lunes, 25 de octubre de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Spills On Dating Drama, Halloween & More

Good morning, gals and ghouls! Your weekly horoscope for October 25-31 2021 is here. Venus in Sagittarius shares a minor connection with Uranus in Taurus. This brings a lot of excitement to our love lives, as well as luck in our financial situations. Venus, who is in Sagittarius, is bringing us a lot of prosperity and abundance. When in aspect to Uranus, we can expect money to come unexpectedly.

This is a great time to make investments that will last a lifetime or start financial planning for the future. Asking for advice from a trusted source regarding our finances will prove helpful, as they will be able to give us insight and information on the best ways in which we can boost our capital and dividends.

On the emotional front, this astrological energy will bring new life to our romantic situations and partnerships. The caveat is that Mars, who is a Libra, shares of minor connection with Neptune, who is retrograde in Pisces. That will make it hard for us to make decisions. Instead of moving forward, it’s a good time to reflect on the investments before we commit fully to making them.

The lesson of the day is to slow down and to contemplate as to what the best choices for us will be. Seeking advice will be beneficial, as long as it’s a trusted source who we know won’t lead us astray from the best opportunities and results

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins with internal conflict when Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. While your relationships are growing, what you’re building conflicts with your secret ambitions. You may have to choose between the life you’re currently creating and the life you’ve been dreaming of.

To sort out these feelings, take a trip when Venus sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday. Expanding your horizons can help make your dreams come true. Plan a trip with friends, meet up with buddies, or make some new acquaintances on your travels as you expand your social circle.

Mischief night brings the possibility of rebirth when Mars enters Scorpio on Saturday. As your ruling planet enters your intimacy zone, you may feel like a phoenix rising from the ashes and moving into your glorious purpose. Now is the time to be motivated and make some serious life changes.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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While Halloween week is full of spooky things, the most frightening of them all are rumors, something that you’ll be dealing with when Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. Someone might be spreading misinformation about someone close to you, creating drama. Gather all the facts before taking action.

Fortunately, most of your relationships are back on track when Venus sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday. Your social connections are really paying off at work as you use your influence and charm to work your way to the top. Keep hustling, Taurus.

Compromise becomes very important even if you believe you’re always right. Mars enters Scorpio on Saturday, moving into your partnership zone. Over the next six weeks, relationships can get messy with jealousy, secrets, and needing to win at all cost. Try to communicate openly with your loved ones to prevent any damage.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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Oh no, Gemini! As Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday, you might have to do some damage control when you learn that your reputation isn’t as great as you thought it was. While your ego may be bruised, you can still salvage things by partnering up with someone who has a better reputation.

Through your partnership, you may gain a new understanding about the world when Venus sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday. Learning about someone’s background can help you gain more empathy and even change your values.

For Halloween, dress up as your best self when Mars enters Scorpio on Saturday. Mars will be in your habit zone for the next six weeks, making you extra productive and driven toward success. Put this energy and drive into your work and show people what an asset you are. Don’t forget to exercise as well!



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins with some office gossip as Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. Co-workers could misinterpret your intentions or personality, spreading some nasty gossip about you. While this behavior is confusing, try to stay out of the drama until you can set the record straight.

Instead, focus on investing your time in other, more important relationships when Venus sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday. By improving your relationships, you can grow as a person and even transform your career. Just keep on being your kind, charming self, Cancer.

Halloween weekend can be very enjoyable for you when Mars enters Scorpio on Saturday. Mars will be in your pleasure zone for the next six weeks, giving you passion and drive for creativity and self-expression. This is a great time to manifest your desires, encourage your talents, and get a little naughty.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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Oh no, Leo! The person you thought you were head over heels for may actually be an imposter when Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. What you thought were intimate moments turned out to be false promises, leaving you feeling tricked. Keep up your guard!

But don’t swear off love forever. Losing the wrong love can make you available for the right person when Venus sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday. A chance meeting at a Halloween party could brew up some romance. Use your flirting skills to put someone under your spell.

However, spend Halloween weekend in your lair once Mars enters Scorpio on Saturday. Mars will be in your home zone for the next six weeks, making you a little protective of your space. Now is the time to start major upgrades, do some redecorating, and even find a new place.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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Halloween is nothing compared to how scary your family can be when Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. Especially if you’re bringing a new partner home. As they poke holes in your relationship, try figuring out if they’re doing it out of jealousy or because they see red flags you don’t.

By getting your home life together, you can get the rest of your life together when Venus sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday. Working from home can increase your productivity, and family can help you manage the stress. Let people help you!

You become even more productive when Mars enters Scorpio on Saturday, moving into your communication zone. For the next six weeks, your brain may move at a rapid pace with brilliant ideas and the cunning to make them possible. Start writing your strategies and plots on your notes app.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Yikes, Libra! After talking to some of your friends, you may realize that you don’t have the healthiest habits when Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. Look for ways to improve yourself and your life.

Romance is in the air when Venus sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday. Use your natural charm to seal the deal with your lover. Suggest a fall getaway in nature to let your love blossom without all the prying eyes looking at you.

Then it’s all about the money this weekend when Mars enters Scorpio on Saturday. Mars will be in your value zone for the next six weeks, giving you the drive to make some money even if that means getting a little manipulative. It’s great that you’re striving for success, but don’t become obsessed with the almighty dollar. You’re better than that.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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It’s Halloween week, Scorpio! While you want to indulge in all the spooky fun, think of your budget when Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. Do you really need all that Halloween décor? Take it out of your cart. It’ll be on sale next week.

Decorate with the stuff you already have or make it yourself when Venus sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday. Spruce up your home and add value to your property by doing some much-needed repairs and improvements so your house doesn’t look so haunted by November.

You’re really in your element when Mars enters your sign on Saturday. With your ruling planet in your sign, you’re feeling more powerful and unstoppable than ever. Over the next six weeks, you’ll have a strong desire for new beginnings. Use this energy to improve your life, not take revenge.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your week begins with something scarier than any horror movie: family drama. As Venus in your sign squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday, you have to deal with family members who still treat you like a child. Which can be difficult, especially when you need to take on the “adult” role in your family dynamic. Stand your ground, Sagittarius.

Keep on loving yourself and success will follow when Venus sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday. Talk positively about yourself and treat yourself with kindness and you’ll attract all sorts of wonderful things.

Continue to practice self-love when Mars enters Scorpio, moving into your privacy zone on Saturday. For the next six weeks, you might feel extra secretive as jealousy and hurt feelings bring out your resentful side, and you may feel like plotting revenge. However. the best revenge is a life well lived.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

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Oh no, Capricorn! Tuesday brings relationship troubles when Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. The secret you’ve been hiding may come back to bite you, especially because you can’t talk about it! Talk to your partner about your issues instead of brooding in silence.

Fortunately, your love life can start mending when Venus sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday, encouraging you to value the people in your life. If you’re nursing a broken heart, be extra kind to yourself. You might be able to heal it with some self-love.

Fortunately, the weekend brings plenty of Halloween fun when Mars enters Scorpio on Saturday. Mars will be in your social zone for the next six weeks, keeping your social calendar booked with all sorts of group activities and adventures, but don’t forget to schedule time to chase your dreams and help others too.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The struggle between your social calendar and your bank account continues when Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. You’re saving up for something big, so don’t drain your wallet for one night out. There are so many free autumn activities you can enjoy instead.

Find those fun social events when Venus sextiles Jupiter in your sign on Thursday. Ask your friends to pick out your Halloween costume and then hit the town. You might even meet some cool people who can help you in other areas of your life.

And you’ll need all the connections you can get when Mars enters Scorpio, moving into your career zone on Saturday. Over the next six weeks, you’ll transform into a boss as your drive for success helps you achieve your most sought-after goals with passion. Let ambition take the driver’s seat!



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

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You have big dreams of success, Pisces, but drama at the workplace could make it difficult for you to achieve what you desire when Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in your sign on Tuesday. Jealous co-workers might do whatever it takes to ruin your reputation, including start rumors. Fight for your good name!

However, you might be able to win these people over with your gentle charm and natural empathy when Venus sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday. Use every trick you have to gain their acceptance and you might get ahead after all.

Saturday brings the start of great adventures when Mars enters Scorpio. The planet of passion will be in your philosophy zone for the next six weeks, giving you a powerful thirst for knowledge. Whether you’re traveling the world, learning about your culture, or exploring your own desires, you’re driven toward discovery.


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