Your horoscope for the week of May 1 to 7 is… a lot, to say the least. If you’re feeling stressed, tired, anxious or all of the above, it is completely within your right! After all, Mercury is still retrograding, eclipse season is still happening and this week, the recent uptick in intensity that you’ve been experiencing is about to ramp up.
This week begins with Pluto stationing retrograde on May 1, forcing us to retrace our steps and look inward. Older themes are likely to resurface at this time, especially if there is still unfinished business lingering in your midst. This return to the past will become even more vivid, as Mercury retrograde forms a cazimi to the Taurus sun just a few hours later, intensifying the confusion you’ve been experiencing. This is a powerful time to go back to the drawing board and see what you’ve missed.
As romantic Venus squares off with intoxicating Neptune on May 4, you may feel more emotional, insecure and nervous in your relationships. However, you may also feel delirious with infatuation, which can eventually become a classic case of “love sick”. Keep your cool and stay grounded! Remember—you are already enough and you don’t need anyone to complete you.
Everything will reach dramatic new heights once a full moon lunar eclipse reshapes the course of our destiny on May 5. Make no mistake—Cinco de Mayo could coincide with more than a few twists and turns.
Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):
How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
This week, reconnecting with someone brings extra benefits.
The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of finances. Aries, your phone might blow up today with the number of texts and information you’re receiving. There is an opportunity to have a profitable reconnection with an individual. This is your chance to go over the details again. You might feel restless with all the talk, but it isn’t quite time for action yet.
On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter in your own sign of Aries makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of spiritual connections. Aries, you might be in a situation where you need to have faith. You usually prefer facts and figures over vague promises. This is a time to step up and get the information you need. Don’t be fooled by other people’s wishful thinking.
Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For May 2023

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
This week, good things happen when you speak your mind.
The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus (happy birthday!) conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of self-image. You could be put on the spot today. Taurus, you might receive compliments from your boss and suddenly all eyes of the room are on you. This is the perfect opportunity to get your point across. People are giving you the floor.
On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of friendships. You might have difficulty getting together with a friend today. Taurus, it’s possible they’ve been going through some hard times, and you know that reconnecting would be good for both of you. But you might have to go out of your way to pick them up or change the meeting place. Sometimes it isn’t easy for you to make adjustments on the fly, but this friendship is worth it.
Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For May 2023

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
This week, your words have power.
The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of confidential information. Today, you could uncover a secret. Gemini, you might have suspected this before, but now you have direct information. And while this might not change anything in your life, it could cause you to see the people involved in a different light. You might end up reevaluating a friendship.
On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of career. Everything takes a little bit longer than you expect today. People don’t get back to you. They are late for the meeting you called. Or there’s so much traffic between you and work that you’d have been better off just working at home. But overall, the day can go pretty well despite the fact that your expectations aren’t being met.
Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For May 2023

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This week, your activities lift up the community.
The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of community connections. Cancer, it’s possible that you’re on the board of directors of an organization or in charge of a fundraiser. You might be involved in a large community event. You could be juggling lots of emails and texts, but your diligence will help things run smoothly.
On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of travel. Cancer, the line ahead of you seems to be moving very slowly. It doesn’t matter whether it’s at the grocery store, the bank, or the tollbooth. Give yourself extra time or you could get very irritated at the driver in the car ahead of you who doesn’t seem to recognize that green means go.
Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For May 2023

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
This week, you’re getting things together.
The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of career. Leo, you could feel completely underwater when it comes to the amount of paperwork, messages, texts, and contacts you’ve been receiving. You might want to streamline your in-box using some presets to filter messages into appropriate boxes. You could let your voicemail fill up so no one can leave a message. You might respond to texts with emojis because you’re too tired to type. Your popularity is increasing.
On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of investments. Today, you might be focused on a new way of making money. Leo, you’re busy collecting information on the potential upside and downside and all the parts in between. The person describing this to you might be wearing rose-colored glasses. A little skepticism would be in order now.
Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For May 2023

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
This week, new information could brighten your days.
The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of wisdom and spiritual knowledge. Today, you could stumble upon some information that rocks your world. Virgo, this could be a simple quote or an essay, and suddenly you’re seeing the world differently. It’s like seeing colors that you didn’t know existed, and now you’re filtering your beliefs through this new matrix.
On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of relationships. A date could go much better if you show a little patience. Virgo, it’s possible that your sweetheart is running late and unable to let you know. If this is a first date, give the individual extra time to show up. Perhaps they forgot to charge their phone or can’t find a parking space. Giving someone else some leeway today could be beneficial for the relationship.
Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For May 2023

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
This week, your brain is firing on all cylinders.
The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of investments and passive income sources. Libra, you’re ingenious, adapting to new circumstances, and very capable of processing a great deal of information. Right now, you’re likely concentrating on creating financial opportunities, especially those that make you money while you sleep. Today, you could be looking at some new investments and passive income sources.
On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of health and well-being. You could be switching up how you take care of yourself. Libra, you might prioritize rest and relaxation. You could adopt some healthy eating habits and maybe add yoga or meditation to your routine. And any one of these things can be very beneficial. Imagine what would happen if you implemented all of them. This could have a major impact on your life.
Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For April 2023

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
This week, a connection could get much stronger.
The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining Mercury retrograde in your house of relationships. Scorpio, you might be sitting down with your partner for a very serious discussion. It’s possible you want to make this relationship official. Or maybe you’re considering moving in together and combining your finances. You might have an opportunity to meet your partner’s kids or parents. Today, your relationship could get quite serious.
On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of art and creativity. You might jump into an art project, setting up an easel and collecting all the tools you’re going to need like paints and brushes. You might uncover your grandmother’s sewing machine and patterns. Or perhaps you’re tackling a redecorating project. Scorpio, with all this fertile creative energy around you, a friend could announce they’re expecting.
Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For May 2023

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
This week, you’re in the loop.
The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of work and coworkers. It’s possible you’re going to the office, and you haven’t been to the office for some time. Sagittarius, now there’s a lot of catching up you want to do as you see your friends and colleagues. This is exciting, but the long commute, traffic, or parking issues could take the shine off this experience.
On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of home and family. Sagittarius, there might be lots of talk about living arrangements and where members of your family reside. It’s possible that someone you care about is moving closer to you. Or maybe you’re thinking about moving back home. Today is less about action and more about visualizing the possibilities, and it looks like there are quite a few of them when it comes to dwellings.
Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For May 2023

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
This week, beauty and love go hand-in-hand.
The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of love and romance. Capricorn, consider going with your sweetheart for a stroll around the pond at a park or near the ocean. The two of you can enjoy the peacefulness of the water while you talk about your future. If you’re looking for love, consider going to a beautiful spot to take some pictures and see who you meet along the way. Or attend a photography class where you can explore your creativity with others.
On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of movement and dance. Today is a good day to master those new dance steps that you’ve been watching on social media. You could work on your country and western two-step or a little hip hop. Capricorn, you can get your heart pumping while you’re experiencing the joy of movement. This is a great way to exercise.
Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For May 2023

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
This week, stuck energy gets unstuck.
The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining Mercury retrograde in your house of dwellings. Aquarius, you might be giving a lot of thought to your home now. It’s possible you’re moving furniture around to improve the feng shui flow. Or perhaps you’re selling some excess items. You might discuss moving in with a family member (their house or yours). You are getting your house in order at this time.
On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in Pisces and your house of values. Now you might look at your investments and see if you’re supporting companies that line up with your values. Aquarius, it’s possible you’re finding some good investment opportunities connected with companies that support the environment or other causes that are dear to you. Following your heart can be profitable today.
Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For May 2023

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
This week, your popularity soars.
The week begins on Monday, May 1, with the sun in Taurus conjoining retrograde Mercury in your house of communication. Pisces, you might be very frustrated today when you get notifications that important emails are bouncing or you spill coffee on your keyboard and now it’s stuck with the Caps Lock on. On top of this, there could be a flood of incoming mail, emails, voicemails, and texts. But by the end of the day, the flood has reduced to a trickle and things are back to normal.
On Tuesday, May 2, Jupiter makes a semisextile to Neptune in your own sign of Pisces and your house of confidence. A friend might tell you how much they love and admire you. Pisces, this could come at a time when you’re feeling uncertain about your abilities, but those doubts are swept aside in a moment. A person you esteem thinks you’re amazing.
Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For May 2023
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