lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2021

Be Ready—The New Moon in Scorpio On November 4 Is Hella Invasive

It’s time to reach deep down into the depths of your soul, courtesy of an invasive New Moon in Scorpio on November 4. It might not be easy, but any soul-searching done now can lead to insights that will help set you on a path more closely aligned with your higher purpose than ever before. If you’re ready, read on for how to amplify this energy and get your magic on.

Given that the new moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle, the energy of this day (which occurs roughly every 28 days) is commonly used to start new projects, begin new habits and give our rituals a boost. It’s almost as if the universe opens a little window between our world and the world of the unseen, just for a bit, so it can hear our heart’s desires a little more clearly.

Although every month’s new moon is a little different based on the influence of the other planets and the sign in which it occurs, the principles of a new moon are still the same. It is a time to finish processing the learnings from the previous full moon (generally two weeks before) and integrate those learnings to create intentions or goals that you wish to march towards.  

It’s almost as if the universe opens a little window between our world and the world of the unseen.

This New Moon in the sign of Scorpio has arguably one of the widest windows of the year. Your desires can flow through with ease, right into the ear of the universe! On the flip side, though, since a window can let in as much light as it allows out, messages or prompts regarding how you can move forward will be flowing through as well. This will be heightened by a direct opposition to Uranus, lord of change, chaos and innovation and a loose square to Saturn, ruler of karma, responsibility and structure.  

With Saturn and Uranus throwing a little shade, things might get testy. The keys to navigating this energy will be patience and compassion. The universe isn’t out to get you! And of course, remember that you are an active partner in the creation of this journey we call life. The planets are just there to help us understand, integrate and see parts of ourselves we might not know or want to acknowledge.

This time around, Saturn might use this New Moon to show you some weak spots in your foundation, so that you can repair those areas and strengthen your spirit. Uranus might throw you a curveball in the form of a sudden change or development. Instead of sobbing about it, see it as a message from the universe that there is a better way to go about life. 

Your desires can flow through with ease, right into the ear of the universe!


In a nutshell, this new moon might not be one of the most pleasant of the year, but it can for sure be one of the most transformativeif you let it. Observe whatever comes up and use that feedback as a guide to set intentions of the changes you wish to see in your life.

All signs will feel the influence of this new moon, but those with planets in the fixed signs (Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius and Leo) may have a harder time integrating this energy, as they tend to be the most resistant to change.

Either way, all signs should try to embrace change, step out of their comfort zones and let the magic in. Happy New Moon!

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