miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

Seriously—What Is Going On In This Photo Of Cheryl From ‘Riverdale’ Season 4?!

Fans are itching to know what to expect from Riverdale‘s upcoming season, but this photo clue about Cheryl in Riverdale season 4 has people more confused than anything else. The photo hint appeared on Twitter yesterday and it’s a lot to take in. You’ve definitely never seen Cheryl like this before, and pardon our French, but WTF is going on here?

The new season of Riverdale is on its way very, very soon. Like, in a couple of weeks. The air has been a-buzz with theories about what’s next on the show, from Betty and Jughead’s relationship to a Luke Perry tribute. And finally, season four is almost here! So of course, showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa is getting fans revved up by posting clues about what’s in store.

That’s all well and good, but when Aguirre-Sacasa posted this photo of Cheryl yesterday, there was definitely a record scratch sound. What. Is. This. Photo?! The image shows Cheryl dressed up in a sailor’s outfit, and her body is layered onto another semi-transparent image of her normal self. The photo is accompanied by the word “Chimera” and its definition: “A single organism that’s made up of cells from two or more ‘individuals’ — that is, it contains two sets of DNA due to placental fusion during development.”


The tweet says that this photo is in reference to the eighth episode of the new season, so, you’ll have to wait a while to see what’s really going on here. However, we can safely assume that something is going to happen involving Cheryl and twins. Chimerism happens when one twin absorbs another while in the womb, and Cheryl did secretly abduct her twin brother Jason’s corpse at the end of season three. Maybe they’re going to merge in some way? Honestly, who knows?

That’s only the beginning of the creepiness, though, because Aguirre-Sacasa also dropped a photo of Cheryl holding a scary doll a few days ago. The caption: “Hereditary. Evil runs in the family.”


Whatever this Cheryl situation turns into, one thing is for certain: it’s gonna be weird. Riverdale premieres on October 9 on The CW.

from StyleCaster https://ift.tt/2ldzoQU

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