domingo, 30 de abril de 2023

Your Weekly Horoscope Says the First Lunar Eclipse of 2023 Has Arrived, So Protect Your Energy

Your horoscope for the week of May 1 to 7 is… a lot, to say the least. If you’re feeling stressed, tired, anxious or all of the above, it is completely within your right! After all, Mercury is still retrograding, eclipse season is still happening and this week, the recent uptick in intensity that you’ve been experiencing is about to ramp up.

This week begins with Pluto stationing retrograde on May 1, forcing us to retrace our steps and look inward. Older themes are likely to resurface at this time, especially if there is still unfinished business lingering in your midst. This return to the past will become even more vivid, as Mercury retrograde forms a cazimi to the Taurus sun just a few hours later, intensifying the confusion you’ve been experiencing. This is a powerful time to go back to the drawing board and see what you’ve missed.

As romantic Venus squares off with intoxicating Neptune on May 4, you may feel more emotional, insecure and nervous in your relationships. However, you may also feel delirious with infatuation, which can eventually become a classic case of “love sick”. Keep your cool and stay grounded! Remember—you are already enough and you don’t need anyone to complete you.

Everything will reach dramatic new heights once a full moon lunar eclipse reshapes the course of our destiny on May 5. Make no mistake—Cinco de Mayo could coincide with more than a few twists and turns.

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

StyleCaster | Aries 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, reconnecting with someone brings extra benefits.

The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of finances. Aries, your phone might blow up today with the number of texts and information you’re receiving. There is an opportunity to have a profitable reconnection with an individual. This is your chance to go over the details again. You might feel restless with all the talk, but it isn’t quite time for action yet.

On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter in your own sign of Aries makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of spiritual connections. Aries, you might be in a situation where you need to have faith. You usually prefer facts and figures over vague promises. This is a time to step up and get the information you need. Don’t be fooled by other people’s wishful thinking.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For May 2023

StyleCaster | Taurus 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, good things happen when you speak your mind.

The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus (happy birthday!) conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of self-image. You could be put on the spot today. Taurus, you might receive compliments from your boss and suddenly all eyes of the room are on you. This is the perfect opportunity to get your point across. People are giving you the floor.

On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of friendships. You might have difficulty getting together with a friend today. Taurus, it’s possible they’ve been going through some hard times, and you know that reconnecting would be good for both of you. But you might have to go out of your way to pick them up or change the meeting place. Sometimes it isn’t easy for you to make adjustments on the fly, but this friendship is worth it.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For May 2023

StyleCaster | Gemini 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, your words have power.

The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of confidential information. Today, you could uncover a secret. Gemini, you might have suspected this before, but now you have direct information. And while this might not change anything in your life, it could cause you to see the people involved in a different light. You might end up reevaluating a friendship.

On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of career. Everything takes a little bit longer than you expect today. People don’t get back to you. They are late for the meeting you called. Or there’s so much traffic between you and work that you’d have been better off just working at home. But overall, the day can go pretty well despite the fact that your expectations aren’t being met.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For May 2023

StyleCaster | Cancer 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, your activities lift up the community.

The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of community connections. Cancer, it’s possible that you’re on the board of directors of an organization or in charge of a fundraiser. You might be involved in a large community event. You could be juggling lots of emails and texts, but your diligence will help things run smoothly.

On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of travel. Cancer, the line ahead of you seems to be moving very slowly. It doesn’t matter whether it’s at the grocery store, the bank, or the tollbooth. Give yourself extra time or you could get very irritated at the driver in the car ahead of you who doesn’t seem to recognize that green means go.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For May 2023

StyleCaster | Leo 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, you’re getting things together.

The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of career. Leo, you could feel completely underwater when it comes to the amount of paperwork, messages, texts, and contacts you’ve been receiving. You might want to streamline your in-box using some presets to filter messages into appropriate boxes. You could let your voicemail fill up so no one can leave a message. You might respond to texts with emojis because you’re too tired to type. Your popularity is increasing.

On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of investments. Today, you might be focused on a new way of making money. Leo, you’re busy collecting information on the potential upside and downside and all the parts in between. The person describing this to you might be wearing rose-colored glasses. A little skepticism would be in order now.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For May 2023

StyleCaster | Virgo 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, new information could brighten your days.

The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of wisdom and spiritual knowledge. Today, you could stumble upon some information that rocks your world. Virgo, this could be a simple quote or an essay, and suddenly you’re seeing the world differently. It’s like seeing colors that you didn’t know existed, and now you’re filtering your beliefs through this new matrix.

On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of relationships. A date could go much better if you show a little patience. Virgo, it’s possible that your sweetheart is running late and unable to let you know. If this is a first date, give the individual extra time to show up. Perhaps they forgot to charge their phone or can’t find a parking space. Giving someone else some leeway today could be beneficial for the relationship.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For May 2023

StyleCaster | Libra 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, your brain is firing on all cylinders.

The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of investments and passive income sources. Libra, you’re ingenious, adapting to new circumstances, and very capable of processing a great deal of information. Right now, you’re likely concentrating on creating financial opportunities, especially those that make you money while you sleep. Today, you could be looking at some new investments and passive income sources.

On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of health and well-being. You could be switching up how you take care of yourself. Libra, you might prioritize rest and relaxation. You could adopt some healthy eating habits and maybe add yoga or meditation to your routine. And any one of these things can be very beneficial. Imagine what would happen if you implemented all of them. This could have a major impact on your life.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For April 2023

StyleCaster | Scorpio 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, a connection could get much stronger.

The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining Mercury retrograde in your house of relationships. Scorpio, you might be sitting down with your partner for a very serious discussion. It’s possible you want to make this relationship official. Or maybe you’re considering moving in together and combining your finances. You might have an opportunity to meet your partner’s kids or parents. Today, your relationship could get quite serious.

On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of art and creativity. You might jump into an art project, setting up an easel and collecting all the tools you’re going to need like paints and brushes. You might uncover your grandmother’s sewing machine and patterns. Or perhaps you’re tackling a redecorating project. Scorpio, with all this fertile creative energy around you, a friend could announce they’re expecting.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For May 2023

StyleCaster | Sagittarius 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, you’re in the loop.

The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of work and coworkers. It’s possible you’re going to the office, and you haven’t been to the office for some time. Sagittarius, now there’s a lot of catching up you want to do as you see your friends and colleagues. This is exciting, but the long commute, traffic, or parking issues could take the shine off this experience.

On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of home and family. Sagittarius, there might be lots of talk about living arrangements and where members of your family reside. It’s possible that someone you care about is moving closer to you. Or maybe you’re thinking about moving back home. Today is less about action and more about visualizing the possibilities, and it looks like there are quite a few of them when it comes to dwellings.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For May 2023

StyleCaster | Capricorn 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, beauty and love go hand-in-hand.

The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of love and romance. Capricorn, consider going with your sweetheart for a stroll around the pond at a park or near the ocean. The two of you can enjoy the peacefulness of the water while you talk about your future. If you’re looking for love, consider going to a beautiful spot to take some pictures and see who you meet along the way. Or attend a photography class where you can explore your creativity with others.

On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of movement and dance. Today is a good day to master those new dance steps that you’ve been watching on social media. You could work on your country and western two-step or a little hip hop. Capricorn, you can get your heart pumping while you’re experiencing the joy of movement. This is a great way to exercise.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For May 2023

StyleCaster | Aquarius 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, stuck energy gets unstuck.

The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining Mercury retrograde in your house of dwellings. Aquarius, you might be giving a lot of thought to your home now. It’s possible you’re moving furniture around to improve the feng shui flow. Or perhaps you’re selling some excess items. You might discuss moving in with a family member (their house or yours). You are getting your house in order at this time.

On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of values. Now you might look at your investments and see if you’re supporting companies that line up with your values. Aquarius, it’s possible you’re finding some good investment opportunities connected with companies that support the environment or other causes that are dear to you. Following your heart can be profitable today.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For May 2023

StyleCaster | Pisces 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


This week, your popularity soars.

The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of communication. Pisces, you might be very frustrated today when you get notifications that important emails are bouncing or you spill coffee on your keyboard and now it’s stuck with the Caps Lock on. On top of this, there could be a flood of incoming mail, emails, voicemails, and texts. But by the end of the day, the flood has reduced to a trickle and things are back to normal.

On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in your own sign of Pisces and your house of confidence. A friend might tell you how much they love and admire you. Pisces, this could come at a time when you’re feeling uncertain about your abilities, but those doubts are swept aside in a moment. A person you esteem thinks you’re amazing.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For May 2023

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‘Firefly Lane’s Ben Lawson Reveals Fans Will Be ‘Satisfied’ With the Ending

There’s no real use in asking Ben Lawson what season two, part two of Firefly Lane will look like. The Australian actor, who plays Johnny Ryan on Netflix’s hit series adaptation of Kristin Hannah’s bestselling novels, remains cagey but he’ll throw in the odd evasive smile any time StyleCaster tries to unearth some insider knowledge. “The way it wraps up, I think it’s going to be satisfying,” he says cryptically via video call. It’s understandable he wants to keep our chat spoiler-free. Such is the popularity of the emotional drama that, after dropping the first half of its final season on December 2, 2022, it’s still in the top 10 of the streamer’s most-watched shows three weeks later. And while viewers say they want to know, it’s doubtful they ever really mean it.

If you’ve read the books, you may have already formed ideas of how Kate’s (Sarah Chalke) and Tully’s (Katherine Heigl) story ends on-screen and so far, the show has been reasonably faithful to its source material. Heigl told us that, as one of the show’s executive producers, “I treat authors like rockstars. To me, you don’t mess with their stuff,” though the cause of the rift between Tully and Kate was a major departure. Season two, part one concludes with Kate’s rare and aggressive breast cancer diagnosis while Tully takes an assignment in Antarctica. The former lifelong friends are still estranged after Tully is involved in a car accident that nearly kills herself and her goddaughter, Marah, who is Kate and Johnny’s only child. In the books, Kate succumbs to the disease but not before the Firefly Lane girls manage to repair their fractured friendship. Per the books, Kate writes Tully a letter asking her to help Johnny raise Marah and even says she’s open to them getting together in order to do so.

Ben Lawson

Rowan Daly

Related: Katherine Heigl weighs in on whether she would forgive Tully. 

Lawson won’t comment on that, either. Ok, we say, what can he tell us about the teaser for part two? In it, we’ve jumped 10 years into the future. Johnny is wearing a tux, nervously standing in the aisle at a wedding. Cut to Tully dressed in white. She’s putting on her lipstick while a veil drapes off of a coat hanger in the background. Surely, it’s a misdirect, we ask Lawson. Tully and Johnny aren’t getting married, are they? “Why do you think it’s a misdirect?” he asks coyly. Ok, we’ll rephrase. Do you think Tully and Johnny could have ever worked as a couple? “No,” Lawson replies. “I think as Johnny says many times, they’re too similar… I think he was really waiting for someone like Kate to settle him down and Tully was never going to do that.” For answers to all of these questions, fans are going to have to wait until June 23, 2023, for part two.

Can you refresh us on how you got involved in Firefly Lane?

It was pretty standard, really. I was sent the appointment, I read the first episode or two and I loved it. I was given the option of using my natural accent, which is something I don’t often get to use because it won’t work as well as they think it’ll work.

Firefly Lane

Courtesy of Netflix

There was quite a break between shooting season one and season two because of COVID. What was that reunion like?

It’s always a bit of ‘Oh, how do we act again?’ I think that’s the way most actors feel when you haven’t done it for a while. Because of COVID, we were moved to a studio set which just makes life so much easier. So, there were lots of changes, but it was great. I love the cast and crew; it was great to be back with them again.

You’ve said that you identify with Johnny Ryan a fair bit, sometimes more than you’d care to admit. What decade of his story do you see yourself most in?

I really loved playing in the 80s. That storyline was my favorite. Yeah, that’s true, there’s a lot of crossover between us. But that enjoyment of being in the KPOC newsroom together. It actually reminded me of being an actor of like, getting into the trenches with your friends and creating something.

In season two, we discover Johnny didn’t die while on a press trip to Iraq, but he does come back with some physical injuries as well as PTSD. As one Australian to another, you and I understand that toxic “she’ll be right” attitude that tends to reject, even look down upon, professional help. Was that your input? What were the discussions about the script in this sense?

For the most part, that PTSD stuff was as it was on the page and there really wasn’t a lot of collaboration. There were a few times when Maggie [Friedman, Firefly Lane creator and showrunner] would check in with me and ask, “What would an Aussie say instead of ‘asshole’ if you’re going to call someone a name?” And I was like, “a dickhead, probably”, which I do in the first episode of season two when Johnny and another dad bump into each other at Marah’s soccer game. You know, small things like that. But as you say, men historically, and especially in Australia, have resisted psychotherapy whereas in America it’s a lot more out in the open. Which is great. I’m a huge advocate for therapy and talking about problems.

I’ve been reading some tweets calling Kate a shitty friend this season, that she so abruptly turns her back on Tully even though the accident that nearly killed her and Marah wasn’t Tully’s fault. What’s your take on that and how do you think Johnny feels about Tully?

There was a lot of back and forth over how best to walk the line between being empathetic towards both of those characters. Seeing it from Kate’s side, but also seeing it from Tully’s side and that’s a real balancing act. I think that Johnny is in Kate’s corner at the end of the day. I mean, it’s his child as well. There’s this scene between Johnny and Tully where he says, “You know, this involves me”. So often it’s between the two girls. And Tully is like, “This doesn’t involve you, Johnny.” And I’m like, “I’m sorry, what? That’s my child.” [laughs] I think at the end of the day, he’s really got Kate’s back, but I think that Johnny’s maybe a little bit readier to forgive than Kate. I say that because I know what’s coming up. But the accident was like a tipping point for the recklessness of Tully and doing whatever the hell she wants.

Firefly Lane, Sarah Chalke

Courtesy of Netflix

I have to ask about Kate finally going to see a doctor about the rash on her breast, which ends up being a symptom of inflammatory breast cancer. Surely Johnny would’ve noticed?

Again, there was a lot of back and forth about how big it should be. Not just because Johnny would have noticed but because of how, at what point, does any woman allow it to get to the stage where they think “Oh, I should go to a doctor”? Of course, at the end of the day, it has to be dramatic.

In the book, Kate dies. Do you think that would be a good way to tie up the series?

Are you asking if I want Kate to die? [laughs]

No, no. I just mean for the viewers in knowing that this is the final season.

Knowing what I know and the way it wraps up, I think it’s going to be satisfying.

Firefly Lane seasons one and two (part one) are available to stream on Netflix now.

Firefly Lane Kristin Hannah ‘Firefly Lane’s Ben Lawson Reveals Fans Will Be ‘Satisfied’ With the Ending

Buy: 'Firefly Lane' by Kristin Hannah $11.74

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What Is May Day? Here’s Are 6 Ways to Honor Beltane, the Pagan Celebration of Fire & Flowers

The first day of May has arrived, bringing with it the reassurance that brighter and sunnier days are on the way. If you’re wondering why everything suddenly feels more colorful and vibrant, the better question to ask would be: What is May Day 2023, exactly? And even more appropriately—what is Beltane?

Beltane this is considered the Wiccan Sabbat that celebrates the awakening of spring. It is technically held on the evening of April 30, right before May Day. The holiday originally held space for the Celtic god Bel (meaning “bright one”) and the life force that is light. Beltane was a time to embrace new life, fertility, and a general sense of optimism.

In pagan times, people celebrated Beltane by dancing around a large bonfire and getting freaky in the woods. While many may choose to opt out of Beltane’s nudity and promiscuity, there are many ways for the modern bohemian to foster a similar spirit of free-spiritedness and welcome all things spring. After all, you’ve survived a long and hard winter. Now, you’re probably feeling eager to party!

In case you needed a reason to celebrate the midway point between spring and summer, here are six ways to honor Beltane, the pagan celebration of fire and flowers:

6 Ways to Celebrate May Day & Beltane

StyleCaster | Taurus Season 2023 Astrology

Image: Getty; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

Flower Crowns

Next to fire, flowers were of the greatest aesthetic import during Beltane. Revelers braided their hair with flowers, scattering blooms throughout their homes and at their doorsteps. Give that tradition a modern twist with a hand-crafted flower crown. Flowers typically associated with Beltane include primrose, marigolds, yellow and orange roses, buttercups, honeysuckles, and jasmine, but feel free to make use of any flowers that draw your eye—or are growing wild in your yard. Don’t forget to add bright, colorful ribbons to your crown to symbolize the May Pole, around which participants danced in the old world.

How to Make an Altar

Photo: Getty Images.

Set Up a Beltane Altar

While you may not be in the ideal location for an al fresco bonfire, you can still incorporate fire magic by way of candles. Set up a small altar in your space. Fill the area with flowers, ribbons, crystals, Tarot cards—any spiritual tools or symbols of manifestation that make sense for the season. Then, light a candle and speak your wishes aloud.

Stumped? Use ours: “I welcome this new beginning. I welcome the spark of life that builds within. The past has been put to rest and a new opportunity have awakened with the song of life.”

StyleCaster | What Zodiac Sign Will Be Your Valentine 2023?

Image: Getty; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

Leave an Offering

Beltane is also when the veil between the mortal realm and the magical world is at its thinnest, meaning that elementals are more like to be out and about. If you want to welcome the fairy folk, place a tiny saucer of milk or tiny pieces of oatmeal cookies by your altar to appease them. Who knows—they might even bring you some good luck in. return.

StyleCaster | Weekly Love Horoscope For Every Zodiac Sign

Image: Getty, Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

Do Things That Make You Feel Sexy

Beltane may be the holiday of carnal pleasure, but you don’t have to have sex in order to celebrate—unless you want to, of course. Even if it’s a solo act or the simple notion of feeling confident, Beltane is a great time to celebrate your sexuality. Take a long hot bath, wear flowy clothing, or get a massage. Remember, during Beltane, clothing is entirely optional. Do whatever makes you feel alive and in your body, whether that manifests as an at-home facial, making love, or pleasuring yourself. You do you.

Beltane Feast


Host a Beltane Feast

As with most holidays, food plays a very important role in Beltane’s festivities. The holiday marked not only the height of spring, but also the time when cattle and livestock were herded out into the summer pastures. Traditional rituals to protect crops, dairy products, and people abounded—and there were, of course, feasts. If you’re planning a little dinner party for Beltane, grains and dairy products should top the menu. If you’re a baker, whip up some tasty oatmeal cookies. Planning a more sensual night? Strawberries and cream. And if you’re busy or don’t have the energy, ice cream for dinner is wholly appropriate.

Beltane Dancing


Dance it Out

Beltane is all about revelry, dancing, and music, so put on your favorite jams and dance like no one’s watching. Let your body do whatever it wants. When we move naturally we are in flow with the universe, offering physicality to free-flowing energy. So, along with bringing you joy, dancing allows the unseen to dance through you. And that’s pretty magical.

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These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have the Worst Week, Because the Upcoming Astrology Is No Joke

Don’t be ashamed to prioritize your needs. We’re in the midst of a Mars-ruled eclipse season, but despite the passionate momentum stemming from this fiery planet, the energies continue to bring us inward in order to get clear on what it is we’re truly feeling. With that said, it’s no wonder these three zodiac signs will have the worst week of May 1 to May 7, as they are more likely to feel challenged by their emotional triggers. 

Take a moment to yourself, so you can reflect on your growth and transformation. If you want to be more specific in your self-exploration, think back to January 2022 when the Nodes of Destiny first entered the astrological axis of Taurus and Scorpio. Where do these two fixed signs live in your birth chart? In addition to Scorpio’s modern ruler (Pluto) stationing retrograde in Aquarius for the first time, this week’s penumbral lunar eclipse (May 5) will be the last via this fixed water sign for almost a decade. Co-ruled by Mars—whilst transiting the hypersensitive sign of Cancer—there’s no escaping the emotionality of this week’s eclipse. 

In the meantime, the week kicks off with Pluto stationing retrograde, and a sun-Mercury retrograde cazimi in Taurus on May 1. There’s nothing wrong with having hopes and aspirations, but this energy is really asking us to be realistic with ourselves, and what it is we’re trying to build and strengthen in our lives. The irony of this is that Taurus’ ruler, Venus, will eventually face off with hazy Neptune, triggering restlessness and feelings of confusion. This, too, shall pass.

If your sun sign and/or rising sign happens to fall under any of these zodiac signs, here’s why it’s important to slow down this week:

These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have the Worst Week

STYLECASTER | Taurus 2023 Horoscope

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Being stubborn comes with the turf when you’re a fixed earth sign, but this doesn’t mean you don’t break character on occasion. Speaking of which, Pluto retrograde will begin to backspin through Aquarius and your 10th house of authority on May 1, which means it’s time to be brutally honest with yourself about your purpose, and soul mission. The sun and Mercury retrograde will also cazimi (join forces) in your sign, bringing enlightenment and clarity on next steps. If something comes back around for review, it’s not a coincidence.

Just hours before this week’s supercharged lunar eclipse, your celestial ruler, Venus, will go head-to-head with evasive Neptune, so be sure to ground yourself as this is (unfortunately) very timely with everything else going on in the cosmos. More importantly, if you’re suddenly second-guessing your sense of self-worth and/or value systems, no need to spiral or stress the uncertainties. After all, the lunar eclipse will touch down on your relationship sector, so you’ll have more than enough on your plate. Take this time to go within, and prioritize yourself instead.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For May 2023

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


On May 1, shadowy Pluto will begin its annual backspin through the socially conscious sign of Aquarius, via your committed seventh house of agreements, partnerships and significant others. Whether personally or in terms of your authority, this is an opportunity for you to reflect on the areas where your power has been taken away from you. Ironically, the sun (your planetary ruler) will join Mercury retrograde in a cazimi—via your 10th house of career—which means you’re likely being nudged with a new-found perspective. Unexpected conversations could also be triggering, so think before you lash out on a superior.

Shortly after, whilst transiting your 11th house of community affairs and individual freedom, Venus will face off with Neptune via your eighth house of intimate unions, and energetic exchanges. Be sure to set firm boundaries, and don’t mix business with pleasure. It’s also important to be discerning when partaking in chatty exchanges with co-workers, and those in your network of business. Information could seem discouraging, but not everything is as it seems. As for the lunar eclipse on May 5, it will activate your fourth house of home, family and personal foundations, and bring a life-changing culmination in the process. If you’re in your feelings, don’t be ashamed of your vulnerability. You’re purging and releasing, so be gentle with yourself.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For May 2023

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Don’t make plans without double and triple checking your calendar. The sun will join Mercury retrograde in a cazimi in Taurus on May 1, and all while its ruler transits your seventh house of committed partnerships and significant others. News about a partnership could catch you off guard, but something important is being brought to your attention in the process. If signatures are involved, read the fine print, especially with Pluto stationing retrograde in your communication sector that same day.

Before concluding its journey through your seventh house of compromise and committed partnerships, Venus will square hazy Neptune in your fourth house of home, family matters and innermost feelings. Having second thoughts all of a sudden? Be it personally or professionally, you’re prone to overthinking a recent plan and second guessing next steps under this restless transit. However, with the lunar eclipse in Scorpio charging up your 12th house of sacrifices and unconscious patterns, hidden truths will also be coming to the surface. This could be everything from your life behind the scenes to a subconscious codependency you’re in denial about. Be honest with yourself.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For May 2023

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sábado, 29 de abril de 2023

14 Summer Slow Cooker Recipes That Are Effortlessly Delicious

If you thought winter was the time to break out your slow cooker, think again. It’s a year-round essential and not using your slow cooker during the summer months is a major missed opportunity! Case in point: These easy summer slow cooker recipes just happen to be perfect for warm weather. From party dips to fruity cobblers, there’s no shortage of amazing summer meals you can put together in your trusty slow cooker.

Making a meal in a slow cooker is super easy, which is probably why so many people love doing it. All you really have to do is combine the ingredients and let them sit for a few hours. What slow cookers lack in quick cooking time, they 100 percent make up for in flavor and ease—so get ready for leftovers galore with these recipes, as they also tend to yield pretty big batches. They’re also perfect for meal planning and prepping so you can take a day off from the kitchen every now and then!

When it comes to slow cooker recipes, you know you’re always going to pull off a total crowd-pleaser. Your meats will be extra tender, your spices extra flavorful and fun fact, cooking low and slow actually helps to preserve the nutrients in your ingredients! Plus, instead of turning on your oven and heating up your entire kitchen in the middle of summer, whipping out your slow cooker keeps things cool inside the house.

This summer, get creative with your slow cooker and make yummy dishes like corn chowder, peach cobbler, hot crab dip and so many more. Enticed? Read on to find our 14 favorite foolproof recipes that everyone will enjoy this summer.

STYLECASTER | easy summer slow cooker recipes | slow cooker Cuban pulled pork sandwich

Courtesy of Taste Of Home.

Cuban Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Think of this as a Cubano with a twist, thanks to the slow cooker pulled pork called in this delicious recipe. The only part of this recipe you actually have to cook is the meat; then, add in all of the ingredients to your slow cooker and let it cook for 8-10 hours. The wait will be worth it.

STYLECASTER | easy summer slow cooker recipes | slow cooker spinach and artichoke dip

Courtesy of Gimme Some Oven.

Spinach Artichoke Dip

The most crowd-pleasing dish of all crowd-pleasers: give it up for spinach artichoke dip. This recipe is so simple, you’ll be shocked by how much flavor and deliciousness can come out of just cheese, spinach and artichokes. Serve with slices of a fresh baguette, your favorite crackers, or just eat it with a spoon. We won’t judge.

STYLECASTER | easy summer slow cooker recipes | slow cooker triple berry crisp

Courtesy of Well Plated.

Triple Berry Crisp

Making dessert in a slow cooker is one of the most underrated uses of this kitchen appliance and we’re here to let you know. Using maple syrup as the only added sweetener, this triple berry crisp is actually pretty healthy, too! Top it off with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and you’re good to go.

STYLECASTER | easy summer slow cooker recipes | slow cooker stuffed peppers

Courtesy of Spend With Pennies.

Crock Pot Stuffed Peppers

Super healthy and simple to make, stuffed peppers are a tried and true crowd-pleaser. Just mix the ingredients together, stuff into your peppers and cook in the slow cooker for about three hours. This recipe calls for rice in the stuffing, but if you want to make things even healthier, opt to use cauliflower rice instead.

STYLECASTER | easy summer slow cooker recipes | bulgogi tacos | slow cooker Korean beef tacos

Courtesy of Ketchup with Linda.

Slow Cooker Korean Beef Tacos

These Korean beef tacos, better known as Bulgogi tacos, are as beautiful as they are delicious. This recipe is a fun way to re-vamp taco night with traditional ingredients like tortillas, jalapeno and cilantro combined with Korean flavors like gochujang (a chili paste), sesame oil, tamari sauce, soy sauce and rice wine vinegar.

STYLECASTER | easy summer slow cooker recipes | slow cooker hot crab dip

Courtesy of Taste Of Home.

Hot Crab Dip

Rich and creamy, this hot crap dip is the perfect appetizer for your next summer soiree. This recipe calls for imitation crab meat, but we suggest finding the real deal at a local specialty or fish market. This will bring your dip to the next level and leave everyone asking you for the recipe.

STYLECASTER | easy summer slow cooker recipes | slow cooker Asian lettuce wraps

Courtesy of Well Plated.

Lettuce Wraps

Lettuce wraps are a great way to make a healthy meal with a ton of flavor. Brown the meat, then combine the rest of the flavorful ingredients in the slow cooker, where it will cook low and slow for 2-3 hours. After, choosing your lettuce is very important—I suggest going with butter lettuce for the best flavor and right amount of crunch.

STYLECASTER | easy summer slow cooker recipes | slow cooker peach cobbler

Courtesy of a Spicy Perspective.

Slow Cooker Peach Cobbler

Peach cobbler is a classic summer dessert and it tastes even better coming out of a slow cooker. You can make this dish with frozen peaches, but we suggest going with fresh ones to really lean into the home-cooked vibes. The recipe also called for apple butter and Bourbon, two unexpected ingredients with major flavor payoff.

STYLECASTER | easy summer slow cooker recipes | slow cooker Hawaiian chicken

Courtesy of Lemontree Dwelling.

Hawaiian Chicken

Just looking at that photo has us drooling. This slow cooker Hawaiian chicken recipe is sweet, smokey and perfect on a salad or sandwich. The ingredient list might look a little long, but the recipe is still low-lift; after all, all you have to do is combine and let cook!

STYLECASTER | easy summer slow cooker recipes | slow cooker chili con queso

Courtesy of The Defined Dish.

Crockpot Chili Con Queso

If I could bathe in this chili con queso, I definitely would. After browning your meat, onions and garlic, all you need to do is combine the chili with the cheese, salsa,and cream of mushroom soup in the slow cooker. Let cook low and slow until the cheese is all melted.

STYLECASTER | easy summer slow cooker recipes | slow cooker chicken with corn and black beans

Courtesy of Simple and Savory.

Southwest Chicken With Corn and Black Beans

This slow cooker southwest chicken bowl with corn and black beans is truly the perfect summer lunch. The spicy chicken paired with sweet corn and fresh tomatoes captures the perfect balance of hearty and light. Feel free to add toppings of your choice, like avocado or sour cream.

STYLECASTER | easy summer slow cooker recipes | slow cooker corn chowder

Courtesy of Damn Delicious.

Corn Chowder

If we had to pick one soup to eat in the summer, it would be this corn chowder. Plus, summertime is corn season, so you know you’re going to get an amazing flavor and the freshest ears of corn possible. You will need some sort of blender once the ingredients cook down, but the extra step is worth it for the ultra-creamy consistency.

STYLECASTER | easy summer slow cooker recipes | slow cooker chicken with corn and black beans

Courtesy of Delish D’Lites.


The best part about this recipe is being able to use the final product in any way you want. Think tacos, salads, rice bowls and more! The world is truly your oyster with this slow cooker carnitas recipe. Black pepper, cumin and oregano round out the spices and combined with orange juice, garlic and onions, you have the ideal easy dish.

STYLECASTER | easy summer slow cooker recipes | mango chicken curry

Courtesy of Food Faith Fitness.

Mango Chicken Curry

This slow cooker mango curry chicken recipe is literally bursting with flavor. Creamy coconut milk, sweet mango and spicy curry come together in perfect harmony for a delicious lunch or dinner. If you want to keep things on the low-carb side, feel free to use cauliflower rice instead of traditional rice.


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