lunes, 18 de abril de 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope Says To Treat Yourself Before Eclipse Season

It’s officially festival season, astro babes, and welcome it with your weekly horoscope for April 18 to 24. We bid au revoir to Aries season this week. It’s been quite the ride, especially with some of the tense Plutonian and Uranian transits we’ve experienced over the last four weeks. Unfortunately, eclipse season is upon us. Take a deep breath, because we’re going to get through it together.

I can’t promise that the season of the Bull will be that much better—prayers up for the fixed signs who will be particularly affected. Of all this week’s astrological hijinks, perhaps the most impactful is the sun’s shift into Taurus. Taurus epitomizes “treat yourself” energy, so the collective would do well to keep a wary eye on their spending, lest Gemini season catches us with light wallets (or even the horror of being penniless for the summer). As winter fades into spring, you might feel like a beautiful butterfly ready to ditch the cocoon. Definitely enjoy yourself this season—but within reason. You’ll want the freedom to do what you please when summer truly hits.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Monday brings the possibility of career changes, though they may be unwelcome, when the sun in Aries forms a square with Pluto in Capricorn. As your career takes a new direction, you might feel someone powerful is controlling your destiny. It’s time to choose if you should stay or go.

After four weeks of new beginnings, it’s time to slow down and choose your opportunities wisely when the sun enters Taurus and your value zone on Tuesday. It will encourage you to invest your time and energy wisely, Aries, which includes taking care of yourself.

Sunday ends on a rough note when Mercury in Taurus forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius. This aspect brings the possibility of getting into a fight with a friend about personal values. It could lead to some hurt feelings, so talk it out with a cool head if you want to save your friendship.

Related: Aries April Horoscope 2022: You’re On Fire & No One Has The Extinguisher


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If you’re looking for independence, you’re gonna need a boost from your friends when Venus in Pisces forms a sextile with Uranus in your sign on Monday. Get your crew together to give you a helping hand as you start walking on your own two feet again. Don’t be too proud to ask for help.

Your season is finally here when the sun enters your sign on Tuesday, and you’re more than ready to celebrate. Over the next four weeks, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to pamper yourself. Get a massage, book a hair appointment, and get some new clothes to keep your body happy and looking good.

Speak your desires into existence when Mercury in your sign forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Sunday. Asking for what you want can bring it to you much faster. Use your imagination and follow those dreams to get it, Taurus!

Related: Taurus—Your April 2022 Horoscope Predicts A Major Change In Your Life


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Yikes, Gemini! One of your friends might be mooching off you when the sun in Aries forms a square with Pluto in Capricorn on Monday. Don’t keep giving someone loans that they’re never going to pay back. Even if they’re a close friend, cut them off now!

After a busy Aries season, you’ll need to take some serious rest when the sun enters Taurus on Tuesday. The sun will be in your privacy zone for the next four weeks, encouraging you to stay still. While this could feel boring to you, it will be beneficial for your mental health. Book a Reiki session or do a sound bath to help.

Secrets are great for gossip but terrible for your personal growth and well-being when Mercury in Taurus forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius on Sunday. The secrets you need to keep could hurt your ability to expand your life.

Related: Gemini—Your April 2022 Horoscope Is Giving Money, Power & Glory


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Start the week by expanding your social group when Venus in Pisces forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus on Monday. This aspect makes it an ideal time to make friends while traveling or at school. These new friends could change things for the better.

If you’ve been working with an old laptop or cracked phone screen, it’s time for an upgrade when the sun enters Taurus on Tuesday. The sun will be in your tech zone for the next four weeks, encouraging you to invest in new technology and be more productive online (so stop doom scrolling).

A better world is possible, especially when Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Sunday. Use the good vibes of this aspect to think about ways you can best help your community. Dreams are possible, Cancer, but you need to ask for help to make them come true.

Related: Cancer, Your April 2022 Horoscope Is Filled With Adventure, So Buckle Up


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Monday brings trouble at work when the sun in Aries forms a square with Pluto in Capricorn. One of your co-workers is being extra controlling and domineering, limiting your potential and the possibility for growth in your field. Fight back, Leo, even if you have to look at other options.

Keep thinking about your goals when the sun enters Taurus on Tuesday. Your ruling planet will be in your career zone for the next four weeks, making you extra productive about the goals you want to achieve. Be patient. Your hard work will be seen by the right people.

The week ends on a sour note when Mercury in Taurus forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius on Sunday. You could learn the hard way that friends and business don’t mix. Feelings could get hurt if you hire a friend to work on a project and they don’t meet expectations.

Related: Leo, Your April 2022 Horoscope Spells A Relationship Upgrade


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Use the partnerships you cultivated to expand your mind when Venus in Pisces forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus on Monday. There’s a possibility of using your personal connections for travel or study opportunities. Even meeting up with a long-distance partner is possible right now.

Continue your quest for education when the sun enters Taurus and your expansion zone on Tuesday. If you’ve been thinking about going back to school, now is the time to do it. Or make this a quest for self-discovery to learn about your cultural background. Whatever your subject, Virgo, it’s going to take you on a journey.

Sunday brings a day of compromises when Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces. You can get the partnership or the deal of your dreams if you’re willing to put your cards on the table. You might get exactly what you want.

Related: Virgo—Your April 2022 Horoscope Could Reveal Your Soul Mate



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Start your week making important connections when Venus in Pisces forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus on Monday. Performing acts of service can create a bonding experience with someone special. This could be the start of a beautiful partnership if you allow yourself to be vulnerable, Libra.

Tuesday brings a yearning for change when the sun enters Taurus and your transformation zone on Tuesday. However, while changes are coming, it won’t be as fast as you may have hoped. Dig deep to explore what you actually need to change in your life, not what you think you want or because you’re bored.

Your creative endeavors are going to have to wait when Mercury in Taurus forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius on Sunday, putting business ahead of pleasure. Financial delays and an inability to get the money you need could slow you down and distract you from making the art you want.

Related: Libra, Your April 2022 Horoscope Wants You To Follow Your Heart


STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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You have a lot of things on your to-do list, but as the sun in Aries forms a square with Pluto in Capricorn on Monday, you may not even have the energy to get out of bed. If you’re feeling under the weather, Scorpio, listen to your body and slow down for your own good.

Especially since you have so much to do over the next four weeks after the sun enters Taurus on Tuesday. The sun will be in your partnership zone, making it an ideal time to create harmony in all of your relationships from business to romance. It might take some patience, but it will be worth it.

Start by forming a creative partnership when Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Sunday. This spiritual aspect is an ideal time to share your dreams with someone and start collaborating on creative projects.

Related: Scorpio—Your April Horoscope Is Brimming With Joie De Vivre



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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New ideas could clash with tradition when the sun in Aries forms a square with Pluto in Capricorn on Monday. You want to invest in your future, but you might feel restricted by the traditional values that keep you from exploring. Try to find balance without breaking the bank.

Fortunately, you get an extra boost of productivity when the sun enters Taurus on Tuesday. The sun will be in your habit zone for the next four weeks, and you’ll be working extra hard on self-disciple and forming better habits. You need to really focus even if it feels boring.

The week ends on a frustrating note when Mercury in Taurus forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius on Sunday. Something routine will take longer than normal because of restrictions and miscommunications. Be on your toes, Sagittarius, because life will try to throw you a few curveballs.

Related: Sagittarius, Your April 2022 Horoscope Is Reminding You That Home Is Where The Heart Is



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Power struggles with family could cause some serious drama when the sun in Aries forms a square with Pluto in your sign on Monday, especially if you’re dealing with strong egos. Stay calm but firm even if your family relations are on shaky ground.

After a long winter, take the next four weeks to stop and smell the roses after the sun enters Taurus on Tuesday. The sun will be shining in your pleasure zone, encouraging you to relax and have some fun. From getting back into old hobbies to having a spring fling, indulge!

However, don’t indulge too much this weekend. Mercury in Taurus forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius on Sunday, keeping you from doing what you want because of financial restrictions. While you might not be able to afford to go out, Capricorn, you can still find moments of joy creating beauty at home.

Related: Capricorn, Your April 2022 Horoscope Means You’re On The Verge Of A Brilliant Idea


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Spring is officially here, Aquarius, and after that cleaning, you’re ready to do some decorating when Venus in Pisces forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus on Monday. Elevate your space by buying something nice to show off your style.

Get ready to do some major adulting over the next four weeks after the sun enters Taurus and your home zone on Tuesday. This is an ideal time to do some much-needed home repairs or even consider moving to a new place. It’s also a good time to think about securing yourself financially for the future. Boring, we know, but it’s necessary if you want stability.

End the week with some family drama when Mercury in Taurus forms a square with Saturn in your sign on Sunday. Try to stay calm during an argument with a family member or you could say some harsh things you can’t take back.

Related: Aquarius—Your April 2022 Horoscope Says You’re Glistening With Luxury



STYLECASTER | Astrology Weekly Horoscopes

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Start the week by connecting with your loved ones when Venus in your sign forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus on Monday. Use this aspect to reach out to the people in your life and show them how much they mean to you. Write sappy love poems and feel those feelings!

Continue to express yourself when the sun enters Taurus and your communication zone on Tuesday. This is a great time to express yourself in artistic ways, from writing poems to changing your wardrobe. You’ll be spending a lot of time pondering your decisions before you take action, so don’t rush into anything.

If you want your dreams to come true, speak them into existence when Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Neptune in your sign on Sunday. Your intuition is heightened, so this aspect is ideal for journaling, dream analysis, and manifesting. Visualize your desires, Pisces.

Related: Pisces, Your April 2022 Horoscope Wants You To Shine Brighter Than Ever

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