domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2022

Prepare to Swoon, Because Your Weekly Love Horoscope Is Proof That Romance Is Not Dead

After a heavy-duty eclipse season, your love horoscope for the week of November 14 to 20 feels like a breath of fresh air. You’re coming away from all the intensity of letting go of your past and embracing a new future. Cheers to laying down the groundwork for stronger and more satisfying relationships!

If you’re coming out of hiding and feeling inspired to get out there and have fun, you’ll adore what this week has in store for love! On November 15, Venus in Scorpio will form a beautiful trine with Jupiter in Pisces, paving the way for a surge of love, light and romance. Although Venus is never comfortable when visiting Scorpio’s dark and passionate world, it will open the emotional floodgates and inspire deeper connections as it connects with joyful and optimistic Jupiter. Make no mistake—there’s a light at the end of this tunnel.

>By November 16, Venus will enters fiesty and open-minded, which will allow you to feel the wind beneath your sails. While Venus in Scorpio is sensitive and slow-to-trust, your faith in romance can only expand under the energy of Venus in Sagittarius. If you’re single, it’s the perfect time to embark on adventure, make some new friends and flirt with potential suitors. If you’re taken, it’s time to shake things up in your relationship!

The one day to look out for is November 19, when Mars retrograde in Gemini crashes into dizzying and disorienting Neptune. Our actions aren’t likely to get us what we want this day, so there might be some frustration in life and love. The rubber can’t meet the road when it’s impossible to see the road. The solution? Don’t try to meet the road at all—just keep flying high!

Related: Get a Free Tarot Reading For Further Insight

Here’s what your love horoscope for the week of November 14 to 20 is bringing to your attention, according to your sun sign, Venus sign and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Love Life This Week

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Your philosophy on love is about to change—and the differences should serve you well. You might feel like you’re going from a framework of suspicion and expected disaster in matters of the heart to a foundation of lightness and acceptance of new experiences. If so, you can thank Venus for changing signs. On Wednesday, she’ll move out of dark, mysterious Scorpio and into optimistic Sagittarius. As she enters your buoyant 9th house, you may notice feeling like the glass is half full when it comes to romantic matters, rather than half empty. Still, as Mars squares Neptune on Saturday, you might realize that you’re too mentally drained for love. Let yourself rest and reset.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For November 2022

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Your philosophy on love is about to change—and the differences should serve you well. You might feel like you’re going from a framework of suspicion and expected disaster in matters of the heart to a foundation of lightness and acceptance of new experiences. If so, you can thank Venus for changing signs. On Wednesday, she’ll move out of dark, mysterious Scorpio and into optimistic Sagittarius. As she enters your buoyant 9th house, you may notice feeling like the glass is half full when it comes to romantic matters, rather than half empty. Still, as Mars squares Neptune on Saturday, you might realize that you’re too mentally drained for love. Let yourself rest and reset.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For November 2022

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Your love life is potentially about to fill up with rainbows, hearts, and unicorns, all reminding you that romantic dreams really can come true! You’ve got Venus to thank for this, as she frolics into your relationship sector on Wednesday. This auspicious event is almost guaranteed to benefit your existing love connection. All things considered, you and your sweetheart are likely to feel more committed to each other than ever. If you’re exploring a fresh connection, then this might bring a more significant commitment between you—possibly even marriage. Single? Nothing spells love potential more than the planet of love being in the house of relationships. Get ready!

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For November 2022

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There might be a major blessing in love coming your way—right before matters of the heart become more subdued. Venus will spend her final day in your romance sector on Tuesday, while also making a trine to blessed Jupiter. You might hear from your sweetheart that they’re feeling particularly head over heels in love with you. They may even be inclined to send you an extravagant gift or perform a grand gesture to show their affection. That said, once Venus slides into your 6th House of Service on Wednesday, love becomes more about the details. If you’re single, you might find yourself much more selective about romantic prospects.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For November 2022

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The joy of love could glide into your life in the most spectacular way very soon! Venus enters your romance sector on Wednesday for the first time in a year—for the next few weeks, you will have all the cosmic support you could ask for to get a new love connection off the ground or support an existing one. There will be no shortage of romantic opportunities with Venus in optimistic Sagittarius. A scarcity mindset concerning love simply cannot survive this plentiful time. If you meet someone you don’t click with, don’t let that defer you. Someone new is just around the corner. You’ll see!

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For November 2022

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Your love life may feel overly exhausting. In fact, you might not have much energy to spend on your partner or matters of the heart in general, because you’re likely to feel as if it’s taking everything you’ve got just to make it through the motions of each day this week. Mars Retrograde will be at a tense square to Neptune, in your partnership sector, on Saturday. You’re likely already struggling with motivation and ambition, and due to their clash, your issues will probably center on relationships. It’s okay to take a break when you need one! No one is perfect, and sometimes your soul needs to take a temporary time-out from love.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For November 2022

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It’s time to think big thoughts about love. In fact, the bigger, the better! Venus enters buoyant Sagittarius and your 3rd House of Communication on Wednesday. Her accepting influence can open up your perspective on matters of the heart. It will help you see that maybe it’s time to explore romantic options you used to be entirely closed off to. This increases the potential of getting to know and possibly even dating someone you swore off in the past as “not your type.” If you’re in a relationship, you and your sweetheart can enjoy sweet conversations and should have an easier time making decisions together.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For November 2022

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You might feel like you’ve hit the cosmic jackpot in love early this week! Venus, as she spends her last day in your sign on Tuesday, will make a gorgeous connection to lucky Jupiter in your romance sector. The gorgeous sweetness of this sweetest link can manifest in a variety of ways. Of course, if you’re single, a new love interest might appear—you may find yourself in a deeply emotional connection from the start! Already paired up? You and your beloved could exchange grand gestures of affection or indulge each other with expensive gifts. It’s a time to spoil and be spoiled in love. Enjoy!

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For November 2022

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What you give is what you get with love at this time. This is particularly relevant once amorous Venus enters your sign on Wednesday. Although having Venus in your sign is one of the most auspicious indicators to help support harmony and happiness in love, her presence will also serve as a mirror. For example, if you want to attract a partner who is compassionate and kind, ask yourself: “Am I compassionate and kind?” What you give out is what you attract, whether you’re single or in a relationship. Do your best to be the type of person you’d want to date, whether that means starting a new hobby or working on your personal philosophy.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For November 2022

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It’s time for some quiet reflection about matters of the heart. Venus enters your reclusive 12th house on Wednesday, prompting you to leave behind any relationship-adjacent drama. Currently coupled? Even you might feel more solitary for a little while, potentially settling into “hermit” mode and cozying up with a hot beverage on your own. Your partner may need you to explain how you need to nourish your own spirit—perhaps you can remind them that unless you fill your own cup, you won’t have anything to offer. Single Capricorns may want to sign up for a retreat that helps you reflect on love. Romantic enlightenment is genuinely possible.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For November 2022

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Love is a mixed bag this week. On the one hand, with Venus moving into your social 11th house on Wednesday, there should be plenty of opportunities for you to meet people at parties or during other events. New romantic opportunities are definitely possible. On the less fun hand, Mars is still retrograde in your true love sector. This Thursday, Mars will also grumble at nebulous Neptune, creating a haze of confusion around matters of the heart. If you’re in a relationship with someone, you might feel like you’ve been a fool about something important. If single, you may feel like you can’t trust your own judgment. Proceed with caution.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For November 2022

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You might be feeling a little extra concern regarding how your partner makes you look. Is this person elevating your status and helping you grow, or are they mainly dragging you down? These are the questions you could be forced to answer once Venus moves to the top of your chart on Wednesday. This house is highly connected to your reputation and public status, so having Venus there may spur you to ensure that your mate is a positive influence on your goals. If single, you could find yourself attracted to your boss or another VIP who has something to do with your career. The feeling might be mutual!

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For November 2022

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