lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Starts Off With An *Intense* New Moon

Happy Labor Day, lover! Welcome to your weekly horoscope for September 6-12 2021. Those sweet summer days are in the rearview, and school is in session once more for some of us. Coming to a sky near you on Sunday, the new moon (planet of emotions) in Virgo is here to kick the collective back into gear.

Been leaving the house a little less tidy than it should be? Dodging the gym? No worries! The new moon will remind you why life’s little (and big) tasks are so important. However, the lessons taught by this week’s very Virgo energy may be a little intense.

Mars (planet of action) shares the moon’s sign and goes into a trine with Pluto (planet of transformation) in Capricorn on the first day of the week. The theme is motivation (an even a dash of obsession if we’re being honest), so rev up your to-do lists! This is the time to pick up the slack and forge firmly ahead. Success is at the finish line if you really want it.

On Friday, the intensity is dialed up as Venus (planet of love) slinks from lovely Libra into steamy Scorpio. Because Venus prefers to keep love light and airy, jealous Scorpio isn’t its coziest place. But for those of us trying to stack our cash and fine-tune our focus, Venus in Scorpio could be a holy grail.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Start the week refocused and recharged when the new moon is in Virgo on Monday. The analytical powers of Virgo encourage you look at your life through an objective lens. While it might be tempting to tell other people how to improve their lives, calling it “constructive criticism,” turn that lens on yourself and see how you can improve.

Especially since Mars in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn on Monday too, giving you a double dose of self-discipline and productivity. People will see your hard work and reward your efforts, especially in your career.

Your love and financial lives start to get intense when Venus enters Scorpio and your intimacy zone on Friday. For the next four weeks, relationships become more intimate because you’re able to bond at a deeper level, though this could lead to make-or-break moments for many relationships.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your week begins with a burst of creativity when the new moon is in Virgo and your pleasure zone on Monday, encouraging you to have fun and relax a little. Indulge in some of your artistic hobbies or just hang on the couch and enjoy a good movie or book.

Also happening on Monday, Venus in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius, showing you that sharing really is caring. Taking care of others could help you gain a compassionate reputation. Take care of your people and they’ll take care of you.

If you’re in a romantic relationship, expect things to get steamy when Venus enters Scorpio on Friday. Your ruling planet will be in your partnership zone for the next four weeks, encouraging you to join forces with others. It’s a great time for reaching agreements, but be careful not to manipulate someone to get what you want.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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Start the week by staying in when the new moon is in Virgo on Monday. The new moon in your home zone makes it an ideal self-care day to start this lunar cycle. Treat yourself to a healthy meal, deep clean everything, and spend time with your family.

However, just because you’re staying home doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun. Venus in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius on Monday, encouraging you to have fun with someone special (if you know what we mean)! Have a little romantic night in and learn more about each other.

Watch out, Gemini! Hyper-focusing on improvement and productivity may become an obsession if you’re not careful. On Friday, Venus enters Scorpio and your habit zone. While improving yourself and your relationship is a noble goal, don’t let it consume you. Create manageable goals for your happiness.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

If you’re stuck on a problem, the best solution may be to get away for a while. On Monday, the new moon is in Virgo, starting the lunar cycle in your communication zone. This is a great day to take a quick trip or hang out with your friends and neighbors. If you’ve been struggling with a problem, brainstorm with others to come up with solutions.

Also on Monday, Mars in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn, encouraging you to use your passionate words to seal the deal, whether you’re asking someone out, securing a contract at work, or teaming up with someone. Speak up to get what you want!

Friday gets romantic when Venus enters Scorpio, traveling through your pleasure zone for the next four weeks. Get ready for some creative and social media-worthy fall dates, even if you’re just falling in love with yourself. However, be mindful of your spending.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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Start the week by making it rain when the new moon is in Virgo on Monday. You’re starting this lunar cycle in your value zone, bringing the possibility of a promotion or a little extra boost to your paycheck. However, make sure you’re living within your means or that extra cash will be gone in a heartbeat.

Also happening on Monday, Venus in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius, making you extra sociable and oozing with charm. This is an ideal day to make new friends and end old conflicts. Luck is on your side, Leo!

Home is where the heart is for the next four weeks once Venus enters Scorpio on Friday. Venus in your home zone encourages you to surround yourself with comfort and cozy vibes, especially when things feel intense. Safety will be extremely important, so surround yourself with people you trust.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

This week begins with opportunities for self-reflection when the new moon is in your sign on Monday. What do you want to change about your style? The way you act around others? Your persona? Start now! Just make sure you’re not driving yourself insane searching for perfection.

Monday is also a great night for pleasure and passion when Mars in your sign trines Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect brings big creative energy for you, motivating you to produce something new. Whether you’re exploring your hobbies, art, or a love affair, create for the fun of it!

Communication plays a big role in your relationships when Venus enters Scorpio on Friday. Venus will be in your communication zone for the next few weeks, allowing you to have deep conversations with friends, siblings, and neighbors. As long as you don’t get obsessed with the details, communication can be easy and peaceful.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Start the week at home when the new moon is in Virgo on Monday. The new moon in your privacy zone encourages self-care, especially if nagging thoughts about the past make their way to the surface. Try to learn from the past so you can heal.

If you do plan on working on yourself, you may find some pleasure as Venus in your sign trines Jupiter in Aquarius on Monday too. Spend the day falling in love with yourself, and plan a fun and stimulating night for your own enjoyment.

As Venus leaves your sign for Scorpio on Friday, you should probably hide your credit cards. That’s because Venus moves into your value zone, encouraging you to spend money on everything that makes you feel good. Check your bank account before you spend or you could be in a tough spot when the bill comes.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Monday begins with a windfall when the new moon is in Virgo. With the moon in your social zone, something you’ve been wishing for may suddenly come true, making life a little closer to perfect. Celebrate the win with your closest friends.

If you need some help making those dreams come true, enlist the support of your friends when Mars in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn on Monday. Work toward coming up with a plan to turn your dreams into reality. It truly takes a village, Scorpio.

Love yourself and the rest will follow when Venus enters your sign on Friday. The planet of love will be in your sign for the next few weeks, making it an ideal time to focus on yourself and not worry about finding love. It will find you. However, make sure you take care of yourself so your new beginnings will be even sweeter.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

During a hectic Monday when the new moon is in Virgo, it might be time to rethink your career path. The moon in your career zone encourages you to step back and evaluate your goals. Are you happy about where you’re going, Sagittarius, or do you need a new direction?

If you’re struggling with a mental block, try talking it out with a friend as Venus in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius on Monday. They can make a good sounding board to bounce ideas off of. After a few hours of socializing, your mental block will clear.

Trust your intuition on Friday, especially when it comes to relationships. Venus will be in Scorpio and your privacy zone for the next few weeks. While you might feel shy right now, you can easily observe other people’s feelings. End relationships that are causing you more harm than good.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Kick off the week by expanding your intellectual horizons during the Virgo new moon on Monday. The new lunar cycle begins in your philosophy zone, making you interested in researching new subjects that pique your curiosity. Follow your inquisitiveness to a pleasant discovery.

The more you learn, the more powerful you become as Mars in Virgo trines Pluto in your sign on Monday. Exploring your beliefs, identity, and understanding about the world can help you become a more powerful person. Open your mind and see where the world takes you.

Friday marks the beginning of a very social time for you as Venus enters Scorpio. The planet of love will be in your friendship zone for the next few weeks, encouraging you to hang out with friends and enjoy some cute fall activities. Making new friends is easy even when your social calendar is completely booked. Have fun, Capricorn!



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your week begins with a potential rebirth during the Virgo new moon on Monday. The moon in your transformation zone gives you a clear view of your life for self-analysis. Take a good look and see what you need to let go of so you can move on to the next stage of your life.

Stick to your values when Venus in Libra trines Jupiter in your sign on Monday. Use the knowledge you’ve gained from your personal relationships to find success in new situations. You’ll make a great first impression if you manage to keep an open mind.

On Friday, networking becomes a must when Venus enters Scorpio and your career zone. Meeting new people, especially in public spaces, can help you achieve your goals and even help you get a job or move up in status. However, don’t let social climbing become an obsession.


STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Begin the week by taking a closer look at your important relationships when the new moon is in Virgo on Monday. The new moon in your partnership zone encourages you to look for ways to find common ground and cooperate with others. See how you can attract positive relationships in your life. You could be pleasantly surprised by what comes your way.

Especially as Mars in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn on Monday, bringing extra passion to your relationships. With the right partner, you’ll feel like you can take over the world, Pisces!

Start packing your bags because Venus enters Scorpio on Friday, moving into your philosophy and travel zone. For the next few weeks, you experience some wanderlust as you feel the urge to travel to new places and explore the beauty the world has to offer. Meeting new people can help you gain a new perspective.


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