viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2019

According to Your Winter Solstice Horoscope, Things Are About to Get Dark

Hard to believe that the winter solstice is here—but I’ve got the receipts (ahem, horoscopes) to prove it. Starting Dec. 21, the winter solstice marks not only the first official day of winter (despite how absolutely freezing it’s been for the past several weeks), it’s also the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere—oh, and it’s also the start of Capricorn season. So you can imagine there’s a lot of astrological shtuff happening on this day, and we’ve got your winter solstice 2019 horoscope to help guide you through this period (because it ’tis the season of giving, after all).

Now, if you’ve been feeling super hyped about achieving your goals and setting your longterm plans into motion (or even just coming up with longterm plans), that would all make sense because Capricorn season is upon us. And for the uninitiated, Capricorns are known to be full of pragmatism, hard work, ambition, and discipline (pretty serious creatures, I’d say). Come to think of it, it’s pretty funny how aligned the earth sign’s personality is to its corresponding season—winter, too, tends to be dark, cold and the perfect time to hole up and engage in some good ol’ self-reflection.

This winter solstice is also a great time to look back on everything that’s happened this year. You may even find yourself doing so through a Capricorn lens—full of analysis as you review what you’ve learned and how much you’ve matured over the past year) and planning (New Year’s Eve is just around the corner). There also might be a tinge of sadness there as you mourn the end of 2019, and that’s all very OK. That’s natural! In fact, I’d dare to say that you need the dark in order to see the light (that’s totally, like, a botched Bob Ross quote, or something).

Anyway, every ending just signifies a new beginning. So feel free to take some time to mourn 2019—but don’t forget to welcome in 2020, too.

Scroll through to read your horoscope, below.

How the Winter Solstice Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign:

STYLECASTER | December 2019 Full Moon in Gemini

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Aries –

The days may be short, but your mind is in overdrive as you plan for the year ahead and make good on all of your obligations and promises. Take advantage of the holiday energy and time off work to keep your life running smoothly. You’re in a flow—so move right along with it. Take care to create systems instead of solving individual problems one by one. Any hard work done now will pay off in the new year and beyond!

STYLECASTER | December 2019 Full Moon in Gemini

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


The holidays are a time in which we depend on and have to work around friend, family, and partner schedules. Do your best to be patient and flexible, remembering that nothing ever goes exactly as planned. Be positive and forgiving as much as possible—consider it your Christmas gift to the world. The darkness that the winter solstice can bring may make you feel a little more irritable. But with intention and heart, your sunnier attitude will prevail.

STYLECASTER | December 2019 Full Moon in Gemini

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Actually just doing the work will be the only thing that’ll make you feel better. Just do it. Whatever you’re avoiding or stressing over requires action. Stop distracting yourself with unimportant things and really tap into what you want and need. Pain is inherent in living a big, juicy life. So will you drag it out or face your monsters head-on and come out on the other side?

STYLECASTER | December 2019 Full Moon in Gemini

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Cancer –

Your health is of the utmost importance, Cancer. Now and always. There are so many sayings that we toss around like confetti. You can’t pour from an empty cup, health is wealth, put your own oxygen mask on first, help yourself first in order to help others, etc.—but it really is true. What is true for you? What reminds you to take care of yourself and your wellness, physical and mental and spiritual? Write that down on your mirror, on a sticky note, on your lock screen. Take a deep breath. Now, let’s go.

STYLECASTER | December 2019 Full Moon in Gemini

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


What a year it’s been for you, Leo. The solstice may just seem like another annoyance to deal with on top of everything else—and maybe it is. Or maybe it can be more. Use this short day to remember what it’s like when everything is going well and practice gratitude.

STYLECASTER | December 2019 Full Moon in Gemini

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Virgo –

Doing things is hard—but so is having patience and acceptance. Movement looks like progress, but is it always? Instead of spinning your wheels or reacting to your current state of the union, try thinking critically. Is this a problem? Does it need your attention right now? The winter solstice reminds us that life is short. How do you want to spend it? And whatever the answer is, make time for it.

STYLECASTER | December 2019 Full Moon in Gemini

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Do you know where your friends are? It’s one of my favorite lyrics by LCD Soundsystem. And it makes me think of you, Libra. How often you are sought out for fun or counsel. On the shortest day of the year, I hope you spend it with the people you love and those who love you. I hope you are able to see through a wider lens and pick out the things that bring you joy and put them in your pocket and ignore the rest. If only for today.

STYLECASTER | December 2019 Full Moon in Gemini

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Scorpio –

Emotions and perspective will rule your winter solstice, and that is okay. Give yourself some space from your general routines and thought patterns. Drive to the beach by yourself or to a coffee shop. Take a painting class or just walk around your apartment complex in a big, looping circle. No expectations. Just feel things and know that they will all pass, leaving you clean and absolved.

STYLECASTER | December 2019 Full Moon in Gemini

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Your generous nature loves gift-giving and the holidays, Sagittarius. But don’t let it bankrupt you—financially or otherwise! This winter solstice, plan out your finances. Look at your budget, what you’re prioritizing, and what you want in the new year. Everyone’s financial needs are different, and only you get to decide what is worth the time and effort of your labor.

STYLECASTER | December 2019 Full Moon in Gemini

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Capricorn –

Life keeps throwing you unexpected circumstances, and this winter solstice will be no different. The difference, really, is with you. You’ve grown so much this year, both in hard and complex ways. Trust that if you take it day by day—or minute by minute, whatever you need—that things will even out and you will get the break you need and deserve.

STYLECASTER | December 2019 Full Moon in Gemini

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Aquarius –

People want and need you, Aquarius. Your thoughtful nature and deep compassion draw people like moth to a flame. This is a blessing and a curse. Take care of your emotional energy and practice saying ‘no’. The truth is, there will be times when people need you and you may fall short of the mark. Do the best you can and leave enough room to take care of yourself.

STYLECASTER | December 2019 Full Moon in Gemini

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Pisces –

Dealing with self-doubt can be a life-long war—and especially now. Social media and cancel culture has created a prison-like atmosphere for so many of us—especially you, sensitive Pisces. Now is the time to face your insecurities head-on. Are they rooted in reality or an old story that you tell yourself when you get anxious or scared? Either way, naming your thoughts and dismantling them is the only way to freedom.


from StyleCaster

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