lunes, 5 de julio de 2021

Umm…Your Weekly Horoscope Isn’t Looking Great

Hello and welcome to your weekly horoscope for July 5-11 2021! This is Cancer’s big week with both a new moon and Mercury (planet of communication) in the sign of the Crab. It all starts when the sun in Cancer sextiles Uranus (planet of surprises) in Taurus on Monday. Sudden changes in your private life could reveal secrets that you’ve been turning a blind eye to. Stop ignoring the truth and learn how to face it.

Spend Friday night at home when the new moon is in Cancer. Cancer hosts its ruling planet, encouraging us to focus on our emotions and well-being. Practice self-care to find peace of mind as we start the new lunar cycle. A good cry might be useful, so let it all out.

We trade wit for sensitivity when Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday. For the next two weeks, energies and communication styles will become more emotional as we use our intuition to guide us. Don’t take anything at face value because words and information will have a deeper meaning.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Don’t ignore your long-term goals for short-term pleasure, Aries! On Tuesday, Venus in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius, making you too focused on pleasure and your romantic relationship and isolating you from your other dreams and even your friends. Find balance to stay afloat.

Stay in and nurture your inner child on Friday when the new moon is in sensitive Cancer. The new moon is in your home and family zone, encouraging you to stay close to home to find peace. Practice self-care and, above all, avoid family drama if you can help it.

Home continues to be where your mind is when Mercury enters the Crab on Sunday. The next two weeks truly become a family affair as your thoughts turn more to domestic matters and searching for emotional security. Be careful with what you say because your words will have emotional impact.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your week includes some serious family drama when Venus in Leo squares Uranus in your sign on Thursday. You have the urge to be free and independent, but your family tries to control both you and your financial situation. Overall, it’s a frustrating day.

Fortunately, the week gets better when the new moon is in Cancer and your communication zone on Friday. This is an excellent day to speak your mind and discuss your feelings to find peace and clarity. Take a short trip, but don’t stray too far from home.

Continue to express yourself when Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday. It will be much easier to express your thoughts and feelings clearly and logically for the next two weeks, so use it to your advantage. Your thoughts will be more creative as you express yourself in unique ways. Expand your emotional intelligence and be open to learning new things!



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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Yikes, Gemini! Your week begins on a bit of a rough note when Mercury in your sign squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. An impulsive decision or miscommunication could lead to disaster at your job. Ask for clarity before jumping into a situation or it could cost you dearly.

Then it’s all about self-care when the new moon is in gentle Cancer on Friday. The new lunar cycle begins in your value zone, encouraging you to find new ways to invest in yourself and boost your self-esteem without egotism.

As Mercury leaves your sign and moves into gentle Cancer on Sunday, it’s a good time to start thinking about how you spend and save your money. Consider how you can wisely make your money grow and how you invest in your future. Be careful with your words for the next two weeks; they hold greater value.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

With so many planets in your sign, Cancer, this is your week to shine. We start things off with the sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus on Monday. This is an ideal day to get involved in humanitarian causes and help those in need. Sudden changes could lead to positive things, so don’t get overwhelmed by the shuffle.

Friday brings new beginnings during the new moon in your sign. While this isn’t an ideal time to make huge life changes, the start of a new lunar cycle can bring positive adjustments as long as you keep an optimistic point of view. Take care of your body and rest.

You keep shining when Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday. With the planet of communication in your sign, use that energy to speak up for yourself. Don’t let others walk all over you—get what you want. Be polite but direct!



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins with relationship drama when Venus in your sign opposes Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday. If you just want a new relationship, slow down! You might be moving too quickly and making the other person uncomfortable. Relationships mean respecting boundaries, Leo so be chill.

Instead of showering your beloved with affection, spend Friday night alone when the new moon is in Cancer. This is an ideal day for privacy as you work on any personal issues you may be dealing with.

After a long period of Mercury in Gemini, you could feel the urge to take a social (and social media) break starting when Mercury moves into Cancer and your privacy zone on Sunday. Stop posting about your personal life and keep a low profile for the next two weeks. No one needs to know your business. Dealing with personal issues publicly could blow up in your face.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Miscommunication could lead to trouble in your relationships when Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. Giving so much of your time and attention to your career ambitions could lead you to neglect your important personal relationships. Be present when you’re with others, Virgo.

The week gets better when the new moon is in Cancer on Friday. This is an ideal day to lend a hand and give back to your community. Doing some charity work or organizing a fundraiser for a worthy cause is a great way to use the positive energies from the new moon.

Sunday brings out your inner social butterfly when Mercury enters Cancer. Put yourself out there and meet some new people. They could become your best friends after some time. The next two weeks are ideal for saying positive mantras and manifesting. Your words can make your dreams come true.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins with a struggle between the status quo and self-expression when Venus in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday. You want to do what everyone else is doing, but you also need to discover your own pleasure. Find friends who encourage you to have fun and express yourself, not put labels on you.

The new moon in Cancer brings goals and ambitions to the forefront on Friday. This is a great day to jump-start some career goals you’ve had in mind. However, remember to take baby steps. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your plan for world domination won’t be either.

Spend the next two weeks reinventing yourself when Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday. Mercury in your career zone encourages you to think logically and strategically about your goals, ambitions, and public image. Who do you want to be, Libra?



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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Start the week with an open mind when the sun in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Monday. Being stubborn and sticking to your own ideas could cause tension in your relationships. To avoid an argument, try testing some unique ideas. It might surprise you.

After opening your mind, start expanding it when the new moon is in Cancer on Friday. Spend the night thinking, plotting, and learning new things. Whether you’re planning a major trip in the future or considering higher education, spend this time reading, learning, and growing.

New ideas continue to enter your life when Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday, where it will stay for the next two weeks. With the planet of communication in your philosophy zone, you’ll be able to understand and communicate abstract ideas with ease. Be open to learning new things and, most importantly, be open to being wrong. Yes, Scorpio, sometimes you’re wrong!



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

While you’re ready for a big adventure, the universe is telling you to hold on when Venus in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday. You may be dreaming of traveling the globe, but you could be restricted to only short trips. With your wanderlust scaled down, try to make the best of it.

The new moon in Cancer on Friday brings opportunities for growth and change as you move not only from one lunar phase to another but also to a new phase in your life. The changes you’ll undergo will be small at first but can lead to major impact later.

The week ends on a transformative note when Mercury enters Cancer and your intimacy zone on Sunday. Bonds can be developed quickly through communication as conversations become more sensual and intimate. Over the next two weeks, you have to have some deep conversation that could change everything, so get ready.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Financial matters could affect your relationship when Venus in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday. You might be sharing resources with another person, but you want to spend some money on yourself. Have a serious talk with your partner before spending the money or you could be sorry.

Luckily, partnerships become favorable when the new moon is in gentle Cancer on Friday, creating an excellent day to start new partnerships of all kinds, from business to romantic. Test the waters a little first before you make it official, however. Baby steps, Capricorn.

Finally, the week ends on an agreeable note when Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday. The planet of communication will be in your partnership zone for the next two weeks. Use this time to finalize details and think carefully about any agreement you’re considering or partnership you might enter. Trust your gut in every situation.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Yikes, Aquarius! Tuesday brings up boundary issues when Venus in Leo opposes Saturn in your sign. As you struggle to find balance between “we” and “me” when it comes to your relationships, make sure you’re strict about your space. If you don’t create solid boundaries, people will walk all over you.

Use the new moon in Cancer on Friday as an opportunity to work on yourself. This doesn’t mean pushing yourself into being productive. Rather, focus on taking care of yourself by starting some healthy habits and beginning a solid care routine that will last through all the phases of the moon.

Continue to focus on self-improvement when Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday. Mercury will be in your habit zone for the next two weeks, encouraging you to think about your health and routines. Consider what you can improve and how you can use your time more productively.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Tuesday brings family drama when Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in your sign. As family members try to meddle in your personal affairs, you might feel rebellious and jump into a situation just because they tell you not to. Don’t let defensiveness cause you to make mistakes. Try to express yourself before making a major decision.

Stay in and get creative when the new moon is in Cancer on Friday. Leisure is your top priority as you focus on relaxation and fun. Whether you’re working on a creative project, watching your favorite shows, or having a little romantic evening with a lover, enjoy it!

Your week ends on a delightful note when Mercury enters Cancer and your pleasure zone on Sunday. The next two weeks will be a very creative time as you express yourself with joy and ease. Pleasure can be gained through self-expression, Pisces.


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