lunes, 16 de enero de 2023

These 3 Zodiac Signs May Be Under a Lot of Pressure This Week, But it’s Only Temporary

Where there is chaos, there is more than often a breakthrough waiting over the horizon. The astrology of these next few days is no exception but, by that same token, three zodiac signs will have the worst week of January 16 to 22. If you’re one of the signs mentioned below, don’t fear this moment of truth; allow yourself to surrender to the process and embrace growth. Look on the bright side—Mercury will station direct this week, so try to keep your eyes on the prize.

In the meantime, the week kicks off on a sly yet rambunctious note, considering the secretive Scorpio moon’s square to freedom-loving Venus in Aquarius on January 16. In other words, if the ambience feels off, it most likely is. Also, expressing sentiments via social media and/or text isn’t necessarily suggested, as what one considers profound and significant could easily be taken out of context. Speaking of which, Mercury retrograde will come to an end on January 18, but this will take place during the sun’s smoldering conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. Cathartic, transformative and reverberating with intensity, there isn’t anything remotely subtle about this energy, but the truth will always set us free. That being said, you’ll want to be on the lookout during this time, as it can be equally as prominent as it is insightful.

On January 20, the sun will enter freedom-loving Aquarius, shifting the energy from practical and conservative to intellectual and experimental. Don’t hesitate to put yourself out there. Also, be sure to set your intentions, as there will be a new moon in Aquarius happening the following day.

With Uranus retrograde coming to an end on January 22, change is closer than you’re probably ready for. Venus will also be joining Saturn in Aquarius, which is where we’re being called to be brutally honest with ourselves, specifically when regarding matters of love, relationships, and finances.

If your sun sign and/or rising sign happens to fall under any of the below zodiac signs, here’s why you’re more likely to overwhelmed with uncertainty this week:

These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have the Worst Week

STYLECASTER | Taurus 2023 Horoscope

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You and your significant other—whether personally or professionally—could be at odds at the start of the week, as the moon will square off with your planetary ruler, Venus, while transiting through your relationship sector. You may want some alone time to discuss important matters, but the social atmosphere could be more bombarding than you’re comfortable with. Also, after Mercury stations direct on January 18, the sun will be joining Pluto in a transformative conjunction via your ninth house of expansion, philosophy and belief systems.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but if you’ve been reluctant to venture into the unknown, or simply too rigid when it comes to your belief systems, this could feel like a wake-up call from the universe. You’re getting clear on your long term goals and discovering what it is you truly stand for. On January 22, your celestial ruler, Venus, will go head-to-head with Saturn, which could feel like downer, but instead of crying over the rain on your parade, the cosmos is asking you to be brutally honest with yourself, especially when it comes to your money, values and love life.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For January 2023

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You’re in your emotions, but you still have no choice but to show up and tend to your due diligence. This is especially true at the start of the week when the Scorpio moon faces off with Venus in Aquarius, which rules your relationship sector. Others of you may have contradicting forces when it pertains to the freedom one of you craves in the commitment.

On January 20, your celestial ruler, the sun, will enter its sign of detriment, Aquarius, which continues to bring energy and vitality to your seventh house of commitments, and significant others. Themes of compromise and harmony—despite whether you’re open to it—will come up for review at this time, but Venus’ close proximity to Saturn on January 22 will ask you to consider the good, the bad and the ugly.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For January 2023

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Not getting along with your inner circle? On January 16, while glimmering through your sign, the moon will meet with Venus in a chaotic square, amidst its journey through your fourth house of home, family and innermost feelings. This could also be with regards to someone you cohabitate with, so if you’re needing more space in your humble abode, this is your cue to go outside and get some fresh air. On January 18, Mercury will go direct in your communication sector, and while the sun joins your modern ruler, Pluto, in a revelatory conjunction.

Information nation? That would be putting it lightly, considering this could be something that was previously hidden from your conscious mind. This is an influx of insight headed your way, some of which may lead to a breakthrough of sorts, so find your center and stay grounded. You will be intuitively pulled inward upon the sun’s shift into Aquarius and your cozy forth house of innermost feelings on January 20, but Venus’ conjunction to Saturn on January 22 is urging you to take care of business at home.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For January 2023

Zodiac Signs Travel | Culture Issue 2022

from StyleCaster

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