sábado, 14 de mayo de 2022

Lunar Eclipse May 2022: Your Blood Moon Horoscope Is Taking No Prisoners

Gather your bearings, because the lunar eclipse of May 2022 is just around the corner. Taking place on May 16 at 12:14 a.m. ET, this blood moon is the last eclipse you’ll experience until October, bringing this current eclipse season to an end with quite a bang. Our first eclipse in this series was a solar eclipse in Taurus that took place on April 30, launching a new beginning centered on patience, stability and longterm growth. Now that a blood-moon-lunar-eclipse is blossoming in Scorpio—the zodiac sign that sits opposite from Taurus—you’re reaching the end of a chapter in your life, so embrace whatever the universe is bringing you next! Even if these changes feel unexpected, trust that the universe has your best interests at heart. Even if it everything feels uncertain right now, know that things will make sense in due time.

In astrology, eclipses are extra potent moon cycles that have the power to alter the course of your life. As an eclipse forms an alignment with the North Node and South Node, it create shifts in the celestial environment that might correspond with fated events taking place here on Earth. After all, the North Node guides you toward your ultimate destiny while the South Node encourages you to break away from what you’ve outgrown. This essentially means that an eclipse can bring you closer to what was always meant to be yours! The solar eclipse in Taurus encouraged you to embrace pleasure, sensuality and comfort, while the upcoming lunar eclipse in Scorpio is bringing you energy that is powerful, penetrative, raw and transformative. This lunar eclipse seeks to reveal the ties and attachments to your inner life that are holding you back from reaching the peak of your potential. And because this lunar eclipse will form a conjunction with the South Node, you may find yourself letting go of something that’s holding you back from true success.

Here’s what you can expect from this lunar eclipse, according to your sun sign, moon sign and/or rising sign:


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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You’re being called to focus on ties you share with external entities in your life. If something is controlling your self-worth and your financial situation, it may be time to reassess your attachments. If you’re doing something compulsively that is causing you to feel stressed about your financial goals, let it go. For many of you, these attachments are rooted in deep insecurities that may cause you to remain stuck in negative patterns. Turn the page on this book and create new connections within yourself! With the help of other beneficial people and systems that will support the new chapter you’re writing on yourself, you’re taking control of your future.


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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Big shifts are coming! You may be thinking more about who you want in your life and who you’re ready to part ways with. You’re coming into your future, and while parts of it were planned long ago, there’s also innovative energy stepping in to show you that your plans could use some updates. Faith in yourself and your prospects is what will keep you going when other people show themselves as unreliable. Your life is being built by your own energy and efforts, and if people want to come along for the ride, they’re going to have to prove why they’re worth it. The standards you keep will show you whether they can stay!


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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Its time for you to get up and face the limiting beliefs that have held you back from reaching your true potential. This lunar eclipse is asking you to raise your awareness, especially when it comes to what you choose to prioritize and place your value in. You’ve got too many skills to not be communicating your worth to yourself and the world at large! Set the terms and conditions so your larger than life goals can be met without any unnecessary reservations on your part. Show the people what you know you’ve got!


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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

There’s new awareness coming in that surrounds the things you enjoy from the past that could be holding you back from your future. What kind of ease do you seek to build and sustain in your life? It’s out with the old and in with new, especially if the people, places and things you’re currently engaged with are draining you. Know your worth. Embarking down the road to a new passion doesn’t have to be a difficult journey, but it will require some fluidity on your part. Being open can spark the joy you’ve been needing all along!


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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Major changes to your career are coming in hot! These changes are shifting the way your home and private life intersect, which means you’re going to have to start setting boundaries with work and relationships if you’re going to establish work-life balance. A move in circumstance or location is on the horizon, so pay attention to what needs to be left behind in order to elevate yourself. The cost is letting go of the old way you’ve been operating, but the reward is just as grand as you have always imagined it to be.


STYLECASTER | Horoscope Zodiac Symbols

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Where do you want to go next? And who or what are you bringing along for the ride? Remember, you are the captain of the ship that carries your life’s cargo! It’s your job to be responsible for your plans, ideas and the actions or inaction that proceed them. If you’re seeking to move up in the world, it could be time to find an advisor with wisdom and knowledge that can help you move out of what feels like a stagnant period of life. Listen to the wisdom that is being offered to you, because it can make all the difference.


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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

What do you value in life? Pondering this question can bring much truth to the surface. In fact, it may even show you how you’ve allowed your fears to hold you back from pursuing your passions and doing what’s right for you. You can shift that! Try giving more to yourself, especially when it comes to your routines, and watch your inner worth triple. This rebirth is likely to come with a positive change in the way money impacts the trajectory of your life. Don’t attach yourself to something draining, but don’t be afraid of making a commitment that has so much potential for longterm gratification!


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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Thanks to the lunar eclipse in Scorpio, you’re embracing so much clarity about the ways that old frameworks have been holding you back and keeping you chained to your past. Becoming a brand new you won’t happen overnight, but it does include engaging with yourself from a heart-filled space and re-cultivating innocence and pleasure through play and creativity. The deeper you connect with yourself and the more you’re open to the right people, the more you can change negative narratives surrounding your emotional bonds with your others. Embrace a healthier form of intimacy and don’t give out your trust to something that hasn’t earned it.


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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Welcome in a new level of faith, Sagittarius! You may be realizing how your scarcity mindset has been restricting your growth, so eradicate these limiting beliefs in honor of a stronger self-concept. It’s time to let go of the unnecessary fears that hold you back from living out the truest expression of yourself. Now, you must cultivate the support you need in order to achieve your mission and reconstruct the way you go about your daily routine. For you, this means having a plan and following through on it. This doesn’t have to be as difficult or boring as you think and your future self will thank you for it!


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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The time has come for you to start asking for more! First from yourself, and then from those you’re involved with romantically, platonically and in business. You need more breaks for pleasure, fun and creativity, and you’re the only one who can communicate your needs. If you’ve been feeling like other people are having too much say in your hopes and dreams, it’s time to redirect the way you do business in order to include you getting more of your needs met. You are no longer letting others control the way you go about your business and it’s time to put everyone on notice!


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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

During this lunar eclipse, information surrounding work and career will arrive that could bring a shock to the forefront of your mind. Reevaluate what you’re doing the most for and where you’re placing the majority of your energy. If it doesn’t benefit your long-term plans, you may want to reassess the situation. It’s time to make investments and sacrifices that help you cultivate the home life you’ve always dreamed of. The comfort and security you seek starts from within. Create a sanctuary that answers to your needs and watch the garden around you grow bountifully with progress.


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iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Speak your mind, Pisces. After all, the upcoming lunar eclipse is bringing a powerful transformation to the way you see the world and the way you learn new things. Reassess the beliefs you pour your heart into and the ideals you live by, because placing your faith in something that’s too good to be true might hurt you later. Instead of focusing entirely on the big picture, make sure you remember to consider the finer details. You’re gaining a stronger sense of clarity, especially when it comes to the way you communicate your thoughts and flesh out your ideas.

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