lunes, 7 de junio de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Predicts Sparks Of Passion & Drama

Welcome to a new month, lover! Your weekly horoscope for June 7-13 2021 is here. While the beginning of the week is relatively uneventful (other than a retrograde Mercury), the second half brings opportunities and drama, starting with the Gemini solar eclipse on Thursday. This is a great day to try something new but keep your expectations low. Doing too much could lead to problems.

Summer heats up when Mars (planet of action) enters fiery Leo on Friday. For the next six weeks, expect sparks of passion, a major confidence boost, and a lot of drama—especially with Mercury still retrograde. While it will be a very entertaining few weeks, be careful to not lose your head.

Finally, the week ends on an interesting note when the sun in Gemini squares Neptune (planet of illusion) in Pisces, bringing some fogginess to the weekend and tempting all of us to spend it in bed. However, the sextile between Venus (planet of love) in Cancer and Uranus (planet of surprises) in Taurus helps give us a little boost when it comes to love and money, making it worth getting up.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Thursday brings opportunities for learning during the solar eclipse in curious Gemini. Welcome opportunities to expand your intellectual horizons at your own pace and without the high price.

After wading through waterlogged Cancer, Mars enters Leo on Friday, so get ready for some fun and mischief. The next six weeks are ideal for summer romance because you’ll feel extra passionate and confident. It’s time to flirt, ask people out, and get very naughty. If love isn’t in the cards for you, this is also a great time to focus on your creative passions because you’ll be full of energy and inspiration. Just watch out for drama, Aries.

Keep a low profile when the sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on Sunday. You could accidentally let a secret slip to strangers, which might hurt you. Stay off social media because you could learn some unpleasant things. Log off and chill.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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Shop till you drop, Taurus! The solar eclipse in Gemini on Thursday has you putting things in your cart while helping you find new ways to increase your sources of income. A little “just because” shopping is fine, but hold off on making any big purchases. Let your money work for you.

Friday brings potential family drama when Mars enters fiery Leo. The red planet will be in your home zone for the next six weeks, bringing you a strong desire for domestic life whether you’re reconnecting with relatives or creating a sense of found family. This is a good time to look for a new home, make yourself feel emotionally secure, and avoid family drama at all costs.

Sunday brings small victories when Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in your sign. Whether you’re traveling, getting your point across, or becoming more independent, it’s going to be a win for you.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The week has a positive note with a solar eclipse in your sign on Thursday bringing you extra energy that even Mercury’s retrograde can’t take away. This is an excellent time to start new projects with your best interests in mind, whether you’re taking care of your body, mind, or spirit. Stay optimistic, Gemini. Things are going to be okay!

Friday fires you up when Mars enters Leo and your sector of communication. For the next six weeks, you’ll be speaking passionately about your ideas and communicating your beliefs with confidence. Mercury’s retrograde might slow you down, but you have a lot to say. Use your power of communication for good, not drama.

However, Sunday brings a case of brain fog when the sun in your sign squares Neptune in Pisces, creating some awkwardness at work. Keep your mouth shut or you might hurt your reputation.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

This is a pretty intense time for you, Cancer. On Thursday, the solar eclipse is in Gemini and your privacy zone, where Mercury is still retrograde. This may feel like a time of endings rather than beginnings, but you’ll soon use the good karma points you’re gaining. Just keep going!

Friday brings opportunities for making (and spending) money when Mars enters Leo, staying in your value zone for the next six weeks. You’re reminded that you have to spend money to make money. Get your side hustle going, invest in your business and yourself, but remember to save some money for later.

The week ends on a positive note when Venus in your sign sextiles Uranus in Taurus, encouraging you to help out with humanitarian causes and follow your heart. When you fight for what you believe in, you can make some impactful changes.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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Dreams really do come true for you, Leo! On Thursday, the solar eclipse is in Gemini and your friendship and wishes zone, making it an ideal day for manifesting because what you’ve been longing for could suddenly come with ease—if you’re longing for something small.

Good luck keeps coming when Mars enters your sign on Friday. It will stay here for the next six weeks, filling you with energy and passion. This is an excellent time to move your body in all different ways: run, swim, or try a new look like a haircut or tattoo. Do what feels good!

Disappointment could sour your week when the sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on Sunday. Something you thought was a dream come true turns out to be a fantasy. You may discover that a friend isn’t really a friend. Don’t mope or seek revenge. Focus on moving on.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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While you may not be changing careers or receiving a major award, a new project at work could come your way during the solar eclipse in Gemini on Thursday. The eclipse is in your career zone, bringing you a challenging but exciting project. While this may not be a game changer in your work life, it could get you noticed by someone important.

However, your productivity may be stalled when Mars enters Leo on Friday. Mars will be in your privacy zone for the next six weeks, draining your energy. Instead of pushing yourself to the limit, practice being kind to yourself without the pressure of having to be perfect.

Some time with friends could really give you a boost, so plan a little adventure when Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Sunday. You’ll be amazed by how much of a boost this gives you. Have fun!



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Knowledge is power, Libra! Use it when the solar eclipse in Gemini lands in your philosophy zone on Thursday, making you hungry for knowledge even if it’s just watching documentaries. While this isn’t a great time to take a trip or classes, it is a great time to plan these things for the future.

Your summer gets social when Mars enters Leo on Friday, staying in your friendship zone for the next six weeks. Now is the time to reconnect with friends you haven’t seen in a while, meet new people, and let your inner humanitarian out. Wine, dine, and save the world!

The week ends with a major payoff when Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Sunday, bringing some money and financial independence your way. If you stayed in a toxic relationship because you needed money from them, now is the time to cut them loose.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Be like Elsa and let it go when the solar eclipse is in Gemini on Thursday. The eclipse is in your intimacy zone, reminding you that the only way to start something new is to let go of the past. This will be a rebirth for you as you take baby steps toward growth and change. Embrace those small steps!

Your ambitious side comes out to play when Mars enters Leo on Friday, staying in your career zone for the next six weeks. With your ruling planet in Leo, you might feel very driven to succeed and complete some important career goals with amazing success and recognition.

Take a moment to focus on your partnerships when Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Sunday. Understanding someone in a new way can help strengthen your relationship and lead to better communication. Be open to discovery and love will follow.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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Love is the air on Thursday, bringing a total eclipse of the heart during the solar eclipse in Gemini. The eclipse is in your partnership zone, bringing a casual summer romance into your life. Swoon! It’s also an excellent time to look into a new business partnership, settle disagreements, and start fresh with people.

Mars enters fiery Leo on Friday and will sit in your philosophy sector for the next six weeks. Summer is here, and you’re not going to let something as trivial as retrograde Mercury stop you from having adventures. Slow you down? Sure! But nothing’s stopping your quest for discovery. This is an ideal time to follow intellectual passions with confidence, especially through travel. Explore!

Money troubles ease when Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Sunday, encouraging you to let others take care of you for a change. Ask for help when you need it, Sagittarius.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

An ideal time to start a healthy habit is during the solar eclipse in Gemini on Thursday. The eclipse is in your habit zone, helping you find new ways to be productive and motivated even if they’re small. Take care of yourself by adding structure to your life.

Summer loving quickly turns intimate when Mars enters Leo on Friday. Mars will be in your intimacy zone for the next six weeks, bringing changes to some of your most powerful relationships. These changes could be a little rocky—rebirths are never easy—but they will make your bonds with others stronger than ever.

The week ends on a romantic note when Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Sunday, encouraging you to get creative with your partner or crush. Going on unique dates, starting love affairs, or taking your creative talents to some naughty places—you do you, Capricorn.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The special solar eclipse in Gemini and your pleasure zone on Thursday brings creativity and entertainment into your life. This is a great day to do small things that bring you joy: make art, watch movies, or have some romantic fun. Just enjoy yourself!

The summer heat gets a little more intense when Mars enters Leo on Friday. For the next six weeks, the warrior planet will be in your partnership zone, leading to conflict and competition with Mercury still retrograde. Put your energy toward winning rather than beating others. A sore winner isn’t a good look for you, Aquarius.

Practice self-care when Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Sunday. In order to create a happy home, you’re going to need to take care of yourself. It’s a good day to do some cleaning or decorating. Accept help from friends and family!



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The solar eclipse in Gemini and your home zone creates a family affair on Thursday. Spend time with your family and reconnect or just have a quiet night at home taking care of yourself. If you’re finding peace, you’re doing it right.

Friday gives you more energy and stamina when Mars enters unstoppable Leo. Mars will be in your habit zone for the next six weeks, making you feel extra productive and ready to take on the world. However, be careful. This extra passion could make you impulsive, especially since Mercury is still retrograde. Practice self-discipline, Pisces.

The week ends with some stress when the sun in Gemini squares Neptune in your sign on Sunday. Family issues could leave you confused and disappointed when your “perfect” plan doesn’t turn out as you’d hoped. Let go of expectations, Pisces.


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