domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2021

Here’s a List of Every Single Full Moon Happening in 2022

There’s something so magical about seeing the moon bright and full in the sky—and in case you’re wondering when your best chance to see it might be, I’ve got you covered! Here’s a list of every full moon happening in 2022, with some of the best info I can offer on working with this beloved astral body on an astrological level.

In western astrology, the moon is a generous planet who grants us intuition and deep feeling. She rules the “emotional self” in our astrological charts, and represents the shadow, hidden and spiritual self in the tarot. Because of her, the tides ebb and flow. I, for one, am grateful (and that’s not just my Cancer placements talking). 

When the moon is new, she fosters introversion and gentleness. During the full moon, however, extroversion and personal power are emphasized. It’s because of this that some spiritual folks believe full moons are a ripe time to manifest.

To help you track the moon this year, I’ve given a little explanation of the energy of each full moon as it lands in the different signs. Take note of how both full and new moons affect you on physical, emotional, and mental levelsthis is a great way to begin a process of spiritual discovery and self-understanding.

This year has SO much potential for growth, and the full moon is just one way to harness that. For your astro reading pleasure, here’s a list of every full moon happening in 2022, to be referenced as a stepping stone for your journey.

January 17: Full Moon in Cancer 

The first full moon of 2022 is the perfect time to celebrate what you’ve overcome in the past year. Start 2022 on a positive, intuitive note by processing your experiences. Don’t be surprised if emotions come flooding to youif you’re comfortable doing so, feel all the feelings.


February 16: Full Moon in Leo 

In the cold of winter, it’s easy to want to sleep the day away and avoid responsibilities. Utilize February’s Leo full moon energy to restate your desires and propel yourself towards the goals you’ve set during the first new moon of the year.


March 18: Full Moon in Virgo 

Use this balanced, grounded full moon in Virgo to celebrate your efforts. It’s likely taken you a lot of work to get where you are in your career and spiritual practice, so honor that. If you feel like you haven’t been doing enough, use the spirit of the full moon to redirect.


April 16: Full Moon in Libra 

April’s Libra full moon balances out the intensity of Aries season, which often leaves us breathless from business. This full moon in particular will give you space to breathe, and remind you that all hard work also requires deep restthat’s the wisdom of the Libra scales.


May 16: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Total) in Scorpio 

Oof, this full moon and eclipse in Scorpio is bound to create emotional intensity. Super intuitive people (read: people with multiple water sign placements) are bound to feel like they’re welling over with emotion. Regulate your feelings with movement like yoga, hiking, or dancing your tears out.


June 14: Full Moon in Sagittarius (Super Full Moon)

June’s full moon is going to be a blast, especially since it’s a super moon (meaning that the moon’s at her closest point to earth). Sagittarian energy invites us to enjoy all life has to offer, from travel to socialization to good poetry. Enjoy some pagan revelry with your closest friends, but make sure to hydrate! 


July 13: Full Moon in Capricorn (Super Full Moon)

Yet ANOTHER super moon! This time, Cancer season gets balanced out by its opposite in Capricorn. “Rededication” feels important here. Have you been able to see your goals to fruition yet, or are they still in gestation? Alternativelydo you need to recommit to your dreams? Make a bold stance here.


August 11: Full Moon in Aquarius 

In case 2022 thus far has left you hustling too hard in the material world, take August’s Aquarian full moon as a sign to reconnect to your spiritual side. Even if you’re a skeptic, take 15 minutes to listen to teachings from spiritual elders, tune into some sacred music, or explore your own astrological chart


September 10: Full Moon in Pisces 

September’s full moon in Pisces is always a much-needed reprieve from the late-summer-early-fall chaos. What can you do on this night to nourish your intuition? Pop into your local metaphysical shop and see what cards, crystals or books call to you.


October 9: Full Moon in Aries 

Full moons are about balancethey always occur in the sign opposite the sunand October’s is surely no exception. As the northern hemisphere cools off, the Aries full moon comes forth to remind us that we can honor our need for fall and wintertime rest while still forging towards our goals.


November 8: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Total) in Taurus 

Don’t let the materialism of this Taurus eclipse get you down, especially at the start of the holiday season. This full moon eclipse will likely have you worrying about your wallet when it’s totally unnecessary. Instead of freaking out about affording presents for everyone and their mom, focus on being present (pun intended) with concrete tasks that need to be accomplished. 


December 7: Full Moon in Gemini 

The last full moon of 2022, happening in the chatty sign of Gemini, comes right before a few of our winter major holidays, granting us the ability to speak with ease and comfort. This would be an excellent day to gather with friends to connect and share gratitude, no matter your faith or culture.


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