lunes, 14 de marzo de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here⁠—Brace Yourself For The Full Moon & Spring Equinox

Greetings astro babies and welcome to full-on March Madness. Your weekly horoscope for March 14 to 20 is here, and this week brings the beginning of the astrological new year. If you messed up on your January resolutions, you have a second chance at sweet redemption.

Before that, we have Mercury in Pisces forming a sextile with Uranus in Taurus on Thursday. This aspect increases our collective intuition, making it a great day for discoveries and following gut feelings. Friday has the full moon in modest Virgo bringing us out of the daydreams of Pisces and allowing us to turn our dreams into reality. This is a great day to get organized and analyze any current goals to see what we still have left to do to achieve them.

Finally, the week concludes with the spring equinox on Sunday, ushering us into the astrological new year when the sun enters dynamic Aries. The sun is exalted in Aries, giving us a major boost of energy, confidence, and courage as we boldly charge into the new season ready for action. Go get ’em!

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Sharing ideas and beliefs can lead you to make new friends when Mercury in Pisces forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus on Thursday. Whether you’re attending a lecture, learning a new skill, or discussing things that interest you, you could meet someone with the same passion, making you fast friends.

You’ve learned a lot over the last few weeks, Cancer, but now it’s time to figure out how to use that knowledge during the full moon in Virgo on Friday. The moon in your communication zone encourages you to use your extended knowledge to help your neighbor or sibling in need.

Sunday has you feeling extra ambitious when the sun enters Aries and your career zone, where it will be for the next four weeks. It’s a brand-new season, and you’re ready to tackle your goals with passion and energy. You can achieve big things when you make a good impression.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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If you shared one of your secret dreams with someone lately, Leo, they might help make it come true when Mercury in Pisces forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus on Thursday. Someone close to you may help you get something you desperately want or give you the encouragement you need to get started.

Start by doing some major self-care during the new moon in Virgo on Friday. With the moon in your healing zone, it’s important to nurture yourself and do things that make you feel comfortable, from putting money aside for a rainy day to making yourself a nutritious meal. Adulting is self-care.

Especially since you have some big adventures coming your way when the sun enters Aries and your expansion zone on Sunday. Whether you take an impulsive trip across the globe or go down the rabbit hole with your next obsession, enjoy the journey!



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Forming a partnership and going over contract details could lead to interesting discussions when Mercury in Pisces forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus on Thursday. These discussions could expand your beliefs and philosophies, so go into them with an open mind. There’s more than one way to do something.

Shower yourself with self-love when the full moon enters your sign on Friday. You’re always looking to become your best self, but use the power of the full moon to appreciate who you are right now and acknowledge how far you’ve come. You’re doing great, Virgo!

The spring equinox ushers in some major changes coming your way as the sun enters Aries on Sunday. The sun is in your transformation zone, bringing to the surface everything that had been hidden in your life. A new season brings new changes, so if there’s something you don’t like about your life, change it!



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Take it easy this weekend, Libra, especially during the full moon in Virgo on Friday, which encourages you to spend the night alone. The moon is in your healing zone, allowing you to do some self-assessment as you sort out the areas of your life you wish to change.

Especially when Saturday could spell trouble in paradise as Venus in Aquarius forms a square with Uranus in Taurus, bringing the real world into your love affair. Sharing finances and resources could lead to some fights, especially if you feel someone isn’t pulling their weight.

Fortunately, Sunday brings the love back when the sun enters Aries and your partnership zone. Dive headfirst into your relationship, whether it’s starting a new love affair or recommitting yourself to a partner. However, it could also feel a little competitive over the next few weeks, so don’t start any fights you can’t finish.


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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If you have a creative idea that just needs a little help to take off, Scorpio, you could find your perfect creative partner when Mercury in Pisces forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus on Thursday. Together, you can make something amazing happen with your original ideas.

Return the favor on Friday and give your friends a helping hand during the full moon in Virgo. The moon in your social zone is encouraging you to support your friends right now. Give them your time, money, a listening ear, or just a shoulder to cry on.

After a long winter, you’re ready to spring into the season when the sun enters Aries on Sunday. With the sun in your habit zone, it’s an ideal time to make some positive changes in your life. Start by going to the gym or trying a new sport to get more active.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Think with your heart, Sagittarius, not your head when Mercury enters Pisces on Wednesday. With the planet of communication in your home zone, your thoughts drift more toward nostalgia. While this can be a restful period, try to ground yourself as much as possible. It’s easy to act on impulse.

Instead of being impulsive, try focusing on learning something new when Vesta enters Aquarius on Thursday. The asteroid will be in your communication zone, encouraging you to commit yourself to taking an online class or attending lectures. Just don’t let your blunt way of speaking get you into some serious trouble.

Sunday is family day when the sun conjoins Neptune in Pisces. Invite your loved ones over for a big dinner at your place. However, before you set the table, make sure you clean up a bit to make it seem like a dream home and not just clutter.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your week begins on a romantic note when Mercury in Pisces forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus on Thursday. Find ways to get intimate with someone using your words, from poetry to pillow talk to text messages that aren’t always safe for work.

Your weekend becomes intellectually stimulating during the full moon in Virgo on Friday. The moon in your expansion zone is encouraging you to learn something new that could help you get out of your rut. This is a great night to attend a lecture, explore a museum, or plan a trip.

However, don’t stray too far from home, Capricorn, because the next four weeks are going to be all about family once the sun enters Aries on Sunday. The sun in your home zone puts you in charge of all domestic issues, from buying a house to sorting through drama.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

If you’ve owed someone money over the last six months, it might be time to finally pay them back when the full moon is in Virgo on Friday. The moon is in your shared finances zone, so try to settle your debts. If someone owes you money, you could finally get it.

Sharing doesn’t always mean caring, something that you’ll learn this week when Venus in your sign forms a square with Uranus on Saturday. You’ve enjoyed your independent home life, but when someone new moves in, it could mean a major adjustment. Try to make it work.

Fortunately, the end of the week brings some relief when the sun enters Aries on Sunday. The sun in your communication zone will make it easier for you to express yourself for the next four weeks. If you’ve had some miscommunication issues, Aquarius, smooth them out when everyone will be charmed by you.



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You have quite a way with words this week, Pisces. When Mercury in your sign forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus on Thursday, you can talk to anyone you want with ease. Use your increased intuition to get what you want through your words.

Especially if you’re looking to ask someone out. The full moon in Virgo in your partnership zone encourages you to finally seal the deal with your crush and ask them out already. If you’re not looking for love, it’s an ideal time to finalize contracts and sign agreements. Make it official!

Keep a close eye on your finances over the next four weeks, because you could spend more than you realize when the sun enters Aries on Sunday. The sun in your value zone could make you a little impulsive when it comes to your money. Don’t buy things you don’t need.

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