lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Is A Liiitttle Stressful—But Don’t Freak Out

December is in full swing—welcome to your weekly horoscope for December 6-12 2021! Sagittarius energy is well known for its twists and turns. This week starts at the summit of the roller coaster so to speak, with Mars (planet of action) in Scorpio sextiling Pluto (planet of transformation) in Capricorn.

Both the signs and planets promise intensity and drive, so now is the time to harness the fiery energy of the season to get up and go chase your dreams — but try not to let your mouth get away from you this week!

On Tuesday, Mercury (planet of communication) in Sagittarius squares the newly not-retrograde Neptune (planet of confusion) in Pisces, adding a pinch — or pound, if we’re being honest — of obscurity to communication this week. When naturally verbally careless Sagittarius meets confused Pisces, the Archer’s arrow lands a ways from the truth. So, beware of miscommunication.

The rest of the week will give us no rest, either, especially not with the Venus-Pluto conjunction on Saturday. When the planet of love touches the planet of transformations…well, prepare the tissues because nothing will be the same.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins with some major transformation in your career when Mars in Scorpio forms a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn on Monday, creating the possibility of achieving something great if you’re willing to take a risk (which you always are). Make a splash at your job to get that promotion or raise, Aries.

However, while you’re working hard to make changes in your life, don’t expect to be a success overnight. As Mars forms a square with Jupiter in Aquarius on Wednesday, remind yourself that success takes time, so don’t make risky decisions in the hope of quick results. Shortcuts rarely lead to the best outcome.

Saturday is a fun day when Mercury in Sagittarius forms a sextile with Jupiter, making it an ideal day to hang out with friends and plan some weekend adventures together. You can make some memories to end 2021 on a positive note.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins on a romantic note when Mars in Scorpio forms a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn on Monday. The important relationship in your life (partner, lover, bestie) could encourage you to expand your life today. Whether you’re going on an adventure to broaden your mind or moving in together to enlarge your home, it could be a passionate day.

However, these good vibes might sour when Mercury in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday, revealing that someone might be stringing you along for ulterior motives. Don’t believe everything you hear that day as you try to get to the bottom of it, Taurus.

The weekend brings even more changes to your life when Venus forms a conjunction with Pluto on Saturday, creating a change in your moral values. Now is the perfect time to learn more about your loved ones and yourself in the process.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins on a tense note when Mercury in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. Avoid making any serious commitments at work because this aspect can make you look at situations through rose-colored glasses. If you can’t see a situation clearly, Gemini, it could hurt your reputation later.

Tunnel vision could leave you feeling stuck when Mars in Scorpio forms a square with Jupiter in Aquarius on Wednesday. You want to have adventures, but you’re stuck dealing with obligations. Try to find a balance between getting out of your comfort zone and diving off the deep end.

Fortunately, the weekend looks brighter when Mercury forms a sextile with Jupiter on Saturday, making it a great day for traveling and learning something new. Grab your partner in crime and hit the road. You’ll need a trusty copilot on your journey to share the memories.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins with a fantastic date night opportunity when Mars in Scorpio forms a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn on Monday. A burning-hot love affair has the ability to last through the cold winter months if you make it official tonight. Make your move, Cancer!

Wednesday brings more pleasure but without the promise of commitment when Mars forms a square with Jupiter in Aquarius. It’s a great day to have fun, but don’t invest a lot of time, money, or emotion in anything. It isn’t meant to last.

Reach for the tissues and cold medicine because you might have to spend the weekend in bed when the sun in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on Sunday, leaving you a little under the weather. Don’t push yourself into completing your to-do list right now. You need to rest and heal, so you don’t feel worse.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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Watch what you say this week, Leo. Your roar could lead you into big trouble when Mercury in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. Your bold personality could cross the line with more sensitive souls. Remember your boundaries, so you don’t go off the deep end.

Fortunately, the start of the weekend looks great when Mercury forms a sextile with Jupiter in Aquarius on Saturday, making it the perfect date night. This is a great day for romance and creative expression. Whether you’re falling in love or starting a creative collaboration, it will be a fun day!

Enjoy it, because the sun in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune the next day, bringing the Sunday scaries. This draining aspect could hold a major blow to your ego when you feel judged by those around you. Take a step back from the limelight to get your sparkle back.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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This week brings a burst of creativity when Mars in Scorpio forms a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn on Monday. You’ll have a ton of brilliant ideas that you can communicate with passion and clarity. Big ideas can lead to big results, Virgo.

If you were hoping for a relaxing, stress-free holiday with your family, think again when Mercury in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. This aspect can cause a lot of conflict and family drama, especially when discussing the past. Try to keep calm during the chaos.

However, there are some benefits to being home for the holidays when Mercury forms a sextile with Jupiter in Aquarius on Saturday. Allowing your family to take care of you for a change can boost your mood and prevent burnout. Just remember to express what you need so they can help you. You deserve some care.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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We’re fully in the holiday-hustle season, and all this running around trying to get everything done can leave you in a mental fog when Mercury in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. Be kind, and go with the flow instead of forcing yourself to stick to a schedule, Libra.

Holiday shopping might not lead to the joy you imagined when Mars in Scorpio forms a square with Jupiter in Aquarius on Wednesday. Turns out you can’t buy happiness in the form of material things, no matter the price tag. Try finding ways to treat yourself without purchasing another trinket.

On Saturday, get ready to change up some of your family traditions when Venus forms a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. Whether you’re putting a modern twist on a classic ritual or adding more people to your table, find your own way to make the holidays magical.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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Ask, and you shall receive this week when Mars in your sign forms a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn on Monday. Your passion and drive can lead to big things, Scorpio, so don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. You just might get it if you’re willing to rise to the challenge.

However, while you’re working hard and following your ambitions, don’t forget about your personal life when Mars forms a square with Jupiter in Aquarius on Wednesday. Taking on extra overtime hours could affect your home life, so think it through before you jump on any offers.

Your words have the power to transform your relationships for the better when Venus forms a conjunction with Pluto on Saturday. Whether you’re asking your boss for some vacation time, forming a business partnership, or admitting your feels to someone, your words can help you get what you desire, so use them!



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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You might as well be talking to the wall when it comes to communicating with your family when Mercury in your sign forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. Your family has big dreams about your life that don’t match up to yours, creating tension over dinner.

Fortunately, you’ll be ready to hit the road when Mercury forms a sextile with Jupiter in Aquarius on Saturday, encouraging you to get out of the house and explore the world. However, make sure you do your research before taking off. Your trip will be more successful if you know where you’re going.

Avoid going home for the rest of the weekend because there could still be tension as the sun in your sign squares Neptune on Sunday. Your family wants you to follow tradition while you want to walk your own path, creating stress and hurt feelings. Skip the drama, Sagittarius.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

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It takes a village to achieve your dreams, so don’t hesitate to use your connections to change your life for the better when Mars in Scorpio forms a sextile with Pluto in your sign on Monday. People will follow you anywhere you want to go, so point them in the right direction.

The holiday season awakens your inner humanitarian when Mars forms a square with Jupiter on Wednesday. While altruism is easier said than done, it’s important to put in the effort to volunteer your time and money to others. You might lose money, but you’ll be rewarded in other ways.

Saturday brings self-love when Venus forms a conjunction with Pluto, encouraging you to love yourself for all that you are. Corny, we know, but today is a great day to appreciate yourself and reflect on all your achievements as you grow as a person. Be kind to yourself, Capricorn.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

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Put your money where your mouth is when Mercury in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. You talk a big game about social issues and being a good person, but when you’re presented with an opportunity to practice what you preach, you might hesitate. Think with your heart and gut today, Aquarius, not with your wallet.

Wednesday could bring some dissatisfaction in your career as Mars in Scorpio forms a square with Jupiter in your sign. Something you’ve been working toward for the last year isn’t exactly living up to your expectations. It’s time to rethink your definition of success.

If you’re looking for a new job, enlist the help of your friends when Mercury forms a sextile with Jupiter on Saturday. Looking for work will be easier when you use your social connections. You’ll also have luck applying online and doing some networking on social media.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

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If you’re planning on traveling for the holidays, the best day to go is when Mars in Scorpio forms a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn on Monday. This is a great day for travel and making new friends and useful connections on the road that can help you out on your adventures.

Tuesday might have you feeling stuck in a rut when Mercury in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune in your sign, making you feel like you’re not living up to your full potential. However, before you quit your job, think about what you want to change in your life before you make those changes.

Your week ends on a stressful note when the sun in Sagittarius forms a square with Neptune on Sunday, creating an identity crisis as people see a different version of you that you don’t recognize. Stay true to yourself and don’t worry about what others think, Pisces.


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