martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

Anxiety Is Written In The Stars RN & These 4 Signs Are Feeling It The Most

While we had only the highest of hopes for 2020, it seems to be the Year of Anxiety–everyone’s feeling it, and feeling it baaaaad. That said, some of us are feeling it more than others, and it’s not too hard to determine which zodiac signs are the most anxious. The fact is, certain people are naturally more prone to stress than others. For some, it’s genetics; for others, it’s situational. But maybe, just maybe, the stars have something to do with it.

There’s no denying times are tough: we’re in the midst of a pandemic, it’s election season, and climate change is very, very real. It’s hard not to step out of your apartment without getting a whiff of existential dread (or car exhaust). That said, your astrological sign can tell you an awful lot about your personality traits and tendencies, and the stars can shed some light on exactly who is stressing out the most. On March 16, Mercury—our beloved planet of communication—moved into Pisces, triggering many of us, particularly those with Pisces placements in vital planets, into an emphasized state of sensitivity in the way we express ourselves verbally (has anyone else been writing love songs?).

These sensitive feelings, combined with an incoming new moon, can provoke anxiety in even the most stable of signs (hi, Taurus!). While some of us are typically more grounded, others tend towards nervousness even in the brightest of times. Curious as to where your sign lies on the stressed-out spectrum?

Read on for the four most anxious signs of the zodiac.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Image: Haley Longbottom.


Sweet Pisces, you are so gentle. Even the littlest bit of agitation gets you weepy. When the world is in crisis mode, you bear the brunt of everyone’s emotions. This unconscious emotional burden leads you to question yourself and your decisions: “What’s my life purpose?” “Am I being too-much?” “Should I have sent that risky text?” If this sounds like you, give yourself a time-out from the emotional thought-spiral and ground yourself. A soothing, mindful meditation will be your best medicine. Remember: the sun is still in your sign until the 19th; utilize this vibe to your advantage.


Cancer: June 22 – July 22

Image: Haley Longbottom.


Motherly Cancer, much like watery Pisces, you feel eeeeeeverything. From your next door neighbor’s fights with her ex to your coworker’s deadline stress, you soak up those feels like a sponge. What sets you apart from Pisces, though, is your tendency to snap (and clap) back. When you get anxious, you put up a fight—that hard shell of yours becomes armor. Your anxiety comes across as anger. Retract those crabby claws and come back to center, Grumpy. Your healing touch is needed in these hard times—consider spending some time watering and singing to your plants. If you’re a serial succulent-killer, light some candles instead.


STYLECASTER | Zodiac Signs as Therapist Meme

Image: Haley Longbottom.


Earthy Virgo, your Mercurial nature and desire to keep everything just-so make you a great organizer, but that perfectionism can easily turn to madness. Why don’t you take a few moments to breathe? Not everything has to be flawless. Put down the bullet journals (no matter how cute they are) and take a break from designing your capsule wardrobe. If you can work past your need to succeed, you’ll be able to accomplish more than you ever thought possible: you just have to curb that type-A personality. Take time this week to make dinner for yourself. Borrow your mom’s crockpot and treat yourself, OK?


STYLECASTER | Zodiac Signs as Therapist Meme

Image: Haley Longbottom.


Intelligent Libra, though your air-sign nature often brings needed balance to arguments, your scales tend to swing back and forth, flinging your emotions from one end of the spectrum to another. One day you’re a social butterfly, the next you’re hiding in your room scarfing down Trader Joe’s Pad Thai, wondering when you’ll be able to get out of bed. When you’re filled with dread, it’s hard for you to utilize your potential. Realize your worth, and step into your power as a smart, sensual, and social child of Venus. The world is much kinder than you think.

from StyleCaster

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