martes, 10 de marzo de 2020

These ‘Westworld’ Season 3 Spoilers Reveal the Secrets Around Aaron Paul’s Character

Since Aaron Paul was announced as a mysterious character for Westworld season 3, fans have searched the internet for clues about who he could be. Is he a host or a human? The people need to know! As these Westworld season 3 spoilers hint, Paul’s character, Caleb, could be both. Of course, fans shouldn’t be surprised by a Westworld twist. As the season 2 finale shows, anything can happen in Westworld—both the park and the show, so as Dolores and the crew explore the outside world for the first time in season 3, expect the unexpected.

Westworld season 2 ended with Dolores (in Charlotte’s form) leaving Westworld with a mission to destroy humanity. It’s unclear if the futuristic Los Angeles viewers see in the season 3 trailer is the actual real word (again—expect the unexpected when it comes to Westworld) or if the characters are still in another alternate reality of the park. The third season of Westworld has been branded as the “New World,” which hints that the hosts will escape Westworld and find peace in the outside universe. So far, spoilers around the next season—which premieres on HBO on March 15—have been scarce, but there have been some leaks and theories as to what happens next for Dolores and the crew.

War World Will Be a New Park


Image: HBO.

Along with Westworld, season 2 introduced viewers to two new parks: Shogun World (feudal Japan) and The Raj (Colonial India.) There are spoilers that season 3 will introduce a fourth Delos park: War World. As we learned in season 2, there are four Devos parks, so far we know of three, but there could be fourth in the next season. Almost a year ago, a Reddit user discovered a URL for The website is registered by MarkMonitor Inc., the same company that owns other official Westworld websites and, according to Inverse. Further, Inverse also had a conversation with Aaden (a customer service bot on the Devos website), who didn’t deny the existence of a War World. (When Inverse asked the bot to take them to War World, it gave them a non-answer about how the location sounds familiar, whereas if a user asks the bot about something that doesn’t exist, it responds with: “That doesn’t sound like something to me.”) So what is War World? Well, the trailer shows Maeve and others characters running through a World War 2-reminiscent town, decorated with Nazi soldiers and flags, which fans assume is War World.

William Becomes a Host


Image: HBO.

Season 2 ended with a cliffhanger: Is William a host or a human? Based on the cryptic after-credits scene, fans weren’t sure if William had successfully copied his human consciousness into a host body. Fast forward to Westworld‘s “Your World” trailer, one of four edited trailers for season 3. The trailer features this line from Maeve: “You’ve turned a young man before, haven’t you…unleashed the darkness inside of him. Whoever he is, he can’t save you now.” According to Inverse, the editing leads fans to believe that the “turned man” Maeve references is William, which confirms that he is a host or becomes one later in the season. The line also hints at another human-turned-host…

Caleb Will Become a Host


Image: HBO.

Inverse also believes that Maeve’s line about a new “turned” person is Aaron Paul’s mysterious new character, Caleb. The trailer shows Caleb as a down-and-out construction worker who’s looking for a purpose to his life. Then he meets Dolores, and it’s assumed that she takes him under his wing. If Inverse’s theory is true, Caleb could be turned into a host to live forever. The transition would also likely give him the change to his life that he was looking for.


Image: HBO.

Guests Can Now Choose Host Storylines


Image: HBO.

One part of the trailer shows Caleb with a device (that looks like a smart phone) where he can choose the host storyline he wants in Westworld, from “Grand Theft Auto” to “Trafficking” to “Smash and Grab.” According to Inverse, the scene suggests that guests will now be able to choose host storylines in Westworld. This is a change from the previous way the park operated, which was that guests met hosts organically and were led to a storyline depending on their choices at the park.

The Maze Returns


Image: HBO.

The Maze isn’t gone. Inverse also noted that the trailer featured several shots of The Maze, including one as graffiti in an alleyway. As viewers remember, The Maze was a symbol and a way for hosts to gain sentience and escape the control that humans had over them. (Some may recall Dolores using mazes that Arnold left around the park to become sentient.) What does this mean? Well, Inverse theorizes that other hosts could use The Maze to become sentient like Dolores.

Charlotte Is a Copy of Teddy


Image: HBO.

As viewers remember, Charlotte died in the season 2 finale after Dolores posed as her in host form and killed her. Then she took her identity and escaped Westworld. The season 3 trailer still shows Tessa Thompson, which means that the character of Charlotte is back (though not as a human.) YouTuber Think Story pointed out a scene in the trailer where Dolores and Charlotte cuddle in the same position as Dolores and Teddy in season 2. Think Story believes it’s a clear Easter egg to suggest that Dolores downloaded Teddy’s consciousness into Charlotte’s host body.

Incite Will Be the Villain


Image: HBO.

A few months ago, HBO released a website called Incite, which seems to be a data-mining company, according to Think Story. The YouTuber believes that Incite will be the main villain of the season. How? We’re not sure, but the data-mining sounds like an invasion of privacy for humans that could lead to a complicated situation with the hosts.

Caleb’s Heist Is to Get Back at Incite’s Boss


Image: HBO.

The trailer shows Caleb with two characters played by Lena Waith and Marshawn Lynch as they attempt a heist. The trailer also introduces Vincent Cassel as a mysterious man who makes a deal with Maeve. Given the character’s appearance the lush house he seems to live in, he’s very, very wealthy, which led Think Story to believe that he found be the founder of Incite. Around this scene in the trailer, viewers hear Dolores tell Caleb that this could be his chance to get revenge on a man who took his future. Think Story put two and two together and believes that Caleb’s heist is his revenge on Vincent Cassel’s character. As for the details of their beef, guess we’ll have to tune in to find out.

Maeve Chops Off of Dolores’ Arm


Image: HBO.

The trailer also shows Dolores with one bloody arm a someone chases after her. Think Story believes that Maeve is the one who chopped off Dolores’ arm due to a scene later in the trailer that shows Dolores and Maeve meeting face to face. In the scene, Maeve has a sword (which seems like it could be samurai sword from Shogun Land, so it seems like Maeve is likely the one to cut off Dolores’ limb.


Image: HBO.

from StyleCaster

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