domingo, 6 de junio de 2021

The New Moon In Gemini On June 10 Calls For Some Major Life Changes

Eclipse season is finally winding down and it’s (fortunately!) leaving us with a little sparkle on it’s way out. On June 10, we will have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini, which will invite us to initiate changes that will reverberate over the next six months. Are you ready to shake up the way you communicate, experience opportunities to learn new things and open new roads to fulfillment?! Read on to learn more.

For the last few weeks, not only has Mercury been retrograde, but the energy of the first eclipse of the season (the May 26 Full Moon Eclipse) is still lingering. It has been a time of self-reflection and digging deep into our psyches to gain greater understanding of ourselves and our influence on the world. You may have had all sorts of epiphanies, especially in regards to how to manifest a greater sense of freedom that allows you to march to the beat of your own drum. This energy will roll very smoothly into the upcoming New Moon Solar Eclipse, especially if you decide to take all ofn the wonderful (and not-so-wonderful) things you’ve learned about yourself into consideration when working on your intentions.  

Let’s back up for a moment. What is a New Moon Solar Eclipse and what makes it so special? A New Moon Solar Eclipse is like a super-charged, super-potent new moon. Similar to a regular monthly new moon, this is a great time to begin something new, or at the very least, set intentions to manifest new experiences. However, the key difference between a New Moon and a New Moon Eclipse is that anything situations that arise during or around the time of the eclipse will have a much longer impact on your life. This is due to the presence of the North and South Nodes, which, in Astrology, speak to our higher callings and purpose in this lifetime. 

For this reason, eclipses are notorious for helping us recalibrate ourselves on our higher paths, especially if we have veered off in the last six months. Some astrologers even believe that if you watch the days immediately surrounding the eclipse, you will gain great insight into key lessons or focuses over the next six months. 

This eclipse will not only be in the sign of Gemini, which rules communication, learning, short-distance travel, transportation and electronics, but it will also be strongly influenced by mercury retrograde and Neptune. Because of this, you may find yourself fighting through a little confusion and mental fog to find the gift during this New Moon Eclipse.

With Mercury still in retrograde until June 22, information might even feel sparse or inconsistent.  Moreover, Neptunewhich rules perception, illusions, disillusions, addictions and emotional sensitivitymight make our view of reality and ourselves a little touch and go. The trick to finding the diamond in this type of energy is to be willing to question your reality with curiosity and compassion. 

This is no time for judgement, blame or any other low-vibe behavior.  It’s a time to let Saturn help you to set clear, concise boundaries and goals that will help you access your highest sense of self. You are more powerful than you can even imagine, love. Let this eclipse and the universe guide you to connecting more deeply to your power.  Happy New Moon!

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