martes, 14 de febrero de 2023

Which “The Notebook” Character You Are, According to Your Zodiac Sign

As Valentine’s Day comes closer, we may feel inspired by our favorite romantic movies, such as The Notebook, to get into a lovey-dovey mood. But once The Notebook is playing, it’s no surprise if you’re wondering which The Notebook character you are, according to your zodiac sign!

Although The Notebook premiered in theaters back in 2004, this Nicholas Sparks story instantly became a timeless love story! Noah Calhoun has simultaneously captured our hearts and raised our standards for love over the years. The incredible chemistry that he has with Allie is quite literally something we only ever read about in romance novels or see on the big screen. So, it’s safe to say that Noah and Allie’s love has had an immense impact on modern dating. Couples have sought to recreate Instagram-worthy moments, like passionately kissing in the rain or having a dreamy boating day surrounded by swans. After all, who wouldn’t want to slow dance in the middle of the street with their love or be with someone who could build your dream house? Plus, the beautiful Charlestonian landmarks bring a delightful southern charm to this story about summer love turned soulmates.

While you’re waiting to receive 365 letters from your first love, keep reading to see which character from The Notebook represents your zodiac sign!

The Notebook Character That Matches Each Zodiac Sign

The Notebook Ryan Gosling

New Line Cinema.

Aries: You’re Young Noah Calhoun

No other zodiac sign but Aries would pull such an insane stunt like hanging off of a Ferris wheel to get a girl’s attention! Noah’s Aries energy is bold, daring, and confident. He has such an undeniable presence complimented by his relentless persistence to win Allie’s heart since this is the ultimate challenge. Throughout their love story, Noah never strays from his passion for Allie, from passionately asking her to envision their life together to reading her a book about their love story to bring Allie back to him. 

The Notebook

New Line Cinema.

Taurus: You’re Lon Hammond

Taurus isn’t the only one who’s described as handsome and charming! As a true romantic, Lon Hammond is the southern Prince Charming that Allie’s parents always dreamed of her marrying. Although Lon is undeniably dreamy, his easygoing, if vanilla, nature is a little lackluster for spunky Allie. Similar to Taurus, Lon’s commitment to Allie’s happiness is commendable as he tries to be there for her by supporting her need for space to figure out who she wants to be with even though he loves her.

The Notebook

New Line Cinema.

Gemini: You’re Martha Shaw

Noah’s other lover, Martha Shaw, seems to fall a little short compared to Allie. Since Martha’s represented as the sign of the twins, there are some similarities between her and Allie, like how they look. Martha’s chatty nature resonates with Gemini’s desire for communication, especially as Martha questions what Noah wants from their relationship. Her quick intelligence shines beautifully as Martha openly admits that she knows that Noah looks at her and sees someone else. Although their relationship is shallow, Martha’s flexibility is just what Noah needs when his true love comes back.

The Notebook

New Line Cinema.

Cancer: You’re John Hamilton

As the opposite of Capricorn and Anne, John resembles Cancerian qualities. Cancer tends to be a quieter, more passive zodiac sign who won’t act until necessary—much like Allie’s father. At first, John initially seems open to giving Noah a chance when he tells Allie to invite Noah over to their house. Unfortunately, when push comes to shove by the end of the summer, John’s soft but firm presence backs up Anne when they both decide that Allie’s forbidden to date Noah. 

The Notebook

New Line Cinema.

Leo: You’re Fin

Loyal to their friends, Fin’s companionship with Noah is one for the books! Fin comes across as a happy, confident fellow who’s there for his best friend through thick and thin. Since Leo is associated with first loves and romance, Fin’s the one who reminds Allie to have hope that Noah will write to her if he’s still in love. His loyalty is commendable since Fin follows Noah to Atlanta and then into the military, where he, unfortunately, meets his demise before seeing the couple he was rooting for get back together.

The Notebook

New Line Cinema.

Virgo: You’re Senior Noah Calhoun/“Duke”

Virgo would be the zodiac sign who would meticulously write a book on their epic love story. Although young Noah comes across as fiery, senior Noah tends to be a little more mellow yet detail-oriented. In an effort to help break Allie’s spell of Alzhemiers, Noah taps into his inner Mercurial nature to carefully and dutifully recount his love story to Allie to help bring her back to him. Plus, there’s no question that Virgo and senior Noah share the same love language—acts of service!

The Notebook

New Line Cinema.

Libra: You’re Anne’s True Love & Ex-Boyfriend

One of the biggest plot twists in The Notebook is when Anne reveals that she once had a love like Noah and Allie. Anne’s true love is none other than a Libra, a Venusian sign who represents marriage and commitment. Although he is never named and only spends a few moments on screen, recounting her time with this Libra is ultimately what helps Anne break down her walls to accept that Allie deserves the love that Anne was never able to have.

The Notebook

New Line Cinema.

Scorpio: You’re Noah’s and Allie’s Kids

Midway through recounting their love story, Noah’s and Allie’s three kids and two grandkids meet them at the nursing home. Although Allie doesn’t quite recognize them, their Scorpionic presence is mysterious yet deeply intimate, especially as her grandson immediately goes to hug her. Watery Scorpio tends to come across as intense yet profound, similar to the brief introduction of Allie’s children and grandchildren. Not to mention that the kids and grandkids are also a result of Noah’s and Allie’s incredibly deep love!

The Notebook Rachel McAdams

New Line Cinema.

Sagittarius: You’re Young Allie Hamilton

Described by her own mother as a “child with too much spirit”, Allie’s Sagittarius nature immediately shines the second she pulls Noah’s pants down as he’s hanging off the Ferris wheel. Allie initially comes across as indifferent to love, but Noah’s wild stunt and dancing in the street wins her over since their fiery natures perfectly match. Although Allie did spend years apart from Noah, she never lost hope that he would be waiting for her in their white house with blue shutters overlooking the river.

The Notebook

New Line Cinema.

Capricorn: You’re Anne Hamilton

Serious Capricorn is the one who would deliver the reality check, which is why Allie’s mother, Anne, is represented as the sea-goat. True to the wealthy, southern mom stereotypes, Anne is primarily concerned with how it’ll look to everyone else if her precious daughter ends up dating trash like Noah. Anne perfectly exemplifies Capricorn’s harsh limitations, like hiding the 365 letters Noah sent to Allie. But Anne’s seemingly cold, rigid nature softens when Anne opens up to Allie about her karmic lesson about not having the chance to be with her true love.

The Notebook

New Line Cinema

Aquarius: You’re Sara

Allie’s instant best friend in Seabrook is none other than Sara the Aquarius! Aquarius is the zodiac sign that’s associated with friendship and community, which perfectly captures Sara’s brief role in Allie’s summer romance. Since Sara is romantically linked to Fin, she’s part of the reason why Allie’s first run-in with Noah is at the carnival. Although Sara’s Aquarius energy is a little more detached, she does use her mutual friendship with Noah and Allie to help their summer love take off on their double movie date!

The Notebook

New Line Cinema

Pisces: You’re Senior Allie Hamilton

Known to be a lost soul, Pisces’ energy perfectly captures who Allie becomes later in life. As an elder, Allie’s a bit confused about why her strange friend at the nursing home is telling her this intense love story. But in true Pisces fashion, Allie has a soft spot for this particular love story and eagerly waits to hear what her friend has to say since it begins to intuitively resonate with her. Reminded by her own epic love story, Allie briefly comes back to Noah despite having Alzheimer’s, which undoubtedly brings a tear to our eyes. 

StyleCaster | The Manifest Issue 2023

Remi Bader. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

from StyleCaster

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