lunes, 5 de octubre de 2020

Your Weekly Horoscope Predicts A Cosmic Clash Amongst The Planets

Good morning, and welcome to your weekly horoscope for October 5-11 2020! While Halloween is still a few weeks away, we may experience a few spooky moments this week that could leave people pretty batty. Starting on Wednesday, tension fills the autumn air as Mercury (planet of communication) opposes Uranus (planet of change), bringing some shocking, unexpected news.

The struggle continues as Mars (planet of passion) in Aries squares Pluto (planet of transformation) in Capricorn on Friday, creating a cosmic clash. The tension that has been building since last month finally comes to a head as we charge headfirst into confrontations. Beware! These power struggles could be uphill battles for many signs.

Finally, it’s a busy weekend for the planets. Venus (planet of love) trines Uranus on Saturday, making it a great day for romance and money matters. A delightful surprise may be just what you’re looking for right now.

However, don’t get overexcited. On Sunday, the sun (planet of ego) squares Jupiter (planet of abundance), reminding everyone to move slowly. Taking on too much at once means the next few weeks could be quite ghoulish.

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STYLECASTER | weekly horoscope

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With so much tension and confrontation going on this week, make sure to take time for yourself to unwind at the end of each day, otherwise you’ll lose sleep over your struggles. You deserve a good night’s rest to recover and recharge during a hectic week.


How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Wednesday starts with a power struggle when Mercury opposes Uranus. However, you’ve never been the type to walk away from a challenge so easily. This is a perfect opportunity to prove yourself a natural-born leader. Rise up and take action, especially if your perspective on a situation differs from the perspectives of others.

Confrontation continues to follow you when Mars in your sign squares Pluto on Friday, creating another struggle with your career and ambitions. Someone is trying to control how you do things. While it’s important to stand up for yourself, Aries, choose your battles wisely.

Take it easy when the sun in Libra squares Jupiter in Capricorn on Sunday. Instead of taking on extra work, hang out with a friend or call a loved one just to talk. Social interaction that doesn’t end in a shouting match is just what you need in order to unwind.



STYLECASTER | zodiac signs horoscopes

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Be clear about your boundaries when it comes to your relationships on Wednesday, Taurus. Mercury opposes Uranus, encouraging certain people to try to invade your personal bubble. Don’t be afraid to be clear about your needs. Speaking up now and drawing a line can save you a lot of conflict in the future.

Friday brings new and exciting challenges as Mars squares Pluto. You could get into an invigorating exchange of ideas with someone as you try to get them to agree to your point of view on an issue. However, no matter how right you think you are, don’t be so focused on winning that you forget to listen.

Saturday brings grounding energies as Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in your sign. With all these earthy vibes around, it’s easy for you to relax and be at peace with the world. Grab some apple cider and chill. You deserve it!



STYLECASTER | zodiac signs horoscopes

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Be careful, Gemini. Halloween isn’t for a few more weeks, but you’re already on your toes as you attempt to solve one mystery after another. Mercury opposes Uranus on Wednesday, creating some unpleasant surprises when someone you know has a hidden agenda. However, unmasking them is easier said than done.

The tension continues to rise on Friday when Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. Your friends have a completely different point of view on an issue than you do. This could lead to a clash of ideas that causes major conflict in your group. If it’s not worth fighting for, let it go.

Watch out on Sunday. The sun in Libra squares Jupiter in Capricorn, creating a series of misunderstandings between you and your loved ones. Try to smooth things over with your legendary charm, but don’t make matters worse by being too tactless. Be gentle!



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Balance is the key to happiness this week. On Wednesday, Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus, creating a struggle between wanting alone time and wanting to spend time with friends. See if you can spend a few hours with your friends before heading home to relax or schedule a video call so you don’t even have to leave your house. Balance!

If you believe in something strongly at work, be vocal about it when Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn on Friday. If you have the facts, figures, and a solid plan on your side, then fight for your ideas—just as long as you don’t get emotional. Stick with the facts.

End the week by spending some quality time with your friends when Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus on Saturday. Do some fun outdoor fall activities if possible and enjoy the feeling of togetherness.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Family obligations and work commitments are at odds when Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday. You may have committed yourself to more than one person and will have to pay the price. Take a step back and figure out which obligation means more to you.

It’s been a slow couple weeks, but when Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus on Saturday, all your patience will pay off in a big way. Embrace this windfall, but don’t spend it all in one place or your wallet will turn back into a horror movie.

On Sunday, you’ll be bursting with creative energy when the sun in Libra squares Jupiter in Capricorn. Take a break from your regular Sunday routine and try something new. Create an art project, turn your home into a haunted house, or take a mini trip to the pumpkin patch. Just focus on making memories.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You are the champion of overthinking, Virgo. It’s kind of your thing. However, if you get an impulse on Wednesday, don’t analyze, just do it. Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on that day, giving you extra intuition. Follow that impulse and you can be in for a very romantic evening.

However, on Saturday, you are more likely to fall in love with work than anything or anyone else. Venus in your sign trines Uranus in Taurus, making you eager and excited to be working. Whether you enjoy the task you’re doing, like your co-workers, or just feel fulfilled at the end of the day. Keep it up!

However, the sun in Libra squares Jupiter in Capricorn on Sunday, creating some financial struggles that could leave you feeling stressed. Don’t panic! Just sit down and figure out where you can increase the cash flow. It’s okay to ask for help.



STYLECASTER | zodiac signs horoscopes

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

If you find yourself yawning through work, or you need three coffees just to keep your eyes open on Wednesday, you might need to take a power nap. Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus that day, draining your energy. Don’t try to work through your exhaustion, Libra. It’s okay to take a break if you need one.

You’ll need to be well rested because Venus in Virgo trines Uranus on Saturday, bringing some unexpected romance into your life. Let yourself ride the waves of passion and excitement without overthinking it. Live in the moment and enjoy!

Romance and whimsy continue as the sun in your sign squares Jupiter in Capricorn on Sunday. While you’re having fun and enjoying falling in love this autumn, don’t forget to take it slow. Don’t rush into something too soon. You want this feeling to last for more than just one season.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

If you’ve had your eye on something—whether it’s a promotion or a date—Wednesday is the perfect day to ask for it. Mercury in your sign opposes Uranus in Taurus that day, giving you some extra magic to get what you want. Don’t play coy, Scorpio. Say exactly what you want and claim it.

Saturday gets you in a romantic and imaginative mood as Venus in Virgo trines Uranus, making for an interesting day. Use that creativity to go on a fun date or make some interesting art. If you’re feeling ambitious, carve some jack-o’-lanterns.

Continue to connect with your imaginative side when the sun in Libra squares Jupiter in Capricorn on Sunday. Get deep into your subconscious and see what’s lurking there. You might come up with a ghost story or an idea for a haunted house. Whatever it is, run with it!



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Money is on your mind when Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday, both how to spend it and how to make more of it. Be mindful of how you spend your hard-earned dollars this week. A festive fall drink? Go for it! An expensive Halloween decoration that won’t last the year? Pass!

Get creative on Friday when Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. If you get an impulse to do something, follow that hunch. It could lead you to something absolutely brilliant.

Keep your mind open when the sun in Libra squares Jupiter in Capricorn on Sunday. When your friend has a completely different opinion than you do, don’t just shut them down. Listen! They may be looking at things from a different point of view, and that’s okay. Actively listen, have an open dialogue, and see both sides.



STYLECASTER | zodiac signs horoscopes

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Life is going well for you, Capricorn! It helps that Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday, giving you good vibes throughout the day. Take a moment to express gratitude for how wonderful life is, even if you’re just appreciating the small things.

Good vibes continue when Venus in Virgo trines Uranus on Saturday, giving you the perfect fall day. Make the most of it and dedicate the day to having fun. Work can wait until Monday. Focus on living in the moment!

Be prepared to be inspired when the sun in Libra squares Jupiter in your sign on Sunday, giving you a boost of creative energy and insight. Allow your mind to roam free and take a nice stroll, do crafts, or tackle the crossword puzzle. The solution to a problem you’ve been struggling with will suddenly appear while your mind is engaged in something else. Magic!



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Boundaries play an important role in your overall well-being when Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday. If someone is asking for too much from you or trying to weasel in on your private affairs, shut it down quickly. Be strict and set clear rules.

You’re feeling great when Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn on Friday. Work is going well, and you feel motivated to tackle any project with ease. You’re almost looking forward to coming into work on Monday. Almost.

Those good vibes follow you into the weekend when Venus in Virgo trines Uranus on Saturday, giving you great energy. Everyone will be loving those high vibrations you give off. Use your good mood to help someone with their projects. They’ll be grateful for your helping hand and outside-the-box thinking. Besides, you’re always up for a new adventure.


STYLECASTER | zodiac signs horoscopes

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The week goes by pretty uneventfully until Mars in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn on Friday, creating some tension for many signs. If a friend needs your help, how can you say no? Do what you can, Pisces, even if it means having to make a few small sacrifices in your own life.

Then it’s good vibes when Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus on Saturday, putting you in a magical mood. If you’re with someone, go on a romantic stroll and admire the colorful leaves. If you’re single, go apple picking. You might meet someone apple-solutely charming!

Your wicked good mood continues when the sun in Libra squares Jupiter in Capricorn on Sunday, creating a very romantic surprise for you. Isn’t falling in love a wonderful feeling? Even if you aren’t in love yet, you’re still having a pretty great day. Go out and enjoy it!


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