lunes, 29 de junio de 2020

Capricorn, Your July 2020 Horoscope Says It’s Time To Reassess Your Relationships

To put it bluntly: a lot is happening for you this month, Capricorn! Get ready, because a potentially life-changing, transformative and downright surprising lunar eclipse shatters the universe for your zodiac sign on July 5. Landing right in your first house of the self, this lunar eclipse will speed up the path toward your ultimate destiny. It’s time to grow up and leave behind what’s no longer serving you! Let go of negative relationships, bad habits and anything else that’s a waste of your time. You’re reaching new heights and your Capricorn July 2020 horoscope has all the details.

Even though this month is all about you and your own independence, your relationships are getting a lot of the spotlight, too. As a matter of fact, Mercury is retrograding through your seventh house of partnerships until July 11. This will help you see the truth behind where your relationships really stand, and will let you know how you can become a better partner, as well as give you insight into whether the people in your life deserve to be there. Who knows? Mercury retrograde may even reconnect you with an ex-lover or friend.

This could reignite the flames of love, but it could also be a chance for you to finally understand what went wrong, get closure and end things on good terms. Fortunately, on July 12, a bright and optimistic new moon in Cancer will shine a light across your relationships, giving you the chance to strengthen them and create new ones. You deserve someone who puts in just as much effort as you do, Capricorn—don’t forget it!

However, rejuvenating your relationships requires you to do a lot of emotional soul-searching. As Chiron—planet of healing—retrogrades through your sensitive fourth house of home and family as of July 12, take time to nurture your heart, acknowledge your deepest needs and work through any wounds preventing you from feeling safe and secure. Home isn’t necessarily a place, Capricorn. Sometimes, home is a state of mind. You deserve to feel “at home” in this world!

All of this is just the top of the iceberg, because when lively and passionate Leo season begins on July 22, it will activate your secretive eighth house of intimacy. Just remember, it’s not about how your relationships look on paper; it’s about what they’re made of deep down. Open your heart to a deeper love, Capricorn!

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