lunes, 21 de junio de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here & Mercury Retrograde Is Ending

Hi, Queen! Your weekly horoscope for June 21-27 2021 has arrived. Get ready because this week is busy! First, Mercury (planet of communication) finally leaves its retrograde and moves direct on Tuesday. After an indecisive few weeks, during which we kept changing our minds, we can all finally think clearly and logically. Decisions that were delayed finally get made as we quickly finish tasks that have been slowing us down.

The strawberry moon makes its appearance when the Full Moon in Capricorn appears on Thursday. Despite its cheery name, this is a serious moon—sternly pushing us to stay on task. If you have any lingering work or responsibilities, take care of them now or you could be sorry.

The end of the week brings some heat when Venus (planet of love) enters fiery Leo on Sunday. With the planet of love and beauty in the sign of the Lion, expect things to be dramatic, vibrant, and exciting. The next four weeks could feel like fireworks; just be careful to not get burned!

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Tuesday brings some relief when Mercury goes direct, getting out of its dreaded retrograde. Now moving forward in your communication zone, you can finally take your foot out of your mouth. Communication becomes a lot smoother now that you’re able to use logic instead of emotions. Get to work!

Success is within your grasp during the full moon in Capricorn on Thursday. With the full moon in your career zone, this is a great time to finish a long-term project that could open new doors for you in your career. Start hustling!

Your week ends on a hot note when Venus enters Leo on Sunday. With the planet of love in your pleasure zone, passions are going to heat up. The next few weeks are an ideal time to explore your creative side, play with your wardrobe, and even have a steamy love affair. Whatever keeps you entertained!



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After some erratic spending over the last couple of weeks, money troubles finally ease when Mercury goes direct on Tuesday. Now moving forward in your value zone, this is a good time to do some job hunting, if needed, find ways to make more money, or just come up with a good saving strategy.

Then it’s graduation day when the full moon is in Capricorn on Thursday, whether you’re literally graduating or metaphorically moving from one phase of life to another (such as finishing classes, traveling, spiritual learning, and so on). Don’t plan any new adventures now. Just bask in a job well done.

Connect with your inner child when Venus enters Leo and your family zone on Sunday. You’ll stay close to home as you feel the urge to redecorate your space, spend time with family, and practice a lot of self-care. Let go of your expectations and have some fun!



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Finally! Mercury is back in motion as it moves forward in your sign on Tuesday. Now that your ruling planet is back in working order and you have self-awareness again, it’s time for a fresh start. With renewed energy, you’re ready to take on the world and start thriving again.

Thursday has the potential for big transformation when the full moon is in Capricorn. With the moon energy in your intimacy zone, this is a good time to begin the transition of moving from one phase of life to another. Let go of the past so you can move forward. Changes are coming.

Communication gets even better when Venus enters Leo and your communication zone on Sunday. Relationships become easier as you express yourself in understandable ways. This is an ideal time to tell people how you feel and make solid plans to have the hottest summer on record.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After an intense few weeks, life returns to normal when Mercury goes direct on Tuesday. While Mercury is moving forward in your privacy zone, you’ll still need to keep a low profile in order to rest and recover. Pay close attention to your dreams and write them down. They might carry important messages.

Relationships start to settle down during the full moon in Capricorn and your partnership zone on Thursday. While it may not be a great time to make it official or sign any binding documents, it is a good time to wade through the details to see what you want.

The week ends on an expensive note when Venus leaves your sign for Leo on Sunday. Now in your value zone, you may suddenly have the urge to spend, buying everything from new clothes to lavish decorations. Just make sure you can actually afford all these beautiful things.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After a rough few weeks, it’s time to do some damage control in your social circle when Mercury goes direct in Gemini and your friendship zone on Tuesday. As it moves forward, start apologizing to the people you may have hurt during the retrograde. On the bright side, something that has been stalled over the last couple weeks will finally happen. Yay!

But that means getting to work during the full moon in Capricorn on Thursday. The strawberry moon is in your routine zone, encouraging you to be productive and get your life together. No more excuses as you take care of important things that need to be done.

Sunday brings tons of fun when Venus enters your sign, where it will stay for the next few weeks. This is a perfect opportunity to change up your appearance and even start a new romantic chapter of your life. Embrace change, but don’t lose all reason.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Finally, your brain can get back to work when Mercury goes direct on Tuesday. With your ruling planet moving forward, you’re ready to tackle your goals and try your best to smooth over any misunderstandings that may have happened during the retrograde. Restore your public image by being your best self. You got this!

On Thursday, the full moon in Capricorn brings you extra creative energy to finish up any projects and end lingering love affairs that no longer bring pleasure to your world. Have a chill night in and watch movies, enjoy some entertaining activities, and just have some fun!

The week ends on an emotional note when Venus enters Leo on Sunday. With the planet of love in your privacy zone, this could be an emotionally dramatic time if you’re dealing with heartbreak or endings. Don’t torment yourself, Virgo. Focus on inner healing and self-acceptance.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The brain fog that’s been plaguing you finally lifts on Tuesday when Mercury goes direct in your philosophy zone. Thank goodness! This is an excellent time to start planning a trip, go on an adventure, or learn new things about the world. Pay close attention to the ideas that are shared around you. They might be important.

Stay home when the full moon is in Capricorn on Thursday. The strawberry moon is in your family zone, encouraging self-care and connecting with family members—or finishing up those home projects you’ve been putting off (you know who you are).

The week ends on an exciting note when Venus enters Leo on Sunday. Your ruling planet enters your social zone, making it an excellent time to mingle with new people and be generous with your time and attention. Wishes have a tendency to come true right now, so start manifesting, Libra!



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your intimacy issues are finally over, Scorpio. On Tuesday, Mercury goes direct in your intimacy zone, finally clearing up communication between you and your loved one. Use your words to get closer to the one you care about as you form a deeper relationship. Money issues might be solved by sharing resources with others.

Keep communicating when the full moon is in Capricorn and your communication zone on Thursday. Put your thoughts in writing because it’ll be easier to express yourself in written format (including texts). It’s a good day to visit siblings or neighbors or do some planning, but don’t try to take over the world just yet.

That’s for Sunday when Venus enters fiery Leo. The planet of love enters your career zone, making you extra ambitious as you focus on both your career and reputation. You want it all, but don’t be ruthless. It’s not a good look.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your interpersonal relationships begin to stabilize when Mercury finally goes direct in your partnership zone on Tuesday. Now that the retrograde is over, you can stop fighting and reach an agreement. Put ego aside and talk it out to achieve peace.

Despite its cute name, the strawberry moon on Thursday urges you to do some serious adulting when the full moon in Capricorn is in your value zone. Use this energy to pay off debts, bills, or any lingering purchases. However, you are allowed to treat yourself a little, especially if you’re expecting some money.

The week ends on an exciting and vibrant note when Venus enters Leo on Sunday. The planet of love enters your travel zone, reawakening your natural wanderlust. After a long year, you’re ready to explore the world. Be open to new ideas and even change up your style. Play, Sagittarius!



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After weeks of feeling sluggish, your productivity finally comes back to you when Mercury goes direct in your routine zone on Tuesday. First things first: Answer all those texts and e-mails you’ve been ignoring. Then get back into your fitness and wellness routine and back on track!

You really start coming into your power when the full moon is in your sign on Thursday. While it’s not a great day to start something new, you’ll have a positive outlook on life and feel like your best self. Take care of yourself and good things will follow.

Sunday brings a new level of intimacy when Venus enters passionate Leo. Venus will be in your intimacy zone for the next few weeks, encouraging you to take things to the next level in your relationship. From moving in together to connecting more deeply, these changes will help you grow. Embrace them, Capricorn!



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your creative block is over, Aquarius! Celebrate! Mercury goes direct on Tuesday, moving forward in your pleasure zone and bringing forth all sorts of creative and innovative ideas to explore. Revel in media and entertaining activities that spark joy, including flirting.

However, things get serious again when the full moon is in Capricorn on Thursday. The moon lights up your privacy zone, encouraging you to spend time alone as you go over personal issues. Practice healing by ending things that are no longer serving you, and go easy on yourself.

Fortunately, love is in the air when Venus enters dynamic Leo on Sunday. The planet of love will be in your partnership zone for the next few weeks, making it an excellent time to form relationships: romantic, business, and platonic. Many people are going to be attracted to your weird little world, so let them in!



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Thursday’s strawberry moon might be serious business to some, but the full moon in Capricorn and your social zone puts you in a good light. This moon can help you manifest something you’ve been diligently working toward. Enjoy this win by spending the evening with friends.

While everyone is excited about Mercury going direct, you have a whole new retrograde to deal with: Neptune’s in your sign on Friday. With your ruling planet retrograding in your sign, you might have a rude awakening when it comes to self-awareness. Help others and you can feel better about yourself.

Start those acts of service when Venus enters Leo and your routine zone on Sunday. For the next few weeks, focus on how you can make life better for others who need your help. Generosity is a good look on you, Pisces.


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