lunes, 9 de agosto de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here To Screw Up Your Relationship

Hi queen, welcome to your weekly horoscope for August 9-15 2021. Our week begins on a bit of a confusing note when Venus (planet of beauty) in Virgo opposes Neptune (planet of illusion) in Pisces on Monday. This is a bad day for crushes and relationships when you learn that the person you’ve been dreaming of isn’t the same person you hoped they’d be. Expect to face some disappointment as your fantasy doesn’t quite match up to reality.

Be careful what you say when Mercury (planet of communication) in Leo opposes Jupiter (planet of luck) in Aquarius on Tuesday. Telling little white lies or stretching the truth a bit to make your story more interesting could get you into some serious trouble. Honesty is the best policy right now.

However, communication troubles ease on Wednesday when Mercury enters Virgo, its natural placement. Mercury rules Virgo, making this a homecoming of sorts. Communication will be easy for the next two weeks (especially in writing), as our thoughts and words become more organized, reliable, and correct. There’s no need for small talk.


How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Get out of your own way, Aries! When Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Monday, you could hold the people in your life to some impossible standard because you aren’t seeing things as clearly as you should. Get back to reality or you might hurt some feelings.

Being dramatic and telling tall tales could catch up with you when Mercury in Leo opposes Jupiter in Aquarius on Tuesday. If you want to be the center of attention, try being yourself. People will see right through your act. Being fake on social media could lead to some major drama.

After two weeks of shooting your mouth off, you’re going to have to choose your words carefully when Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday. Mercury in your routine zone encourages you to pick your moments to speak and use your words to help others rather than just try to help yourself.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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Monday brings disappointment in romance when Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. You want a certain relationship to work out so badly, but when the real world comes crashing in, you may realize that you’re not as compatible as you’d hoped. A romance could fizzle out before it even starts.

Your private life has the potential to spill into your professional life when Mercury in Leo opposes Jupiter in Aquarius on Tuesday. Things that you’ve said in private could get leaked, potentially hurting your reputation. Keep your lips sealed to save yourself.

However, the week turns around when Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday. Mercury will be in your pleasure zone for the next two weeks, making it an ideal time to express yourself with ease. Find entertaining ways to keep your mind occupied and outlets to express your creative nature. It’s okay to take a calculated risk now.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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Private life doesn’t match up to public image when Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Monday. If you’ve been stretching the truth about what you actually do at work, you could be called out for it. Be honest and try to keep a low profile. No one likes a braggart, Gemini.

However, your mouth could get you into more trouble when Mercury in Leo opposes Jupiter in Aquarius on Tuesday. Don’t lie or pretend to be something you’re not or you could lose out on a very good opportunity to expand your horizons. Don’t push your luck!

Thoughts turn to family and self-care when Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday. Mercury will be in your family zone for the next two weeks, bringing some family members who may need your help. However, don’t forget to set some boundaries before you let anyone back into your life.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins with potential relationship troubles when Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Monday. After talking with someone, you could discover that you have two have very different opinions about an important issue. Their moral compass may be pointing in a different direction than yours.

Don’t let money or the opinions of others become an obsession for you when Mercury in Leo opposes Jupiter in Aquarius on Tuesday. Getting hyper-focused on these things will have you missing out on the important things in life. Expand your world with meaning, not by chasing money or people’s approval.

Say what you mean when Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday. Mercury will be in your communication zone for the next two weeks, making it easy for you to get your point across. Your thoughts may be more organized as you stick to the facts with meticulous detail. Use your words, Cancer!



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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Monday brings potential relationship struggles when Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. Someone you like may not reciprocate the strong feelings you have for them, bringing rejection. Tension could arise if you’re sharing finances with someone.

Tension continues when Mercury in your sign opposes Jupiter in Aquarius on Tuesday. One of your little fibs lands you in hot water when it comes to your relationship. Come clean and talk it out if you want your connection to be successful.

After a month of spending, it’s time to put your finances in order and think about your financial situation when Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday. Mercury will be in your value zone for two weeks, encouraging you to take a closer look at your finances. Think about the future and be smart when it comes to making major purchases. Find ways to save money for when you need it.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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The beginning of the week brings relationship trouble when Venus in your sign opposes Neptune in Pisces on Monday. You might discover that the person you thought you knew isn’t the person they appear to be. You could get your heart broken when reality comes crashing down.

Secrets don’t make friendships and they definitely don’t help you at work when Mercury in Leo opposes Jupiter in Aquarius. Keeping secrets and being extra private may hurt your performance at work because you might be unable to focus when dealing with emotional turmoil and stress. Focus on being your best self.

The week turns positive when Mercury, your ruling planet, enters your sign on Wednesday. For the next two weeks, it’s an ideal time to express yourself and talk yourself up to others. Use writing to understand yourself and your thoughts. Start thinking about new projects and how to get things done!



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Be kind to yourself when Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Monday. This aspect may have you feeling you aren’t getting as far in life as you’d like, which can feel pretty frustrating. Look for ways to make small, realistic changes to your life instead of beating yourself up.

Putting your foot in your mouth can create trouble for your romantic life when Mercury in Leo opposes Jupiter in Aquarius on Tuesday. Telling an entertaining story might not be so fun to your love interest who may take offense. Tread lightly.

Logic goes out the window when Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday. The planet of communication will be in your privacy zone for the next two weeks, and you may be lost in your creative dreams and hidden world. While this is dreamy, you might have trouble connecting with others, preferring your privacy. Practice self-acceptance.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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If you’ve been keeping a secret from your friends, especially about your love life, they’ll find out when Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Monday, and they won’t be happy about it. Try to mend fences as you realize that you might be in the wrong here.

Being hyper-focused on your career could create problems at home when Mercury in Leo opposes Jupiter in Aquarius on Tuesday. Either you’re unable to relax, your work/life balance is off, or you’re so focused on work that you’ve ignored your loved ones. Remember to leave work at work.

Life gets social when Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday. Mercury will be in your social zone for the next two weeks, encouraging you to chat with friends, make plans, and raise awareness for social causes. If you find yourself getting more involved with social media, just remember to use it for good!



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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Omitting some important facts about your personal life could hurt you publicly when Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Monday. Your co-workers might discover that what you say or show about your personal life is far from perfect. While you might be embarrassed, embrace your imperfect life!

Awkward moments continue when Mercury in Leo opposes Jupiter in Aquarius on Tuesday. You could come on a little too strong by dominating the conversation and putting your beliefs on the person speaking to you. Try to have a dialogue with people on important issues. Don’t force everyone to agree with you.

Focus on your career when Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday. The planet of communication will be in your career zone for the next two weeks, so if you want to achieve something, you’ll need to be organized. Double-check everything before speaking—you don’t want to get anything wrong right now. No pressure!



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

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While you might be excited about the adventure that love is taking you on, be careful before jumping off the deep end when Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Monday. You could realize that what the other person is saying isn’t how they truly feel.

Relationships continue to get messy when Mercury in Leo opposes Jupiter in Aquarius on Tuesday. After an intense exchange of words, the bond you thought you had with someone goes down in flames. You might have to cut ties with someone financially, which could be costly for you.

You’ll get lost in your thoughts when Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday. Mercury will be in your philosophy zone for the next two weeks, encouraging you to do a lot of thinking. While you’re gathering information, don’t forget to get to the heart of the matter. What is the deeper meaning here?



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

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Stand up for yourself and your worth when Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Monday. Someone might be trying to take advantage of you financially or belittle your contributions to your partnership. Don’t take that lying down, Aquarius. Find people who actually value you, not the amount of money in your bank account.

Learn to agree to disagree when Mercury in Leo opposes Jupiter in your sign on Tuesday. Conflict in your relationships will not give people a good first impression of you. To save your image and your relationships, you’ll need to compromise.

Communication becomes intimate when Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday. For two weeks, Mercury will be in your intimacy zone, allowing you to bond with others using the power of your words. Your intuition will also increase as you read between the lines to see the truth. Use analysis to search for hidden meanings.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Oh no, Pisces! What you thought a relationship or person was going to be like turns out not to be what you imagined when Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in your sign on Monday. Be careful about having overly high standards. It could lead to major disappointment.

Remember to take care of yourself when Mercury in Leo opposes Jupiter in Aquarius on Tuesday. You might be tempted to discard your healthy habits in exchange for some vices that leave you feeling bad. Stay out of trouble by sticking to your routine and staying busy.

Fortunately, your week turns around when Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday. Mercury will be in your partnership zone for the next two weeks, making it an ideal time to find compromises and cooperate with others. Negotiate to get what’s fair, and choose your partners wisely right now, Pisces.


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