new moon is in your sign on Friday. This is a great time to start a new creative hobby like a book club, puzzles, or coming up with some brilliant ideas for work.

On Sunday, the sun squares Saturn, giving you increased energy and a spring in your step. Enjoy your good mood with a walk in the park to admire the colorful leaves.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Watch out for the retrograde! On Tuesday, Mercury turns retrograde in your sign, and for the next couple of weeks it will be important for you to exercise a bit of caution when it comes to communicating with others. Your blunt, sometimes intimating way of speaking can rub others the wrong way or be taken out of context. Try to think before you speak, Scorpio.

Friday gives you a case of the feels when the new moon is in Libra and your sector of the subconscious. It encourages you to focus on healing your personal relationships and any emotional scars. What can you do to be more present for the people you love?

However, Sunday brings opportunities for romance and connection as the sun in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn. Use this as an opportunity to connect with loved ones on an intimate and personal level. Try to get to know someone better today.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Watch out, Sagittarius! Halloween isn’t for another two weeks, but you’re already feeling haunted. Blame Mercury, which turns retrograde in Scorpio on Tuesday. Yikes! Mercury turns retrograde in your sector of privacy, making you retreat into your private inner world for a while. While solitude is good, don’t hide out in your home all day. Go for a walk and get moving. You’ll feel much better for it.

Luckily, Friday’s new moon in Libra raises your spirits from the grave. This is a wonderful day to make new friends and expand your social circle. Embrace the day by doing something that makes you smile and fills you with hope.

The week ends on a positive note as the sun in Libra squares Saturn on Sunday, making it a great opportunity to get started on all types of projects you’ve wanted to get to. You got this, Sagittarius!



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Have you been accused of being too blunt or tactless in the past just for being honest? If yes, you’re in luck, because starting on Tuesday your harsh honesty will be a benefit rather than a drawback. Why? Because Mercury is going into retrograde in Scorpio, encouraging you to get to the bottom of things for the next couple of weeks. Be blunt, Capricorn!

Speaking of being honest, use Friday’s new moon in Libra to get closer to your co-workers. You have a reputation for being all work and no play, but charming and balanced Libra can help soften your sometimes intimidating persona. Show your co-workers a glimpse of your off-hours personality.

Finally, Sunday brings love when the sun in Libra squares Saturn in your sign. You are feeling extra romantic today, so go ahead and sent that flirty text! It could lead to something magical.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The week starts on a rocky note when Mercury goes into retrograde in Scorpio, your work sector, on Tuesday (cue scary music). For the next couple of weeks, remember to back up all your important files and double-check to make sure you didn’t hit “reply all” before sending an e-mail. Trust us.

Thankfully, things get better when the new moon is in Libra on Friday. This new moon is in your philosophy sector and encouraging ideas and adventure. A new discovery could completely change your point of view—and you dig it! Keep expanding your mind!

However, Sunday brings a day of reflection when the sun in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn, making you investigate some of your deeply buried feelings. Do you have some emotional skeletons hanging in the closet? Don’t let them continue to gather cobwebs. Toss them out!



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Uh oh, Pisces! If you feel a certain chill in the air and see some goosebumps on your arms, it isn’t your imagination. Mercury goes into retrograde in Scorpio on Tuesday, making things “interesting” for the next couple of weeks. Mercury is in your sector of philosophy, creating some major shifts in your beliefs and strongly held opinions. You might discover that you weren’t as right as you thought you were.

Then on Thursday, you’re bursting with energy when the sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn, making you feel inspired to do almost anything. From trying yoga to learning to paint, do whatever feels right to you now.

And romance is in the air when the new moon is in Libra on Friday. A long-awaited date night is finally here, giving you some peace and harmony instead of all the spookiness of the month. Enjoy it!


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