jueves, 19 de agosto de 2021

The Best Self-Care Ideas For Each Zodiac Sign

I have BIG FEELINGS about self-care and ways to de-stress, especially when it comes to self-care ideas for zodiac signs. De-stressing looks different for everyone and it’s not a one-and-done activity, nor is there a one-size-fits-all solution. Self-care—in my not-so-humble opinion, because I am a Gemini and humility is for nerds—is a commitment to taking care of yourself even during times of stress or trauma. Especially in times of stress and trauma, in fact. It’s a practice that requires constant refinement, like yoga or any other skill you want to master. And when you’re done practicing for the day, there’s always the opportunity to treat yourself again tomorrow.

It really gargles my grundle that self-care is treated as something sort of “upper-class” luxury that only the privileged can do. I’m sorry, but this is fake news! Self-care should be inclusive. It’s not about having the perfect, Instagrammable space to unwind, or even a 10-step skin care routine that costs a month’s worth of rent. (Although, if those are your preferred methods of self-care, then kudos to you! Again, it’s not a one-size-fits-all thing.) And like with most things, everyone’s self-care routine will look a little different and should be tailored to their wants and needs.

Anyway, my axe feels sharp enough to stop grinding on and on about this, but here’s the truth: You are the only person capable of and equipped to take care of yourself. And it’s all too easy to put your needs (exercise, eating healthy, alone time, a clean space, whatever) at the end of the list, though this shouldn’t be the case. Today, I urge you to try something different: Put your mental and physical health FIRST, and make everything else fit around it. Re-prioritize so that you’re at the top of the list. Because, after all, how are you supposed to take care of all that other crap if you’re running on zero fuel?

You deserve to sit down with no distractions and actually enjoy your life and being who you are. Read on for the best self care ideas for every single zodiac sign, and try yours out ASAP.

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Self-Care Ideas for Each Zodiac Sign

STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Aries: Unsubscribe to Email Blasts

Okay, at first I was like: This is lame. But honestly, a ruthless unsubscribing spree has done such wonders for my mental health. You may think it only takes a few seconds everyday to delete the barrage of emails you get on the daily (or let them rot in your inbox forever. Ugh!), but it’s existential noise that can add to your stress—just as much as a dirty car or that lingering work project that you just can’t bring yourself to finish does. Unsubscribe and enjoy the blissful silence of email notifications.


STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Taurus: Get Yourself a Plant

 It’s like having a cute puppy, but with lower stakes! Greenery makes any space more inviting, and taking care of plants (watering, fertilizing, cleaning the leaves, etc.) can be a cathartic experience. The more you learn about plants and take care of them, the more enjoyment you get out your plants’ growth. Plus, you’ll enjoy picking out a cute pot and the exact type of plant you want—pathos and snake plants are great for beginners!


STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Gemini: Go For a Meditative Walk

…without headphones! You love movement, and a walk for you can be incredibly healing. But to get the maximum self-care benefit, you need to use this time wisely. It’s nice to zone out to a playlist or an intriguing podcast, but this time, try no noise. Just you and your thoughts. See where they take you. Many a problem will been solved on a walk with zero distractions.


STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Cancer: Re-read Your Favorite Book

Sorry, but it has to be a physical book. Don’t get me wrong—I love Kindles and E-readers and use them quite frequently. But this is about getting away from a screen and doing something that requires your undivided focus, so no tech allowed.


STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Leo: Put Your Phone on Airplane Mode

Respond to nothing and no one for a full 24 hours. PSA: There’s a setting you can do so that if someone calls you twice in less than five minutes or whatever, it’ll come through—you know, in case of emergencies. But the point of this whole exercise is to focus on exactly what you want/need to be doing, rather than responding to others’ requests and the distraction that is social media, capitalism, etc. See what a day looks like in your life without compromising for others. Enjoy your autonomy.

STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Virgo: Toss Five Items That Cause You Stress

It’s time to Marie Kondo your life, and you already know exactly what I’m talking about, Virgo. Those pants you’ve been meaning to hem and never will. That old framed art print that you don’t even like anymore but were trying to find a place for. A surfboard you’ve had shoved into your closet for years, even though you haven’t used it, like, ever because you hate sand and are deathly afraid of sharks. Remember: Physical clutter can manifest into emotional stress. So throw it out the window or recycle it. Your choice!


STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Libra: Set the Mood

It doesn’t have to be a date or special occasion to set the mood. When you get home, put away your stuff and light a candle. Open your windows for a fresh breeze and play some music that makes you feel some type of way. Saving your happiness or cute underwear for a special occasion is a great way to ensure that the small, good things in life pass you by, and you don’t want that. Not to get all TikTok omg you, but you have to start romanticizing your life! Don’t underestimate the power of a clean room or pretty sparkly lights. It is enough for you to just enjoy it.

STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Scorpio: Cut Up a Shitload of Fruit

This is actually my go-to self-care practice for when I’m stressed. Go pick out your favorite fruits and then cut them up into cute meal prep storage containers. If it sounds labor intensive, it’s because it is (for the modern day, anyway). But it’s MAGIC. Because while I’m cutting fruit and crying, I’m usually figuring my shit out, too. And by the time I’m taking all the various rinds to the trash, I usually feel a lot better. And I’ve also got a shit-ton of fruit to eat. Super-bonus!

STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Sagittarius: Any & All Screen-Free Activities

There are so many of them: reading, writing, cleaning, crocheting, gardening, cooking, etc. Pick ur fave activity that doesn’t involve you staring slack-jawed at a screen of any kind (and don’t be sneaky, okay? This is for you!) and get into the groove of doing something with your hands that isn’t scrolling. There are so many things in this world that want to bring us joy, and often, we are our own worst enemy at denying ourselves the pleasure of our bodies and time to do something meaningful.

STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Capricorn: Moisturize & Hydrate 

Speaking as an extremely Dry Betch, this is a necessity more than self-care. BUT! Slathering your nubile body with various creams and mainlining water is a nice thing we can all do for our bodies. And you, Capricorn, are a hard worker and one to overlook things you find frivolous. For self-care, consider getting jiggy with it by diving into a big container of bougie moisturizer or night cream—or, a cute one you found discounted at Marshalls. And  not just your face! Get your whole-ass body. When you slide into your sheets at night, I want you to feel like a smooth dolphin jumping into the waves with no fear of the future.


STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Aquarius: Non-Punishing Exercise

I think one of the reasons why some people think they hate exercise is because of how many X-treme sports/routines there are. Exercise shouldn’t be punishing to be effective. Finding exercise (stretching, yoga, walking, tennis, dancing, etc.) that you don’t hate and that benefits your mental health is one of the absolute best things you can do for your body and brain. Find it and live foreverrrrrrrr!

STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Pisces: Make Your Bed/Declutter Your Sleeping Space

Why is it so easy to turn a bedroom/sleeping space into a gross, dank dungeon where you store all your weird shit that you should throw away? I’m talking about you, Retainer from 2014 that hasn’t fit in the last three years! Clean your sheets, make your bed, and brave the terror that is your nightstand drawer. Throw away/move everything that isn’t absolutely essential, and then exist in the safe, clean air that is your lair of slumber.

A previous version of this article appeared in October 2019.

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