lunes, 29 de junio de 2020

Taurus, Your July 2020 Horoscope Urges You To Embrace Change

Pack your bags, Taurus, because your horoscope for July 2020 predicts you’ll be going somewhere very unexpected this month! When a lunar eclipse blasts through your ninth house of expansion and adventure on July 5, you’re pushed to take a step back and look at the big picture. There’s a whole world out there, just waiting for you to explore it.

It’s time to leave behind everything you thought you knew and open your mind to perspectives that shatter all those previously-held beliefs. You never know what could happen or where you’ll end up! If you’ve been feeling stuck or stagnant lately, this eclipse will provide you with the opportunity to change that. Don’t be afraid to say “yes,” even if what you’re agreeing to could change everything. A shakeup may be exactly what you need.

However, with Mercury retrograding through your brainy third house of communication until July 12 , you’ll probably experience some turbulence along the way of your exciting journey. Make sure you think before you speak, double-check every message before you hit “send,” and leave some wiggle room when making plans in case you run into delays. Luckily, not even this retrograde is enough dampen your passion for making new friends and chatting up interesting people, which is exactly what you’ll feel like doing most this July.

When a new moon in empathetic and intuitive Cancer opens up new doors in your third house on July 22, an important conversation may finally take place. It’s time to speak your truth and use your voice. Life is too short to remain quiet. In fact, this conversation may be incredibly healing on a spiritual level, especially when Chiron—planet of the wounded healer—stations retrograde in your 12th house of dreams on July 11. Give yourself permission to dig deep, even if being vulnerable about your true feelings terrifies you. It’s time to acknowledge the powerful stuff you’re made of, because we all contain both darkness and light.

With how busy your month of July is, you might be grateful for the sun’s shift into passionate and creative Leo on July 22. This will brighten your fourth house of home and family, making you feel like taking a break to soothe your heart. Everything else can wait!

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