lunes, 1 de marzo de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Spills On What To Expect This March

Hello dear, and welcome to a new month! Your weekly horoscope for March 1-7 2021 is here. Wrap yourself in your softest blanket and break out those Tarot cards because this week has some big Pisces energy. It all starts when the sun (planet of self) in Pisces conjoins Neptune (planet of illusion) on Wednesday, encouraging all of us to get in touch with our creative side. From unique date ideas to handmade gifts to more creativity in the bedroom, this is a great time to get in touch with our feelings and make something magical.

However, we truly start feeling our emotions when the new moon is in Pisces on Saturday, making us all a little more sensitive than normal. This could manifest as intuition or insecurity, depending on how you’re feeling. While it’s important to trust your gut, don’t let your imagination run wild, especially if you get jealous easily. Take it easy!

Also happening on Saturday, Venus (planet of love) in Pisces conjoins Neptune, bringing us opportunities for new romance or adding tenderness to a relationship, making for a gentle evening.

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Screen Shot 2021 03 01 at 9.19.58 AM Your Weekly Horoscope Spills On What To Expect This March

Courtesy of Catching Wildflowers.

Buy: Aquamarine Raw Slice Necklace $43

Whether you’re a Pisces or someone else just looking to make the most of Pisces’ creative energy this month, the crystal to snag for March is definitely Aquamarine, which is also the March birthstone! Aquamarine has a calming energy that promotes serenity and harmony, great for anyone learning to meditate or to work on handling their own sensitivity.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The stars give you the gift of gab for the next six weeks when Mars enters Gemini on Wednesday. With your ruling planet in your communication zone, you can talk the talk and walk the walk. While you may feel very passionate about new ideas, really think them through before putting them into action. Look before you leap.

Thursday can be a lucky day for you as Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Aquarius. This aspect occurs in your friendship zone, making it a day of social activity, learning new things, or a sudden windfall. Spread those good vibes to your friends.

However, the week ends on a low note when Pallas enters Pisces on Sunday. Pallas will be in your sector of the subconscious, making you more sensitive to energies than normal. While it’s important to trust your gut, don’t wage war on people because you think they’ll hurt you.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Tax season will soon be upon us, and while you’ve always been a money-savvy sign, it would be a good idea to take another look at your finances. Mars enters Gemini on Wednesday, staying for the next six weeks. The planet of passion and drive enters your sector of value, encouraging you to find new sources of income or business ideas. However, with flighty Gemini, you could be a victim of impulse spending. Set a budget for yourself, but keep it flexible.

On Thursday, Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Aquarius and your career zone. This is a good time to think of innovative ways to boost your reputation and get ahead in your career. Remember to work smarter, not harder.

Trust your intuition on Sunday when Pallas enters Pisces, making you extra sensitive to the energy around you. Be smart when it comes to how you interact with others.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Get ready, Gemini, because the next six weeks are going to be busy after Mars enters your sign on Wednesday. Mars brings passion, energy, and drive when it comes to new beginnings and your outlook on life. While you may feel and appear a little more anxious than usual, you are just buzzing with extra energy. This is a great time to start new projects.

Keep searching for adventure on Thursday when Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Aquarius. This conjunction happens in your sector of philosophy, encouraging exciting ideas. These new enterprises can be successful if you put them into action.

The week ends with Pallas entering Pisces on Sunday. The wise asteroid enters your career zone, tempting you to stretch the truth and put up a false front at your job to get ahead. However, this wouldn’t be wise over the long term. Have the courage to tell the truth.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Explore your subconscious mind and hidden passions starting on Wednesday when fiery Mars enters Gemini and your privacy zone. This is a tough spot for the warrior planet, and you may feel more anxious and temperamental than usual, which could lead to self-destructive tendencies if you aren’t careful. Practice self-care and work on your inner healing, not inner battles.

If you have a crush on someone, let them know on Thursday when Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Aquarius. This conjunction happens in your sector of intimacy, allowing you to connect with others in unique ways.

Finally, Pallas enters Pisces on Sunday, bringing the asteroid to your sector of philosophy. Your dreams may take on new life when you make interesting discoveries. This is an excellent time to trust your gut, especially when it comes to adventure and imagination. It’s okay to be a little daring, Cancer.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

March starts with a lot of big wins when Mars enters Gemini on Thursday. The warrior planet will be in your sector of friendship for the next six weeks, making it an excellent time to do some networking. Make social connections that will be helpful in all aspects of your life and you can see some windfalls in your social life.

Then, on Thursday, Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Aquarius, aligning in your partnership zone. This is a good time to mend any fences that have been broken because conflicts will be easy to resolve. It’s also a good day to just have fun with your loved ones.

Get a little naughty on Sunday when Pallas enters Pisces and in your sector of intimacy, making you get a little “experimental” when it comes to exploring taboos. It’s a good time to indulge in your fantasies, but just don’t take it too far, Leo.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

March brings a renewed focus on your career ambitions, starting when Mars enters Gemini on Wednesday. The planet will be in your career sector, making you extra ambitious and driven to make it to the top. You’re moving in the fast lane this month, but don’t let your anxieties derail you. Try to go with the flow and don’t overthink it (we know it’s a big ask).

Focus on self-improvement when Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday. This is happening in your sector of habits, encouraging you to make a positive change to your routine and wellness. What can you do to feel good and be more productive?

The week ends on a romantic note when Pallas enters Pisces on Sunday, landing in your sector of partnership. You may become very attractive to creative people or develop deep crushes, especially on people you don’t know well. Trust your gut.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Adventure is out there, Libra! After staying still for what feels like forever, you are ready to explore! On Wednesday, Mars enters Gemini and your sector of philosophy, making you passionate about knowledge and learning. If you’ve been interested in taking a few classes, studying a new subject, or planning a trip to a dream destination, start exploring!

Expressing yourself will bring a lot of success when Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday. This is happening in your pleasure zone, creating a very enjoyable day. Tap into your creativity and it will lead to success.

Finally, focus on self-improvement when Pallas enters Pisces on Sunday. The asteroid will be in your routine zone, encouraging you to trust your gut when it comes to your health. If you’re trying to become more productive, get creative about your routine. You’ll have to be imaginative if you want to achieve positive results!



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Should you stay or should you go? That’s the big question for you this week because you’ll have to make some major decisions. It kicks off on Wednesday when Mars enters Gemini and your sector of intimacy. You may be given a choice to stay in the same situation with the bonds you’ve built or let go and move forward. There are no easy answers, so think it over carefully.

Fortunately, your family may be able to help when Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday. This aspect is in your family zone, allowing you to come up with a solution that can create some domestic peace for all involved.

Feel your feelings on Sunday when Pallas enters Pisces in your pleasure zone. Your emotional intelligence will help you find clarity with any problems. Get a little creative to find the answer to the “should I stay or go?” question.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Be flexible in your relationships for the next few weeks, Sagittarius. Mars enters Gemini on Wednesday, landing right in your partnership zone. Mars brings a passionate desire to rediscover new things about the relationships in your life. What makes them tick? If you’re single, it’s a good time to put yourself out there. You could meet someone fascinating.

Think logically on Thursday when Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Aquarius and your communication zone. This aspect helps you come up with good ideas that can lead to major success. Just make sure you’re thinking clearly before testing them out.

Finally, the week ends with a little self-care when Pallas enters Pisces on Sunday. The asteroid moves into your family zone, making you crave emotional security and familiar connections more than usual. Follow your intuition when it comes to your private life and personal matters. Don’t lose your head for some momentary comfort, Sagittarius.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Be flexible this week, Capricorn. Don’t make any strict schedules or plan any important meetings for the next six weeks because Mars enters Gemini on Wednesday, moving into your sector of routines. This can create some scattered energies, making it difficult to focus or get tasks done. Be kind to yourself as you figure out your new workflow.

Mercury conjoins Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday, making it a great day to brainstorm ways to make money. This aspect is occurring in your value zone, so use this opportunity to look into side hustles, investments, or just getting better at budgeting. You might be able to get a loan.

Blend logic with feelings on Sunday when Pallas enters Pisces and your sector of communication. This is a good day to get in touch with your feelings and use emotional intelligence to create opportunities for personal growth. Feel all those feels!



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Get ready for some fun and excitement to come into your life over the next few weeks because Mars enters Gemini on Wednesday. Mars will be in your pleasure zone for the next six weeks, making this a very stimulating time, if a bit erratic. You might bounce from passion to passion, but it will still be a fun period.

Thursday brings good vibes when Mercury conjoins Jupiter in your sign. This is a good day to make a good first impression or start any new projects because you’ll have luck and smooth communication on your side. Get your networking on because you could make some very useful social connections.

Keep an eye on your money on Sunday when Pallas enters Pisces and your value zone. Trust your gut when it comes to making investments or impulsively buying things. If something feels too good to be true, take a step back.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Get ready for some fun and excitement to come into your life over the next few weeks because Mars enters Gemini on Wednesday. Mars will be in your pleasure zone for the next six weeks, making this a very stimulating time, if a bit erratic. You might bounce from passion to passion, but it will still be a fun period.

Thursday brings good vibes when Mercury conjoins Jupiter in your sign. This is a good day to make a good first impression or start any new projects because you’ll have luck and smooth communication on your side. Get your networking on because you could make some very useful social connections.

Keep an eye on your money on Sunday when Pallas enters Pisces and your value zone. Trust your gut when it comes to making investments or impulsively buying things. If something feels too good to be true, take a step back.


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