lunes, 18 de octubre de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Brings A Full Moon & The End Of Mercury Retrograde

Are you ready for your weekly horoscope for October 18-24 2021? This Friday marks our grand entrance into Spooky Season2 (otherwise known as Scorpio season). If your home still lacks the terrifying trimmings of Halloween, there’s still time to deck the haunted halls and carve a pumpkin or two! But Friday’s a few days away, and there’s more good news before then, namely the end of Mercury retrograde on Monday!

Fortunately for us, this Mercury retrograde is the very last one of the year, so we need not fear for another until mid-January. (I’ll refrain from discussing the dreaded Venus retrograde in December. We’ll cross that bridge when we reach it.) But wait, there’s more!

Dear Luna will be in full form on Wednesday for the Full Moon in Aries. However, being in Aries, we risk a little emotional explosiveness. So, speak your truth, but take care not to yell as you do so.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After a month of power struggles, you’re finally ready to make peace this week when Mercury turns direct in Libra on Monday. If you’ve been in a battle of wills with someone, now is the time to reach an agreement. Dating and relationships become easier because you’re finally looking for love, not an enemy.

Channel all that rage and competitive energy into self-improvement when the full moon is in your sign on Wednesday. This is an ideal day to work out, play sports, or give yourself a physical challenge. Just don’t push yourself too hard!

Friday gets emotional when the sun enters Scorpio and your intimacy zone. For the next few weeks, you could experience emotional growth as you make important changes to your life. Get intimate with yourself as you heal and move on from heartbreak. You might need time to grieve, Aries, but you’ll be okay.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Life finally gets back on track this week when Mercury goes direct in Libra on Monday. Now that Mercury is moving forward in your habit zone, start working on self-improvement. Start by reorganizing your life as you deal with the aftermath of the retrograde.

However, this could be a challenge when the full moon is in Aries on Wednesday, landing in your privacy zone. Secret resentments, anger, and jealousy—emotions you may not even be aware of—can make their way to the surface in destructive ways. Control your emotions or prepare to face the backlash from your outbursts.

Fortunately, the week ends on a peaceful note when the sun enters Scorpio on Friday, moving into your relationship zone. This is a good time to seek partnerships and look to make connections with others. If your heart has been broken, Taurus, you may find closure in the next four weeks.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your creative block finally eases when Mercury goes direct in Libra on Monday. Now that your ruling planet is moving forward in your pleasure zone, it’s easier to express yourself and find joy in the mundane. Make art, go on a date, watch a Halloween classic, and just enjoy life!

Continue to have some fun when the full moon is in Aries on Wednesday. The moon is in your social zone, encouraging you to hang out with friends. Engage in some friendly competition like playing touch football, but don’t get carried away with it. Focus on fun, not winning.

Spend the weekend working on yourself when the sun enters Scorpio on Friday, shining its light in your habit zone. The next four weeks are ideal for self-improvement as you try to form healthier habits, something you struggle with. Start by forming one new habit. It’ll be worth it, Gemini.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Breathe a sigh of relief, Cancer, because the weeks of family drama finally end when Mercury goes direct in Libra on Monday, moving forward in your home zone. Now is the time to take care of yourself and build a solid foundation for your emotional life. Just take a breath!

Wednesday brings the potential for reaching a major milestone when the full moon is in Aries. With the moon in your career zone, you find yourself winning at the workplace. Whether you reach an important goal or beat the competition, you’re coming out a winner here.

Then have some fun when the sun enters Scorpio on Friday, because it will be in your pleasure zone for the next four weeks. Halloween is just around the corner, so indulge in the festivities this week. Decorate your home, make a fun costume, and carve some pumpkins. Enjoy the fun and get into the spooky spirit!



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your chronic brain fog starts to clear when Mercury leaves its dreaded retrograde and moves forward in Libra and your communication zone on Monday. With the planet of communication now direct, its a good time to find balance in your life by talking out your problems, especially with your siblings and neighbors.

Wednesday brings possibilities for adventure and excitement when the full moon is in Aries and your philosophy zone. New ideas can get you excited as you plan for the future and expand your horizons. Go on a quest for knowledge, Leo!

Then it’s self-care time when the sun enters Scorpio on Friday. Your ruling planet will be in your family zone for the next four weeks, encouraging you to nurture your inner child by healing emotional wounds from your childhood that are now coming to the surface. This can be a messy process, so be kind to yourself.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After weeks of reckless spending, your financial life finally gets back on track when Mercury goes direct in Libra on Monday. Your ruling planet will be moving forward in your value zone, encouraging you to manage your money and not buy things you don’t need.

When the full moon is in Aries on Wednesday is also a good time to get rid of things you don’t need. The moon in your intimacy zone gives you the confidence and bravery to let go so you can move on to your next adventure—even if you don’t know quite what that is yet.

Friday brings productivity when the sun enters Scorpio, shining its light in your communication zone for the next four weeks. You have some great ideas right now, though you’re a little reluctant to share them. Write them down and start plotting on paper before you make your move.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After a slow start, you can finally start to move forward on your new beginnings and projects when Mercury goes direct in your sign on Monday. Now that the planet of communication is moving ahead, you can make a good first impression on people and connect with others without enduring any cringe-worthy moments.

Make love or make war when the full moon is in Aries and your partnership zone on Wednesday. Secret enemies could finally reveal themselves, bringing some conflict to your day. Will you give peace a chance and finally settle things? The decision is yours.

Get that bag, Libra! The sun enters Scorpio on Friday and will be in your value zone for the next four weeks. Work on finding new sources of income before the holiday season. Make more money or stop buying so many Halloween-themed items. You don’t need material goods to build self-worth.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After weeks of being less than nice to yourself, you’re finally ready to heal when Mercury goes direct in Libra and your privacy zone on Monday. Pay close attention to your dreams over the next few weeks because they might contain important messages.

Wednesday brings an increase in productivity when the full moon is in Aries. The moon in your habit zone encourages you to work on important projects regardless of any obstacles that come your way. Keep hustling to beat the competition, Scorpio.

Your season starts when the sun enters your sign on Friday. The next four weeks are all about you, and you’re shining bright right now (even if you’re dressed all in black)! Feeling your full power, this is an ideal time to play with your wardrobe, especially with Halloween coming up. Focus on fulfilling your dreams with extra confidence.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After being stuck for weeks, you’re ready to start traveling again now that Jupiter is direct in Aquarius. With your ruling planet moving forward in your communication zone, you’re ready to get moving again. However, start by taking small day trips, Sagittarius, and work your way up to more ambitious adventures.

Wednesday brings creativity and self-expression when the full moon is in Aries. With the moon in your pleasure zone, this is a great day to find ways to entertain yourself. Whether you decide to brave it out at a haunted house or play a little poker, you’ll have fun.

Because by Friday, you’ll be in your feelings more than Drake when the sun enters Scorpio and your privacy zone. Over the next four weeks, you might have to cope with emotional and mental stress without blowing up your life. Sacrifice some fun and social time to mend yourself in private.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After weeks of hesitation, you can finally make big moves in your career without worrying about them blowing up in your face. That’s because Mercury turns direct in Libra on Monday, moving forward in your career zone. It’s time to start networking and work on your public image to get ahead.

However, amid all that wheeling and dealing, take a self-care day during the Aries full moon on Wednesday. The moon in your family zone encourages you to indulge in childhood comforts like drinking hot apple cider and watching favorite Halloween movies.

By Friday, you’re ready to get moving when the sun enters Scorpio and your social zone. You’re ready to use your network to advance your career. You just need to come with a plan first! Spend the next four weeks plotting and dreaming about your hopes for the future, but don’t take action just yet.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your luck is back! Jupiter, the planet of luck, is now direct in your sign. With Jupiter moving forward, this is an ideal time to start new projects or change your life. Your uniqueness will shine through and bring you plenty of success.

After some struggling, you could finally find a solution to your problems during the full moon in Aries on Wednesday. The moon in your communication zone helps you think things through. However, make sure you follow logic and not your impulses. Ask for advice if you need to.

You’re a pretty misunderstood sign, Aquarius. Not many people “get” you. However, you might have an opportunity to change your reputation when the sun enters Scorpio on Friday. The sun will be in your career zone for the next four weeks, encouraging you to prove everyone wrong about you. Ambition drives you as you reach for your dreams.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your luck takes a turn for the better now that Jupiter is direct in Aquarius and your subconscious zone, bringing self-acceptance. This is a time of healing, and while there may be endings, they will be positive ones.

If you’ve been working hard and saving your money, you could see the results of your labor during the full moon in Aries on Wednesday. The moon is shining in your value zone, encouraging you to purchase something that you’ve been lusting after for a while. Go on. You’ve earned it, Pisces!

As Halloween gets closer, you’re drawn to mysteries when the sun enters Scorpio on Friday. The sun will be in your philosophy zone for the next four weeks, encouraging you to seek out those mysteries that may lead to adventures like exploring haunted houses. Your intuition is increasing, so trust your gut.


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